Night 52: Rec Field

Oct 15, 2010 14:49

[from here]This was already further than Sai had gotten the past couple nights, which was saying something. It was getting over the wall that would be the real test, though. The actual act of scaling the brick would be simple, but the night had an odd way of ending before he'd gotten beyond that point. Hopefully the same wouldn't hold true this ( Read more... )

sechs, naruto, guy, kay, lord recluse, anise, ilia, two-face, indiana jones, matt, asch, tk-622, claude, woody, sai, buzz, mello

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Comments 84

razing_phoenix October 22 2010, 09:19:04 UTC
[From here.]

As usual, the field was buzzing with activity, though most of it was difficult to pinpoint considering how dark it was, along with the distance between them and the other patients. Still, it was clear that they weren't alone, and that was reason enough to be careful. They couldn't just march across and expect to not be confronted by something or someone.

"We're heading for the wall; it's straight across," Guy explained, even though it wasn't actually visible from where they were standing. There were some floodlights that surrounded the field, but they were very come-and-go, and didn't give as good of a view of everything as he would have expected.

All it really did was play tricks on him. He kept glancing around, thinking that he saw something when he didn't.

"There's a good chance we'll get attacked by something, so be ready." That was all he said before moving toward the side of the field in hopes that they could sneak by unseen. It was a long shot, but he preferred to err on the side of caution either way.


full_score October 22 2010, 13:03:07 UTC
Apparently Asch decided to be reasonable and come along, and Guy didn't have any objections. Good, Claude thought to himself with some measure of relief, now maybe they could get moving now. He was sure that, if they ran into something dangerous, they'd all be able to put aside any differences long enough to handle it ( ... )


mirrorbirth October 24 2010, 11:54:18 UTC
Asch wasn't about to bring up his particular issues about staying close, even though he did work with them and make sure he kept up the pace. It was against his nature to cooperate with people or work closely with them. The only exceptions had been Ginji and the Dark Wings out of necessity, and he'd only done that because he could accomplish more with hired help working in the shadows. At least their loyalty could be bought; there'd been more guarantee that his own soldiers wouldn't betray him for Van. Here there was no money, no one to bribe or employ. And now he was with the last person in the world he would ever be able to win over with money.

Instead, he tried to focus on Claude's words, and keeping an eye on their surroundings. Monsters here, too? It figured. Just when he had no weapon or powers with which to defend himself. He knew how to fight without a blade, somewhat, but it wasn't at all his area of expertise. He looked sidelong at Guy. Speaking of weapons...

"My fonic artes don't work here. Where did you get that sword?"


razing_phoenix October 25 2010, 00:52:30 UTC
At the mention of flying monsters, Guy found himself tensing for a moment, though he didn't let it stop him from continuing forward across the grass. It was just that it reminded him of that night when the buses had broken down and those creatures had attacked them all in one huge swarm. He still wasn't sure if Aidou's hypothesis about who they attacked was really true (it seemed pretty unlikely), but either way, he knew that those aquila wouldn't hesitate to come after him. It was one more reason to keep moving as fast as they could without attracting attention to themselves ( ... )


doctorbadtouch October 22 2010, 16:05:54 UTC
[From here.]

Dinner and a show. Some little idiot had gotten herself caught, but that wasn't really any of Muraki's concern. He half-listened to Landel's rant, but he was no self-proclaimed hero so tonight's entertainment would be dreadfully dull for him, wouldn't it?

Muraki's flashlight flickered and died as he stepped out into the field. He didn't pause, but he flooded his senses briefly with the dead boy's life force. Though he sensed nothing familiar, the taste of it was like breathing again. Even the small amount of power was intoxicating after days of being imprisoned and restrained.

He took a last breath of cool night air and stepped into the next hallway.

[To here.]


loyal_soldier October 31 2010, 21:13:22 UTC
[from here]

TK cautiously made his way out, making sure to check for hostiles in all directions, including up. "The shed's over there," he pointed, keeping his voice low. "Keep a lookout, including towards the sky."


stealthetruth October 31 2010, 21:44:57 UTC
"What's in the sky?" Kay asked, equally low, and looked around with interest, flashlight shining. Oooh, walls! She bet she could climb those, even without a ladder. "And what's on the other side of those walls?"


loyal_soldier October 31 2010, 23:19:55 UTC
"Some sort of hostile avian," he replied, trying not to blush as he continued, "I know for a fact that they will at least specifically target me if they realize I'm here." Because apparently he seemed to contain enough virginity for three normal men at the very least.

"I don't know the area directly around the Institute. I've mostly been focused on helping others within it."


stealthetruth October 31 2010, 23:29:50 UTC
"So evil bird monsters." Kay tried to sound perky about that, too, but she hung a little closer to the nice tall army guy and kept looking up. "What've you got that they'll go after, or whatever?"

Kay nodded at that. "It's good of you to help people out," she told him, with a smile. "I'm guessing you know your way around pretty well, huh?"


gald_digger November 21 2010, 03:32:46 UTC
[from here]

The recreational field wasn't much different from when she left it before, though there seemed to be more patients outside... and more monsters, too. And, even though Anise had known it probably wouldn't work, she still felt a disappointed to see that her shadow had followed her outside too. Even worse? It was continuing on, acting as though Anise wasn't trying her hardest to get rid of it.

"... But I guess you like those naïve sorts of people, don't you? After all, Ion was that way, too. I bet he didn't suspect a thing when you--"

"Shut upAnise had enough. She didn't care if what this thing said was true, if she needed to be ignoring it, or whatever else. It had no right to talk about Ion like that! The girl tore away from Ilia, grasping her meat tenderizer with both hands. Hoisting it over her shoulder, she swung at the shadow creature. The weapon passed right through the darkness that made up its body, with the shadow showing no sign of pain or even displeasure. It just watched her with an empty smile ( ... )


avengingfists November 21 2010, 05:57:35 UTC
Damn it! Out here there wasn't any cover to hide in, not even the institute seemed to have a shadow cast by the moon for them to take cover. It was cold and Ilia was freezing, but inside something was starting to burn. The Shadow Anise had called the young girl a traitor. It continued to say she was using Ilia, and then it said she had betrayed Ion. Ion, the Fon Master, the one she was supposed to be guarding.

Maybe Ilia really didn't know Anise at all.

She stood for a moment, just watching the younger girl flail at her opposing shadow, and in that instant she felt hopeless. But she immediately began shielding her heart from those thoughts. She would not let this place lead her on like a puppet. And almost on cue, her own Shadow approached her, drawing her attention away from Anise.

"You think you can save her, but you know it's not true."

Ilia clenched her fists to her sides and remained close-lipped. Yelling wasn't going to help. It wasn't hostile towards them. It was only spouting words. Just words. Nothing more.

... )


gald_digger November 21 2010, 08:35:58 UTC
Looked like Ilia's patience had run out, too. So she had been fighting just as hard as Anise to keep her emotions from boiling over... but just like with Anise, her shadow wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of landing a proper blow.

Anise's shadow actually looked pleased that she was lashing out, as if she was only helping to prove its point. "Is it really okay to let Ilia see the real you? You might scare her away, you know," the shadow casually reminded her.

The girl had caught her breath by then, however, so she raised her weapon and swung again. "I don't care! I'll kill you!" The attack was slower and sloppier than before, and she could feel something warm and wet on her shoulder. On the back of her shirt, a dark red stain began to spread out from her wound.

Anise paid no attention to it. Even though the shadow remained unaffected by her attacks, she swung again. "I'll kill you!" she repeated in a desperate cry.


avengingfists November 21 2010, 23:38:19 UTC
Ilia normally would have kept an eye on Anise, but for now her attention was trained onto that Shadowself. It dodged her fist, then a kick. She stumbled and fell to her knees, then took a moment to catch her breath. It was a moment she would regret.

"He must already see how pathetic you are. Best in your class? Second-in-command? You collect titles just to hide your weakness."

"Stop it!" Ilia pushed herself to her feet, wincing as the skin on her leg pulled against that sensitive cut. She didn't have to ask whom the shadow was referring too. 'He' made it quite obvious.

"No wonder he doesn't see anything in you." The Shadowself wrapped its arms around its abdomen and keened. "He won't love me! He can't love me!""I'm. Not. LIKE THAT!" Ilia launched herself at the shadow again, but even in her angry haze she watched. She kept her eye on the thing's movement, watched the way it positioned it's feet, how it sidestepped and ( ... )


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