Day 47: Greenhouse (2nd Shift)

Jan 28, 2010 19:55

Why couldn't she get it out of her mind? It was a stupid white dress. So what if it was visual evidence that she was a princess? It should not be bothering her this much. It was a just a dress ( Read more... )

anthy, tsubaki, hinamori momo, agatha, yuna, dahlia, beatrice, tifa, utena, yomi, taura, falis, beatrix, ruby, hime, ange

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madeinthehrl January 29 2010, 05:42:20 UTC
"Look, Maria, the greenhouse!" There was an annoyingly patronizing quality to the nurse's voice, as if Soma had never seen a greenhouse before and had no idea what one was, despite her having been here only a week ago. "And the seeds you planted last time have sprouted! Isn't that nice? You can show your father when he comes again next week ( ... )


madeinthehrl January 31 2010, 20:45:56 UTC
"You may be right." Soma smiled slightly despite herself. Alita's blunt honesty was more than a little refreshing, and it was exactly what she needed. She still wasn't sure she understood everything, and she wasn't entirely sure she ever would. But maybe she didn't need to. There were more important things to think about right now.

Once she got out of here and found the colonel and they both managed to get home, maybe she'd worry about what had happened ten years ago on L'Internationale, and why that girl had seemed to affect E-0057 so much. But that shouldn't affect how she thought of herself now.

"I'll have to think about it a little more," she added. "But thank you, Alita."


himetsuru January 31 2010, 20:56:47 UTC
"Of course I'm right," Falis replied with a teasing grin. "I am a princess, after all, and princesses are never wrong." She let out a laugh, making fun of herself.

Turning back to the plant, Falis worked on trying to extract the thing from the crushed container it was in. "So, on a completely different note... do you still feel the predator or is it gone?"


madeinthehrl February 1 2010, 19:42:12 UTC
Soma's smile widened a little. In some respects--just a few--it was good to be here, among people she could count as friends. That was an opportunity that hadn't exactly been afforded in the barracks. She just hoped she could keep in contact with them when they all managed to go home.

"It's gone. Completely." Her smile faded a little, but it was still there. "The scar faded two days ago, and the urges faded with it. What about you?"


himetsuru February 1 2010, 19:48:55 UTC
"Same here," Falis replied, "but the predator is always in me. Always has been. I'm just in control of it again and don't have any urge to chew on my friends. Which is good because I hate the taste of blood."

There! Finally got the plant free. Now to get it into this other pot. Was this supposed to be calming?

"I was wondering... did you want me to teach you? You seemed interested when you didn't want my throat."


madeinthehrl February 1 2010, 19:57:58 UTC
That was unexpected. Soma tilted her head a little, not quite comprehending. She hadn't known Falis very well before the incident, but she had always seemed human. "You mean you were like this before you were bitten?"

One of the seedlings near the edge of the tray, she noticed, was beginning to wilt. Hurriedly, she sprinkled water on it. Just because Maria had liked gardening didn't mean Soma wanted all these plants to die. "I'd like that. I received basic training in hand-to-hand combat, but I haven't seen any actual fighting outside of a mobile suit--those are the machines we use in warfare in my time." She directed the can to the other seedlings. "I never learned how to use a spear, anyway."


himetsuru February 1 2010, 20:06:57 UTC
"Not exactly," Falis replied, not looking at Soma, her voice low. "There is something inside me, something I think I might have even created, that desires only death. It will kill anything and everything it sees as a threat if it takes control of me. If I am not strong, it will take me."

She then said a word that sounded roughly like a title in a language no one in this institute but Falis knew. "That's what I am. It's the Old World term for the kind of warrior I am. It closest translation in common is berserker, but that's not quite the same. I have much more control than that."


madeinthehrl February 1 2010, 20:16:32 UTC
Soma was quiet for a moment. Falis's words hit a little too close to home, seemed a little too familiar, for her liking.

"I know someone like that," she said at last, avoiding the other girl's gaze, "except his other half was created by the people who made me, and he doesn't bother to control it."

But she didn't want to talk about E-0057 now, and Falis hadn't shown any inclination to sadism and wanton destruction like they had. "How do you control it?"


himetsuru February 1 2010, 21:32:35 UTC
"Through sheer will," Falis replied. "I know the warning signs and can usually redirect it. It tends to only rear its head when I am extremely injured or something hits way too deep emotionally. Most of the time I can vent the pressure enough that it doesn't take me."

Falis set down her half-potted plant and turned to face Soma. "You almost saw it that night. It almost had me, which is why I told you to leave the room or I was going to kill you," she told the other girl. "So, thank you, for leaving. If you hadn't, I would have lost it and slaughtered everyone in the room that wasn't smart enough to run." Deep in the hunter's eyes was a sense of shame, clearly visible for the moment.


madeinthehrl February 1 2010, 22:12:34 UTC
"I wasn't going to run," Soma said, stubborn pride managing to overcome common sense as usual. "I'd faced someone like you in combat before, and I wasn't thinking straight that night, either." She met Falis's gaze for a moment before she dropped it. "I would have stayed, if it hadn't been for Meche."


himetsuru February 1 2010, 22:19:11 UTC
Falis shook her head. "No, you haven't. You've fought in those mobile suits of yours. When it takes me, I do not make a sound, I do not recognize anyone, I do not feel pain, all I do is kill." She rubbed her brow. "I don't even remember it until I've regained control and I've bathed the area in blood. Trust me if that ever happens, no matter what, please run. I become a monster. Just ask Hokuto..."

A pause. "And I think we both owe Meche a debt of gratitude."


madeinthehrl February 1 2010, 22:54:57 UTC
"...I will, then. Thank you for telling me." At least, she supposed, Alita was aware of the predator and did her best to control it. It didn't make Soma feel much better about the situation, but at least she knew what was going on.

She nodded slightly, setting the watering can down. "She's been more help than she probably realizes," she said. Then, awkwardly, "That goes for all of LDGC."


himetsuru February 1 2010, 23:54:01 UTC
"And for God's sake, Soma, if Hokuto refuses to run the next time it happens, knock her out and drag her if you have to. I can't bear to hurt her, cause there's no guarantee I'll stop in time again," Falis replied, looking away in an attempt to keep the pain and what could have been the beginnings of tears seen. "Both her and Senna know what I am and Hokuto has seen it with her own eyes. She calls it The Hunter. I'm alright if you ask her about it. It's only fair since you are pack. Sorta."

The hunter shook herself, the melancholy sliding off her. "But yeah... whenever you want lessons, let me know. My specialties are sword and dagger, which is why Senna beat me since staff and spear are her specialties, but I can handle any melee weapon and a bit of bow and crossbow."


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