Nightshift 50 - M1-M10 Hallway

Jul 10, 2010 01:40

Like Dean was supposed to believe the whole beaming down crap was supposed to be all for their benefit. You wanted to help someone, you didn't kidnap them from their homes - or friggen time machines like the Doctor - and then offer them great food and a pat on the head like that made it a-okay.

Whatever it was, this wasn't from the goodness of the ( Read more... )

goku (dragonball), suzaku, japan, nightcrawler, peter petrelli, hanatarou, dean winchester, sora, haseo, sam winchester

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Comments 37

osoreirimasu July 15 2010, 01:39:20 UTC
So the flashlights were under the pillows? In the dark, Japan had to fumble a bit before he was able to find the thing he sought. He missed the days when he was younger and had better night vision. Or....the days when he was younger in general. Except for that part about being controlled by China.

Okay, so maybe he didn't miss being young that much.

Sighing again, Japan clicked the flashlight on and grabbed a few pens as Himura had suggested, then he took a careful sweep of the room. Nothing else was in here and since both he and Suzaku were new, that likely meant they both only had the starter kit. Perhaps Germany would assist Japan in finding better items once the meeting was over. Japan felt his stomach twist at the very idea of another World Meeting here of all places. This was going to be a disaster. He could feel it.


osoreirimasu July 15 2010, 01:50:09 UTC
[going here]


whos_da_man July 16 2010, 02:41:51 UTC
Junpei did not like being sick. He also didn't like not remembering what all he'd been up to the previous night. Hopefully, he hadn't done something stupid.

Grabbing his sword, the teen headed out. He needed to check on Yukari and Aigis. Just to make sure they were safe. Maybe they had a plan he could slide on into. Beat having nothing to do.

[to here]


M8 toobothersome July 19 2010, 00:10:13 UTC
There was a time when Shikamaru would have been glad to sleep the day away. Even though that time had been less than a few weeks ago, it felt like another lifetime--and not just because it was part of another lifetime. The fact that he could remember associating sleep with peace was almost depressing. Like that'd ever happen again.

The morning, afternoon, and evening had been filled with groggy moments of consciousness, long enough to register the fact that he had responsibilities but not long enough to actually fulfill them before gravity drew him back into murky sleep, usually on couches, though more than once with his head buried in his arms on a cafeteria table. This time, when he woke into absolute darkness, the moment of panic was enough to snag consciousness against full awareness and he held that panic until he was on his feet, flashlight in hand. Still tired, still slower than usual, but...present. Which would have to be enough. He allowed himself a yawn, but that was it ( ... )


piggy_king July 21 2010, 15:23:54 UTC
Back to the daily grind, eh? Or was it the nightly grind? As Porky pondered this peculiar problem, he gave his trusty torch a spray of paint thinner on the top and lit it. If there was one thing that he had learned at his stay at the institute, it was that torches were awesome and that flashlights were for wimps. He had also learned that Sundays meant free shit, and Landel certainly didn't disappoint this time around.

A brief inspection of his drawer revealed that Landel had indeed left him a small ring, just large enough to fit on his index finger. He scanned it briefly.

"Huh." Porky muttered, half surprised, "It doesn't look too bad, actually. I may have to keep this once I get out."

Happily humming the Theme of a Bad Boy, Porky strode out of his room, eagerly awaiting his meeting with a fellow Guybrush-hater.


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