It might be quicker to check the stuff at the end of the hall first and work his way back. That way he wouldn't have to back track in order to get into the main hall. Yeah. Yeah - the morgue was marked on his map, but there were a few rooms around it that weren't labeled at all. Morbid as the thought was, it would be practical to keep the Sleep Studies close to somewhere where they could dispose...
Not thinking about that. No. That was not a possibility tonight. Nobody had said anything about people dying during the experimentation.
Yet his pulse was pounding all the more wildly for it. Peter gritted his teeth and sped even faster to the door square ahead of him, barely skidding to a stop before he ran into it. His free hand twisted the knob viciously.
Peter glared. Deep breath. He took two steps back, then shot his foot like a canon ball into the middle of the door. It hit with a raucous bang and a snap - he'd broken the lock clean out of the frame. The door had swung wide open and collided with the other side of the wall. Not as satisfactory as snapping the whole thing in two, but he had his way through now. That was all that mattered.
Peter's figure disappeared into the hall.