Night 47: Outdoor Patio

Feb 20, 2010 18:11

[from here]

Sheena eased the door open and peered carefully out. So far there wasn't anything circling overhead or waiting, but that would only last for so long. Stepping outside, she drew in a deep breath, preferring the chilly air to the stuffiness of inside.

As the breeze played across the patio, tugging on the strands of her hair, Sheena half-closed her eyes as she automatically searched for her pact with the Sylph. It was there but not - so close yet so frustratingly far away. Gods, she missed her pacts. She could only hope tomorrow night went well and Yukari agreed to the summoner's proposition. But enough of that; she needed to focus on the here and now.

"Look up," Sheena said, nodding her chin toward the third floor towering above them.

yuffie, claude, guy, sheena

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