Day 51: Sun Room [Second Shift]

Aug 10, 2010 10:46

[From here]

Of course. Yet another of his suggestions unheeded. The instant that von Karma entered the Sun Room, he nearly tripped over one of those blasted cats that tried to knead its head against his leg. Since the nurse's watchful eye was upon him, he nudged his foot against the furry nuisance to move it aside so that he could make his way to the bulletin board.

Hmm. It appeared that Franziska had already found his report and taken it down, even though he hadn't seen her at all today so far. It was just as well. He wasn't eager to even look at her, let alone speak to her. As for his note to Ms. Taura... no response yet. He frowned. There was no notice from the damned History Club offering assignments, so she couldn't have accepted one already. It was imperative that he get an answer regarding his own mission as soon as possible; he would ask the nurse about "Ms. Jackson" should he receive no response by the end of the day.

Two notes caught his attention, both from Ms. Ema Skye. One of them, in particular... so she had connections to Mr. Javert, did she? von Karma would have to keep an eye on this discussion; his name had better not come up in it.

After he was finished perusing the board and finding little of use so far, he found a secluded table in the corner and sat there, hoping that no one would disturb him.


leela, bella, scott pilgrim, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sam winchester, prussia, forte, amaterasu, renamon, claude, suzaku, yuusei, niikura, sophie, snow, lunge, mello, xemnas, roxas, tim drake, von karma, guy, venom, agatha, mele, kibitoshin, yuffie, erika, green arrow, trickster, zevran, sasuke, wolverine, ema skye, spock, nataku, l, justin hammer

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