Night 49: F1-F10 Hallway

May 15, 2010 13:17

Her roommate was gone.

Whether she was released-gone or dead-gone, Yuffie didn't know. No way to find out, either; not until dayshift. And, honestly? While Yuffie was curious-hard not to be!-she was torn. Should she look into it? Should she just leave it? It wasn't like she even cared.

As she finished pulling on her own clothing, Yuffie elected to hold off on any investigation, and to not go raiding through the woman's stuff. It'd lead to trouble, trouble that she could do without landing herself in. Sen was connected with Okita, and Yuffie wasn't in a hurry to lose that guy as a casual, fair-weather ally. He had a good fighting spirit, skill with a sword, and an appreciation for pranks. Only mega-huge downside was the psychobitch tendencies and his feud with Kenshin.

After a quick inventory (knives, check, shuriken, check, pipe-cleaner, check, other miscellaneous bits and pieces (flashlight not included), check, candy, check!), it was time to go.

[To here]

evangeline, chise, yuffie, minako, yomi, taura, ange

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