Since Landel's idea of fun usually rivalled Hojo's, Yuffie tried really hard not to find the dull, monotonous, tedious stretch of hallway boring. Boring was good. Boring was… boring. Boring, boring, boring.
She had to wonder how people did it. Living in the same place, second after second, day after day, spiralling out into weeks and months and years. A while ago she might've gone totally psychonuts within a week or two. Now she was pushing on three, and wanderlust was threatening to choke her. Good thing she'd be getting out for a while tonight, especially after last night's fail-fest.
In a desperate bid to spice things up a little, Yuffie slipped into a playful not-routine. A ninja-y walk turned into a ninja-y skip n' hop, into an aerial cartwheel, into a back tuck-pike-layover set that brought her to the wall beside the door. "Not too shabby," she congratulated herself. She'd had years upon years of practice keeping her shuriken in hand during gymnastics routines, but with the Institute being what it was, a bit-okay, a lot-of practice was gonna come in handy.
With a twirl for flair and a bounce for fun, Yuffie slipped out of the women's block.