Night 51: Recreational Field

Aug 31, 2010 03:05

[From here.]

When Locke opened the door, he was greeted by a rush of fresh air-something entirely unexpected, on his part. It was too easy, wasn't it? When he looked around, all he saw was a field, a shed, and walls that blocked him from being home free. Lucky me, he thought to himself, as he looked around the surroundings. So far, he'd managed to avoid any sort of conflict, but he didn't want to take chances. The more and more he wandered around without a weapon, the more vulnerable he felt. It wasn't safe, he knew, taking Zack's previous words into consideration.

Taking a deep breath, Locke looked over to the shed-a little too far for comfort. Crossing the entire field for whatever was inside that shack seemed way too risky for his own good, as tempting as it sounded. Instead, he remained by the wall, careful not to make too much noise. If not the shack, then, just what was beyond this wall...?

No use worrying about it, right? Don't think-just do. The thought was a little too reckless for the situation, but he figured there was no other way.

He took several steps back, and when he was a good distance away from the corner wall he was about to scale, he made a full run for it. One step, two steps, and he jumped, making a grab for the top. No such luck, though. Catching himself before he fell too hard on the floor, Locke let out a quiet 'tsk' as he stared up at the wall. There were indents, but not nearly enough to give him enough room to reach the top. Vines had grown all over the wall, but could they support his weight?

Okay. One more try it was. Taking a couple more steps back than he had before, he made a dash for it again, and by some stroke of luck, he'd managed to grab the top of the wall, though the same couldn't be said for the rest of his body as it slammed against the wall. "Oh, ow," he muttered to himself as he braced through the pain, before pulling himself up to see what was beyond the wall. He didn't have much time to waste, yeah? And so, he looked around the area. He could see where he was, just how big the hospital was, and what was around him.

And there it was. Home free, except...

What Zack had said earlier still rang true in Locke's mind. Even if he was able to get out of here, nothing short of a miracle would allow him to go back to his own world given the mechanics of this world. And to go into the Great Dark Unknown without a weapon... it didn't seem logical. Instead, he looked to his right, where a courtyard was. Obviously, still a part of the hospital. As much as he hated it, he was going to have to stick around for a bit longer and for now, scrap the idea of exploring the outside world. It made sense, in a skewed, logical way, but Locke figured it couldn't hurt to stick around for a bit longer. Just not too long, he grimly added, thinking about his trail back home.

Good thing he climbed near the corner of the wall. Instead of jumping to the outside world, with a bit of effort, he moved to scale the wall completely, towards the courtyard. (And somehow, on a sadder note, it didn't feel right scaling walls in these clothes, smiley face included.)

leela, guy, kaito, depth charge, two-face, castiel, erika, sam winchester, indiana jones, celty, trickster, yazoo, claude, niikura, kayako, shinichi, locke, ruby, xemnas

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