Nightshift 49: East Wing, Hall A

May 18, 2010 16:31

[From here]The last hall! HK had never been here before, but he'd long ago memorized maps of the area long before the censorship began on the bulletin, and generally ruined his daytime fun. He darted ahead through the darkness, examining the doors as he passed them. Aha! The janitor's closet. "Statement: Here it is." Improvised blunt weaponry ( Read more... )

mello, sora, neku, lugnut, matt, hk-47

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Comments 15

loyal_soldier May 18 2010, 20:45:58 UTC
[From here]

622 turned the last corner, mentally going over his memory of the map of this area. Last door on the right, five down. He kept most of his attention on the surroundings as he walked, counting the doors.

"Here we are, sir." He tested the handle. Locked. Not that it wasn't expected, but the door was just wood and a bit of metal, not a proper door at all. "Just needs a good kick." Which he was sighting for, trying to determine the right place to hit. It might just be wood, but he wasn't wearing proper boots. He didn't want to break a bone in his foot on something like this.


vodka_jump May 19 2010, 02:52:50 UTC
Russia gave the balcony a final glance before he followed TK further through the darkness. Nothing much to see. He did take note though, of what the man had said about the guards. Why guard that room? Was there something of value? Someone of importance? He left the thought incomplete as he continued on, enjoying their late-night skulk through the darkness.

Finally, they reached a door, which seemed as nondescript as all the others as far as he could tell. But apparently his things were here, if they were anywhere in this mad place. Luckily, Ivan had taken quite happily to the pair of winter boots in his closet before the night had even begun.

He let the sergeant have a crack at it, then wasted no time in applying a sudden and wood-splintering kick to the door, right near the knob. His sister could easily break the knob off in her bare hands just to reach the other side back at his home, he'd be pathetic if he couldn't do at least as much.

"Not bad, da?"

[[to here]]


hailmegatron May 18 2010, 21:15:29 UTC
Lugnut nodded, standing back to let HK-47 work. "It will be good, to have more weapons," he said, to fill the air with words of some kind.


arc_wrench May 18 2010, 21:24:54 UTC
HK scrutinized the door for a few moments, thinking through the precise move he needed. toes back, protect the weakest parts of the ridiculously weak meatbag foot... He kicked. The door cracked, and his foot fortunately did not. Further motivated to see the door break, he kicked again, breaking off the lock and letting the door swing in. Onwards!

[To here]


swornandbroken May 19 2010, 18:04:28 UTC
[from here]

Mello made the turn that would take them to the closet and the larger room beyond it, unconsciously speeding up. "Apparently both of us have been here before, too." Another glance back, to see how Matt took this. "I don't remember it either. Sounds like that's par for the course, another way this place fucks with people's minds.

"What did happen right before you got here?" Yes, he'd noticed the vagueness of Matt's answer before, and did he really think Mello would've taken him to a hospital? You had to walk past cameras just to get in the damn doors of one.


gamingsostfu May 19 2010, 18:37:42 UTC
"This is one screwed up place," Matt mumbled as he continued to follow, still pretty unsure of where they were going, but he still had this weird bit of trust in Mello, despite all the bells going off in his head, whispering that something was wrong. He ignored them, figuring that it was just Mello being Mello. "I sure as hell don't remember being here ever before - and this doesn't seem like the place you'd forget easily." Maybe they had done something to the both of them, to make them forget? Gone in with a shiny scalpel and lopped out pieces of their brains? It seemed unlikely that neither of them would've noticed any differences that would have caused, but where time travel was concerned, one could never really know for sure. And this place was obviously skilled in that area, since fucking L was here somewhere. Dead men can only be brought back to life with time travel - right?

As Mello sped up, so did he, though his chest was starting to hurt from the quick pace. Matt coughed, trying to stick close, but not too close ( ... )


swornandbroken May 19 2010, 21:39:01 UTC
The other Mello had come from later, Sai had said; but if that girl, Sen, had been telling the truth, the other Matt had been taken from about the same time as this one. Seemed like whatever control this damn place had over people's heads, it really did extend to tinkering with their memories once they left. But Mello had known that already, he just hadn't wanted to accept it. He sighed for what felt like the tenth time in this conversation, realizing he'd accepted it anyway.

That didn't mean telling Matt what the deal was would be enjoyable. "Don't you think anyone who got out would come back here with cops and a SWAT team in tow if they could?" Or with the means to carry out other, less legal, plans for revenge. "This place... does things to people." He caught his free hand lifting of its own accord to the back of his neck, and turned the motion into brushing at his bangs ( ... )


scintillatingly May 20 2010, 06:21:08 UTC
[From here.]

"The thing is," Sora added as they rounded the corner and finally got to the hallway that should hold the file room Neku was looking for, "the club has been losing a lot of members recently." Even though he tried not to think too hard about it, Sora had still noticed the way the amount of groups had been getting smaller and smaller as time went by. Either people were disappearing, or they were losing interest, and neither was good.

On the other hand, if things fell apart, Sora would just work something else out with Riku. He wasn't sure if his friend had specific ideas, but the older boy probably needed some more time at the institute before he really got his bearings. It took a while.

"Anyway," he said with a glance around, "how many doors down is the file room?" He had a hunch for which one it was, but it was best to check the map and be sure.


composers_proxy May 21 2010, 06:02:11 UTC
Sounded like the Arts and Crafts club was pretty involved, despite the dorky name. Something to think about, he supposed. Probably a good way to make friends or whatever. Not that he needed to, but just in case he needed a hand with anything.

But the losing members thing was a little worrisome, especially since Sora kind of glossed over the details. Losing people how? Was the work too dangerous? Or were people just losing interest? It was hard to think that anyone would drop out of a club dedicated to getting everyone back home, so he was left to assume the worst.

The question remained though, what did he want to get out of being here? He wasn't the hero type, but he didn't want to be stuck here forever either. Helping out a group that seemed to be doing their best toward escape was probably the best option ( ... )


scintillatingly May 21 2010, 08:11:17 UTC
"Yeah, I mean, if you're ever interested, just keep an eye out for the Arts and Crafts stuff on the bulletin!" Hopefully everything would be back to normal by tomorrow. Doyleton always shook things up, but he wanted to hear from the Tsubaki and the others sooner rather than later.

Maybe Riku didn't like the whole thing, but Sora had still made friends through the club. He just couldn't ditch it so easily. If only he could get his friend to understand that...

So it was the door he'd thought it was! Stepping up to it, Sora grabbed the knob and then found that it was locked shut. "Man," he griped as he pulled away from it and eyed it with set determination. "Looks like we better ram it. Want to try and kick it in at the same time?" If they combined their strength, the lock would definitely break faster.


composers_proxy May 23 2010, 16:42:23 UTC
That did make a little more sense. He'd seen the notices before and hadn't given much thought to them. Knowing that they were part of this club thing that actually went out and did stuff at night was a slightly different story. He nodded. Might as well look into it.

Ramming locked doors had a distinctly familiar ring to it, but somehow he doubted they'd be able to find keypins anywhere to get by. First of all, there were no red-hoodied reapers around to either fight or fulfill a requirement in order to have them unlock the next area. The way things worked here at least let them go at their own pace. So if the door was locked? Yeah, why not give it a try.

"On your count," he said, taking a few more steps back to ready himself.


giftofstars May 21 2010, 05:19:59 UTC
[from here]

Sakura flashed her flashlight down the hall and realized that the end of the hall seemed to be approaching. Perhaps that meant that they were almost there? Still clinging to his arm, Sakura looked up at her brother and asked, "Onii-chan, are we almost there?"

Internally, she hoped so. She had a dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach that something strange was going to happen, yet she had no basis for this assumption other than her instincts.


guardiancomplex May 22 2010, 04:32:21 UTC
Touya let Sakura cling to his arm--he felt better with her close to him. And slightly vindicated. Yue's snipe at him hadn't gone unnoticed by Touya. Of course then Sakura had clung to his arm and it appeared that Touya would be the one protecting Sakura, even if he was thinking about something else. He glanced neutrally at Yue.

"I thought you were handling that," he said lightly, almost as an off-hand comment. He stopped in front of the door to the closet, frowning a little. It had been kicked in. Well, less work for them.

He pushed the door open.

( To here.)


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