Night 49: Doctor’s Office 6 [Dr. Wilson]

May 17, 2010 19:31

[from here]

Although he had been expecting to move quickly, Brook felt less than inclined to move hardly at all as he stepped into the next room. A bit of a dizzy feeling struck him, something almost like when he'd first gotten on a ship, but he kept his feet somehow and shook off the strange feeling. "My, how unexpected," he breathed, wondering if perhaps his dinner might not have been agreeing with him. It had been quite spicy, after all.

But then he realized that it wasn't just himself that felt somehow off. They had just entered what should have been a rather wide room, however when Brook flashed his light ahead, he was easily able to see another wall not too far ahead of him. That... did that make sense? Surely not in the Sun Room. He'd been in the room on numerous occasions, and never once had he been led in to find before him a wall that he could probably reach out and touch.

"Eh?" was all Brook could manage to say at the confusing state of things as he continued to shine the light around. Desk, chairs, cabinets - all in a relatively small space that was the room. "Didn't we just...?" he said, trying to think through things but coming up with no real explanation for why the Sun Room doors had led them into this small room.

minato, depth charge, hime, tenzen, brook

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