This time the climb up the stairs was a lot more exhaustive no thanks to his injury. Sechs' broken ribs made breathing more troublesome than he liked. After the first series of steps, Sechs took a moment to lean against the wall, his axe held close while his flashlight constantly searching into the darkness for any dangers. So far so good, considering what he had just encountered earlier that night. The drug in Sechs' back was starting to kick in however, but ironically, the pain in his torso helped him ignore the parasite's taunting. At least for the time being...
After a burdened minute of resting, Sechs grasped one of the hand railings and pulled himself up to the next round of steps. He couldn't loiter around too long, not when Landel's monstrous "pets" were running about the place!
Dammit, that radio guy's note had better be worth it if he manages to find it!