Night 47: West Wing, North Hallway 1-A

Feb 10, 2010 11:14

[From here]

The hallway led into yet another hall, but this time there was little to recommend one direction or another. It stretched on to both the left and the right, and without the use of the torch, he wasn't sure which way to try.

Prussia hesitated for a moment, but then turned left. If it proved to be a dead end, he would just have to turn around and try the other direction. He found a door at the end of the hall and upon opening it, he was rewarded by the feel of cool night air. Perfect. Once he was outside, he would be that much closer to getting away and orienting himself properly. He headed through the door.

[To here]

sechs, hanyuu, guy, remy, yuna, two-face, beatrice, impulse, edgar, england, the scarecrow, prussia, indiana jones, claude, guybrush, aerith, sylar, battler, lunge, tyki, mccoy, zack, mello, l, the flash

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