Night 47: West Wing, North Hallway 1-A

Feb 10, 2010 11:14

[From here]The hallway led into yet another hall, but this time there was little to recommend one direction or another. It stretched on to both the left and the right, and without the use of the torch, he wasn't sure which way to try ( Read more... )

sechs, hanyuu, guy, remy, yuna, two-face, beatrice, impulse, edgar, england, the scarecrow, prussia, indiana jones, claude, guybrush, aerith, sylar, battler, lunge, tyki, mccoy, zack, mello, l, the flash

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Comments 73

its_the_mileage February 10 2010, 21:39:59 UTC
from here]

Well, here he was, assuming (which Indy did) he'd gotten Ryuuzaki's little code right. Indy swept the corridor with the flashlight beam, found it empty except for him, and settled in to wait. So far, the radio hadn't done anything worth noting.


herr_inspektor February 11 2010, 09:56:28 UTC
[From here]

The hallway Lunge stepped into greeted him with a silvery flush of moonlight from the far door, just pale enough to warrant a quick inspection with his flashlight. He needn't have bothered, it turned out- the man waiting against the wall was the only other living thing around. It took a moment to recognise him in those clothes- certainly not the Institute's uniform, not to mention that hat- but when he did he didn't waste any time.

"Good evening, Dr. Jones. I haven't kept you long, I hope?" He moved closer, looking the man up and down before nodding approvingly at the radio in his free hand. Good. "I was hoping that one of us would bring one along."


quarter_english February 11 2010, 15:04:26 UTC
[From here.]L kept his eyes and ears open as he continued through the halls, and when he reached the point where he'd arranged that he and Lunge and Jones would rendezvous, he was pleased to see that the other two men were already there ( ... )


its_the_mileage February 11 2010, 18:58:36 UTC
"Just a few minutes, Mr. Lunge," Indy replied cordially. Apparently they were still using professional titles to each other's faces. All the politesse made the whole thing feel more like a cocktail party than a mental institution field trip, but luckily the resemblance was only skin-deep. Indy felt he could at least count on these two to be professional and efficient, if not necessarily trustworthy. He wondered idly if Lunge was armed ( ... )


tyki_pon February 11 2010, 18:27:07 UTC
[From here]

Looked like his new room wasn't that far away from his old, Tyki realized as he stepped out into the next hallway. At least the block his room was located in was still the same. Not that it would've mattered either way.

He cast a glance around the area and spotted a group of three men a little further away, but decided not to bother with them. Instead, he headed south with a shrug and casually continued on his way. Even with the threat of monsters around, it simply wasn't in his nature to worry about them.

Let them come, killing them should be somewhat fun, even despite their lack of screaming whenever they died.


tyki_pon February 11 2010, 18:31:16 UTC
[To here]


petalwitch February 11 2010, 23:28:34 UTC
[from here.]

Finally! It looked like her memory was leading her in the right direction, with a little trial and error along the way. This was the right block of rooms, wasn't it? Deciding to go and give it a closer look, Aerith headed left and down the hallway into the men's block. So far so good!


petalwitch February 11 2010, 23:35:57 UTC
[to here.]


7_to_midnight February 12 2010, 02:45:18 UTC
[ From here. ]

Sylar would have liked to crack a smile at the sight of the exit down the hall, but he knew much better than that. Sure, he could get some fresh air, stretch his legs, and not get mauled if he was lucky, but he'd still end up in the same damn bed in the same damn room with the same damn voice on the intercom.

So, instead, he grit his teeth as he headed forward.


scarletspeedstr February 12 2010, 07:24:16 UTC
[from here]

Right, so the way out should be at the end of this hall, if he remembered correctly.

"And another thing," Wally directed at the air somewhere above him, nowhere near done with his long list of 'Things I Need To Complain About Re: Landel's Institute'. "I really wish whoever it is would stop drugging my roommate. I mean, I remember when we used to have conversations and stuff. When he was, you know, upright and awake and could talk and move around on his own. I'm staring to think someone switched him out with some kind of robot or something. If he's out of it next time I see him? I'm gonna get a marker and draw on his face. You'll probably stop making him sleep all the time if he's got something to complain about. I hope.Right, so that was hallways and drugging people covered, now Wally could work his way up to other things like the constant talk about paperwork and ( ... )


7_to_midnight February 13 2010, 08:57:09 UTC
There were enough people wandering the hallway and talking that Sylar didn't notice one particularly familiar voice until it was too close - and too excited - to be avoided. Sylar stopped for a second, rolling his eyes widely and gritting his teeth in frustration before turning around with an altogether warm and pleasantly surprised grin.

"Hey, Wally!" he said, taking a couple of steps to close the distance between himself and his 'friend'. He clapped a hand on Wally's shoulder and considered this turn in events - it was.... annoying, yes, and he'd have to do his best not to run into anyone who'd recognize him as Sylar, or even Gabriel, but nighttime was nighttime and Sylar had never yet had an opportunity to see Wally's power.

Or use him as a meat shield.

Sylar chuckled at the thought, passing it off as friendliness toward Wally. He jerked his thumb toward the exit. "And I... guess I was just trying to get some air."


scarletspeedstr February 14 2010, 10:59:48 UTC
"Really?" Wally laughed, returning Zack's friendly smile with a broad one of his own. "I was thinking of heading outside too. Try and clear my head, maybe stretch my legs a bit. If you're not busy, maybe we could go together?"

Despite the fact that it was technically a question and Zack could have maybe been about to answer along the lines of 'no', Wally was already half leading them down the rest of the hall and out the door into the area beyond.

[to here]


himetsuru February 12 2010, 04:14:47 UTC
[from here]

Creeping silently along the wall, Falis passed by a few before she came to the door that lead into the first male block. The door was left open, so she didn't have to make a sound as she slipped inside.

Perhaps her prey would be within.

[to here]


himetsuru February 12 2010, 05:05:20 UTC
[from here]

Back in the hallway once again, the hunter noted nothing new. No new traces of passage, and certainly nothing of her prey. Now, onto the next block.

[to here]


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