Night 47: Main Hallway, 2-Center

Feb 12, 2010 00:52

[from here]It was times like this he had to wonder if he was the only damn person in this place who still cared about finding the fastest way home possible. Which probably wasn't true, but hell. Seeing as the only people he'd worked with so far had 'stealing books' as a goal or were setting up training nights, it was no damn wonder he was feeling ( Read more... )

utena, anthy, aerith, yuffie, ruby, mccoy, spock, raphael, zack, dean winchester, erika, sam winchester, xemnas, the scarecrow

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Comments 72

exbride February 11 2010, 17:38:07 UTC
As the sound of footsteps approached the empty hallway, something overhead twitched into life.

Floating at the center of the railed area which dipped below into the Sun Room was a girl in a red tunic, with gold bangles on her ankles and wrists and long, unkempt hair that obscured her face. She hung limp like a ragdoll, seemingly suspended by nothing, except for the presence of endless swords digging into her frame -- spiraling around her like sun rays and focusing on her midsection. Moaning, she tossed her head around and writhed in pain as they shifted restlessly, searching for new skin to pierce and hushing out human whispers.

A witch ...

An eerie red glow washed over the sight. Blood trickled down her bare legs and dripped off her toes. Anthy stirred at the presence of another patient, and so did the swords. They became noisier, hissing indignantly; three or four dislodged and pointed directly at him without yet crossing the rails.

"Help me," she croaked, eyes cracking open and boring into the other patient.


roseoverture February 11 2010, 21:18:03 UTC
[From here. If Raph wants, he can join this thread. If not, Utena can cover his escape.]Himemiya hadn't been at the top of the stairs. Utena hadn't really been expecting her to be at this point. She was running too fast for Himemiya to have made it this far ahead of her. "Himemiya, where are you?" Utena called out again, though she knew it wouldn't do much good. She was probably behind some doctor's door right now, and Utena wasn't there to stop any of what they were going to do to her. She had to find the right room. But where would it be? Where were those labs and offices? She couldn't remember the maps. All she knew was that they were up here somewhere ( ... )


donetakinorders February 12 2010, 00:49:08 UTC
Raphael froze as something moved up there, finally shaking him out of the thoughts that had chased themselves around and around his head since he'd left his room and making him think back to the few vague mentions of monsters he'd heard around the place. He hadn't really run into any of those things himself, but he knew better than most not to think that meant anything.

A soft moaning noise came from the indistinct shape, as well as a strange rustling noise that may have been the sound of people whispering just at the edge of his hearing. Whatever was causing the noise, it made his spine itch and the hair on the back of his neck stand up - which wasn't exactly a pleasant experience, considering he'd never had hair before. He shifted slightly into a more defensive stance when a red glow filled the area, illuminating in grisley detail the swords, the girl, the blood...

"Holy shit," he breathed, his eyes widening at the sight. There was no damn way anyone could survive that kind of damage, and it had to be some kind of miracle that the ( ... )


exbride February 12 2010, 02:47:42 UTC
As instruments, the swords were simple, medium-length blades, but their numbers made it seem like there were hundreds. The ones not able to find a place to stab at Anthy instead swirled furiously in a circle about the center of the Sun Room halls. Anthy was the point at which they revolved, but they were possessed by and made alive by human-like qualities. The whispering did not stop.

"Witch," they hissed again, jostling about the bloodied girl. She should have been dead, but Anthy merely bled and twitched in place -- her eyes widened almost imperceptibly when a familiar face appeared and called out her name. Everything froze as an eerie quiet replaced the rustle of movement from the swords flying about ( ... )


scarefaux February 14 2010, 19:26:02 UTC
[From here.]

Speaking of the Horrible Hallway, it seemed strangely devoid of witches and somethings- or it did until the pair reached the center of the hallway. The Scarecrow had thought briefly that maybe he'd just been unlucky until this point, and that the hallway was no more horrible than the rest of the institution. The closer they got to the area above the Sun Room, the more apparent it became that this night would be no less dangerous than the others.

The Scarecrow stopped as he heard the sounds of clanging metal- that was certainly a sound he'd not expected to hear when roaming the halls. Ahead, flashlights were moving wildly, glints flashing in the dark during a scuffle. "Look there!" he whispered loudly to Abe as he pointed a finger in the direction of the action.

He wasn't sure what to make of the situation. Whatever was out there- the Mangled Witch or somethings or perhaps worse, whatever worse could possibly be- would probably see them trying to sneak around, even if it was distracted with other patients. At ( ... )


bprd_fishman February 15 2010, 23:33:44 UTC
Good. Lord ( ... )


scarefaux February 16 2010, 05:36:23 UTC
While he wasn't exactly sure what was happening in the center of the hall, the Scarecrow figured Abe was the professional at this sort of thing- he had said that, right?- and that going with his instinct was probably safer than going with his own. Broken brains were sure not to work well, and he'd promised himself he'd not make any rash decisions for the night.

"Oh trust me, I'm quick on my feet," he answered with a nod, his grip tightening on his flashlight. If they were going to make a break for it, he was going to be sure to not lose his light. He had dropped it plenty of times without running as it was, not to mention trying to use it as a weapon against the Mangled Witch. It wasn't effective on her, and it was likely it would be just as lame against whatever monstrosity was in the darkness ahead. "If you think we should high-tail it out of here, I'll be right behind ya."


bprd_fishman February 17 2010, 01:47:24 UTC
"Not out of here." Abe pointed one thin finger down the wall leading to the other side of the Sun Room balcony. "Down there. There's a door at the other end, it should offer us protection." He didn't mention that its existence was mere speculation and that Abe couldn't actually see that far ahead. No need to worry the poor man.

"Just stay behind me and keep running. I'll protect you," he said firmly, turning back so he could put a comforting hand on the Scarecrow's shoulder. He wasn't given to great range of facial expression, but he tried to look as sincere as possible.


dual_worlds February 19 2010, 08:03:46 UTC
((From here.))They hadn't proceeded far into the hallway when Spock slowed down. In the dim lighting, he was barely able to see a humanoid form apparently floating in mid air. If he wasn't mistaken, two others were involved, carrying themselves as though they were engaged in combat. It was difficult to gain a full grasp on the situation -- only that the floating figure appeared female, and that some sort of odd substance or energy was emerging from its center and enveloping it. More than that, however, it was likely hostile as well ( ... )


hes_deadjim February 19 2010, 16:53:25 UTC
McCoy heard the scuffle before he saw it. It was a strange clang of metal, several thuds and the tread of different set of feet, followed with the smell of blood in the air. McCoy started to lift the flashlight before he thought better of it. He cupped the flashlight instead, blocking out most of the light instinctively. Even with the beam mostly covered, he could see at least two humanoid shapes fighting off a strange mass. Then one of the shapes cried out something (a name?), and McCoy knew then with a sudden horror that they were patients. The doctor started forward, instinct saying to help them somehow ( ... )


dual_worlds February 20 2010, 02:42:49 UTC
The situation would have been different if they were carrying better equipment. If they had possession of their phasers, for example, there would have been little question as to whether they were even capable of lending help. But the fact remained that they only had one weapon between them -- a blunt object that couldn't be solely relied upon to maintain their own safety, much less drive one of the institute's creatures away. Furthermore, the glint of a patient's sword wasn't lost on Spock, and it was apparent that they at least had the means to make an escape if they needed to ( ... )


(turning into the Sun Room Hall) hes_deadjim February 20 2010, 06:43:40 UTC
McCoy was still silently cursing Vulcans and their damned logic even as he followed him.

Spock was utterly right. Those patients could just retreat (assuming that creature didn't follow them), and realistically, they'd just get underfoot if they tried to help just now. Could even make things worse by presenting a distraction. As much as he hated to admit it, McCoy had to admit the logic was sound. Spock was right, perfectly logical as always, and it suddenly annoyed McCoy to high heaven. Even if they were plenty of reasons not to get involved, it was awfully cold to just move on like that. Those were other living beings there, people in trouble ( ... )


witchdetective February 20 2010, 03:31:22 UTC
[ from here ]

More explanations would have to wait until later, Erika realized, as they stepped further down the hall. A glance at their surroundings confirmed her assumption that they were now right above the Sun Room, but it was occupied already; by a pair battling what looked like a truly grotesque monster. From her vantage point, Erika couldn't even make the thing out as a human, so "monster" was really the only way to describe it ( ... )


itneverwas February 20 2010, 18:38:18 UTC
Dr. Landel, such was the name of the one who had succeeded from pulling a nonexistent being - a mere shell - from the nothing to this world. A world that at least consisted of an mental healthy facility carrying the same name as the one in charge, yet further details remained part of the unknown. Xemnas had yet to hear an intercom announcement as well ( ... )


witchdetective February 23 2010, 17:32:42 UTC
[ to here ]


petalwitch February 24 2010, 08:00:07 UTC
[from here.]

Aerith was silent for a little while as she led the way. She couldn't help but wonder, though. It was so odd... What were the odds that Zack knew two members of AVALANCHE? And Cloud... It was all too much.

"Zack, did Cloud... say anything?" she started as she turned a quick left toward a railed area that overlooked the Sun Room. Aerith was about to stop in her tracks, to turn and look at the man who followed her, when something caught her eye. A figure, suspended above the Sun Room with... something impaling her body. She almost dropped the flashlight, stopping abruptly.

"Wh-what is that?" she whispered, horrified. Was that... a girl?


zack_fair February 26 2010, 05:10:28 UTC
Following after Aerith diligently, Zack found himself kind of surprised that she had so little to say about Yuffie. It seemed more than just a random coincidence that they'd both ended up meeting the same weird girl, after all. However, when his friend instead brought up Cloud, Zack started to wonder if that had distracted her from everything else he'd said ( ... )


petalwitch February 26 2010, 06:05:15 UTC
Aerith couldn't look away. The girl... There had been a hole in her torso with shadows pouring out and a sword in her hand. Moments ago she'd hung impaled by countless blades. The flower girl had seen monsters, all kinds of twisted-looking creatures in her adventures, but this seemed more disturbing somehow. Something was deeply, deeply wrong. Gathering all her courage, Aerith's fingers tightened around her "weapon" as she readied herself to do something, anything to help ( ... )


petalwitch February 26 2010, 06:18:18 UTC
[to here.]


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