Day 47: Sun Room [2nd shift]

Jan 28, 2010 16:57

Cloud knew he should be taking the opportunity to check out the rec field during the day. The fresh air would be a welcome change from the crowded stuffiness the Institute usually provided, and he would have a chance to scope out the area when it wasn't all under the cover of darkness. When offered a choice, however, he remained in the sun room ( Read more... )

kagura, asuka, senna, haine, bella, anise, gumshoe, hanatarou, sam winchester, naminé, allen, renamon, kinomoto sakura, harley, dean winchester, kanji, mello, brainiac 5, grell, nunnally, kairi, usopp, kio, tsukasa, erika, mori, ayumu, chise, cloud, riku, yue, edward cullen, scourge, yukari yakumo

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Comments 257

mukuchi January 29 2010, 00:56:32 UTC
Talking with Chekov had been good. He'd learned more about the guy and hadn't had to carry the conversation himself. Plus he'd received extra strawberries for Mitsukuni; and anyone willing to give his cousin a present was a good guy in Mori's book. The taller teen made sure to swoop by Mitsukuni as he headed out to wherever he was going, depositing the two strawberry packages in his hands before his nurse shooed him away. They were still trying to break "William" of his bad habit of clinging to his family apparently. It was annoying, but not enough that Mori would fight the staff for it. He'd see Mitsukuni again soon enough ( ... )


gald_digger January 29 2010, 01:36:54 UTC
"Where would you like to go, Dolores?" Anise's nurse was asking her in a gentle voice as she was escorted from the cafeteria. As nice as the nurse was being, her mannerisms just felt patronizing to Anise. "Most of the other girls should be going to the Greenhouse about now. Do you think that would be fun ( ... )


mukuchi January 29 2010, 06:54:37 UTC
The kitten was trying pawing and pushing at Mori's neck and the teen just closed his eyes, roling his head slightly to the left. If it wanted to do that, let it. The calico was playing and the little tabby in his arms was settling. It hadn't take long for another to pop up and sit on his foot - a little black furball - but apparently it had gotten bored and wandered off soon after. With his eyes closed, he could hear the cat purring as it kept kneading at his neck and Mori couldn't help but absently hope it wouldn't start trying to suck on his hair. It was far too short for that to ( ... )


gald_digger January 29 2010, 07:50:12 UTC
It was with some amount of awe that Anise watched as Mori moved, standing up straight and even bowing, all without disrupting the felines perched atop him. Rather than sitting down, she almost wanted to clap for him, like he were a street performer. But that might have been a little too much, so instead she just flashed him a cheerful smile and accepted his silent offer, plopping herself down in the indicated seat.

"It's been a while, huh?" she commented, leaning forward with her hands on her knees. "What've you been up to?"

With all of the crazy things that had been going on, Anise hadn't been able to touch base with the Cake Club in a while. Besides being busy, Anise just didn't want to show her face around her new friends when she wasn't able to give them her best smiles. Now that things were back to sort-of-normal, that could change. It was good to keep as many friends as possible, right? And it was doubly good when those friends were rich.


deadlyjuliet January 29 2010, 01:11:16 UTC
"You really should go outside sometime, Geoffrey. You're dreadfully pale. A little sun might do you some good."

But I might chip a nail, you ugly woman. "A-ah, maybe some other time. It's rather cold out there. I wouldn't want to fall ill."

"If you insist. Try to soak up some sun in here, okay?"

I'll soak you in something. "Yes, ma'am ( ... )


jokers_wildcard January 30 2010, 05:50:36 UTC
Despite a lethargic start to her day, she was feeling much more energetic now. A few minutes with the bulletin board tended to have that effect on her. Ahh, she had no idea why she had ignored the thing for so long when she'd first arrived here. It was so much fun! Gossip and games and yelling and people telling other people not to bite them. It was great! Arkham really needed to consider getting one of these! And today seemed to be especially lively... on the board, anyway. The atmosphere in the Sunny Room was just as dull as ever. Why was it everyone could seem so energetic on paper but spent all their actual time moping around? If people acted out as much as they did on the board, things would be a lot more interesting around here.

Harley turned away from the board and looked around for a good place to sit. Instead, she just found herself touring the room and staring in disgust at the rooms inhabitants. Look at them! Like zombies! Didn't anyone know how to act like they were in an asylum anymore? People back home were never this ( ... )


deadlyjuliet January 30 2010, 05:59:24 UTC
Boring, boring, boring. Grell had taken to imagining the ways each and every patient in the room was going to die (like that one over there? Mauled to death by a rat. And Hanatarou? Tripping over his own laces), but that entertainment could only last so long. It wasn't the method of Death that interested Grell, but the Record he could pull out of them when their Time came. And here, separated from his beloved scythe, he couldn't even do that. It was entirely--

"HolyMaryMotherof--!!!" What was with people?! Didn't they have the manners to at least ask before interrupting his daydreams?! Grell was one hundred percent certain he'd nearly jumped out of his skin when someone crashlanded into the seat next to him. He could even feel that silly mortal heart of his hammering hard against his ribs, his hands pressed against it as if that would stop the thing from beating itself to death. At least he'd had enough sense not to take the Lord's name in vain, but still! Manners"B-b-but the night is when those t-terrible things come ( ... )


jokers_wildcard January 31 2010, 21:40:32 UTC
The way the guy'd jumped in his seat, you'd think he really had been asleep. Talk about sensitive. Not like she'd crept up behind him and popped a bag in his ear... though now the thought was tempting. Note to self: Add paper bags to list of things to search for.

"What, you'd rather stay cooped up in here like this?" She waved a hand to lazily indicate the room. "I'd rather deal with the giant bugs and zombies than have these old hags hangin' off my back all day! Least you can run away from those things. Or bash 'em in the face." Well, technically she could do that to the nurses, too, but she'd end up on the wrong end of a football pileup and would get a needle shoved into her arm before she knew it.

She leaned back in her seat, sighing exaggeratedly "How can you not get bored stiff sittin' here like this?" No, honestly. She'd love to know.


jouer_sans_voir January 29 2010, 01:29:24 UTC
Most of the female patients were going to the greenhouse this shift, according to the nurse, but she'd suggested that Nunnally could stay in the Sun Room instead if she wished. The option of staying with Lelouch apparently wasn't available, unfortunately, as it seemed that he had to go to "therapy" now, and she'd accepted the nurse's offer with a grateful smile. Using the crutches was difficult enough by itself, but she was already feeling exhausted after just the conversation with her brother and didn't really want to make her way to wherever the greenhouse was ( ... )


euphemise January 29 2010, 20:08:05 UTC
Euphemia's stomach twisted as she entered the Sun Room after breakfast. She wanted to see Nunnally - she truly did. But...with the way it was now? With the knowledge that she had died? The uncertainty weighed on her rather heavily, too. What did she know about what had happened?

She stopped to leave a note on the bulletin board regarding starting a new clinic up, then slowly walked over to the couch.

"Awww...he's really cute," she said, deciding to focus on the kitten for a while before getting to the heavy questions. "And I'm really glad to see you, Nunnally."


jouer_sans_voir January 29 2010, 21:42:45 UTC
Although Lelouch had already warned her about Euphemia's presence here, being told about it didn't really compare to actually hearing that familiar voice speaking her name. Nunnally hesitated, her hand hovering over the kitten's back long enough that it glanced up at her, giving a little inquiring 'mrrr?' as it nudged at her hand. The reminder startled her out of her reverie, and she opened her eyes to smile up at Euphemia in honest welcome. "Hello, Sister."

She was older than the last time Nunnally had seen her, of course, but it was still clearly Euphy. And as startling and impossible as it was for her to be here, her presence still didn't evoke the confused and conflicting emotions that Lelouch's did, and Nunnally could be only glad to see her half-sister again. Alive -- she probably remembered even less than Lelouch, if she had been brought here before her death. Realizing who remembered what was clearly going to get confusing.


euphemise January 30 2010, 19:56:12 UTC
"Don't be so formal, Nunnally. Just Euphy or Euphemia's fine." She laughed as she took the seat next to her sister, though there was a touch of nervousness in that laugh. It was still so strange to see people after learning what she had.

Euphy started to say something else, then noticed - her eyes were open. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen them open; it had been years, though. Years and that horrible incident later, and the second one. She looked down at her hands, as if they were still bloodstained.

"I'm glad," she said, gesturing to Nunnally's eyes. "I'm really..." Her voice broke for just a moment. She hadn't expected herself to cry, but there were the tears, blurring her vision and making her draw in a ragged breath.


yin_yang_fox January 29 2010, 02:20:45 UTC
Things were inherently wrong, more and more so every day, but that did not mean anything had changed from the first day she had been here. Renamon was not human and would not give in to this. Rika was still waiting for her, either here or back home. And for all the people that had vanished or succumbed to the horrors that resided here, Renamon could not simply let herself continue without finding out the secrets of this place. Nothing had changed from the day before either. She was not close to any of these things.

But the Digimon found that it didn't quite matter. She would persevere. She would continue. And she would succeed. Left to her own thoughts, Renamon stood near the bulletin board, glancing it over idly while she considered her options.



whichwayagain January 29 2010, 08:09:31 UTC
[Is a confused old man okay? :D]

Mihai felt no less certain of his surroundings, despite his nurse's attempted helpfulness at pointing out various things. She'd heard of his 'talent' for getting lost (though not his name, somehow), and had made it a point proudly proclaim that no one would let him wander too far here. Mihai smiled and nodded when she asked if he found that reassuring, every expectation that he should in her voice. He knew a woman's lecture when he heard it, and Mihai decided that being left in peace as soon as possible would ultimately be for the best. So he agreed, and spent his time looking for familiar faces that might be more helpful in terms of providing answers.

Where he ended up, however, was beside a young woman the nurse introduced as 'Miss Akiyama.' Fully confident that her name was anything but, Mihai smiled pleasantly, tipping his head when 'Mr. Luciano' was pointed out, and another demand came as a question. I'm sure you'll behave, won't you?Mihai had to say, he much preferred Kiri's brand of ( ... )


yin_yang_fox January 30 2010, 05:35:25 UTC
[very much so! =D]

When the nurse approached, Renamon tilted a head towards the pair. The situation was familiar, and quickly taken; a sort of irony lacing the fact that while yesterday her companions were all children, this day was leaning towards older men. Something peculiar, by any means. A part of her smiled.

As for the man himself, he wasn't any that she had seen before. Though from the past few days, absorbed in her internal musings and miseries as she had been, one might have claimed to have been here and the Digimon wouldn't have known differently. Ah... She had much to catch up on if that was the case. Her attention to detail was slipping far enough as it was. Though, Renamon supposed, introductions would be the first thing in order. Characteristically, she slightly bowed her head. "No need to apologize. It happens often enough."

She glanced at the board for a moment, then devoted her attentions to the man in front of her. "I am Renamon."


whichwayagain January 30 2010, 07:46:18 UTC
So not only was this woman--Renamon, an unusual name--not only was she not offended, but she seemed to take the nurse's actions as routine. This was a good sign. Mihai needed someone less interested in shuffling people around, and more willing to provide actual answers. So perhaps Renamon wouldn't mind him imposing a bit more ( ... )


mizuhomaiden January 29 2010, 02:20:53 UTC
[Hey there, tall, blonde and spiky!]In a way, Sheena did feel a bit better after having Ritsuka listen to the stuff that had been swimming about in her mind. Maybe just getting it out, in some form, to a real person and not just the blank pages of a book, was what she needed. As thrilling as playing with a bunch of potted plants would have been, only not really, Sheena chose to stay inside. It was probably for the best given how injured she was. Especially with her hand. Sometimes being ambidextrous was a pain since she normally didn't think about what hand she did things with. Besides, gardening sounded like a two-handed job anyways ( ... )


notthistrain January 29 2010, 07:23:30 UTC
[Pfft. He's like 5'7".]

Lost in thought, it took Cloud a moment to realize that the woman was directing her pleas at him. "Ah..." He stood quickly once he noticed and got down by her side. "Right. Hold on."

Removing the claw from her necklace was a delicate matter, but not a difficult one. She was freed within the minute, which was good because the cat wasn't entirely cooperative. The blond flexed a newly bitten hand and gave her a wry smile. "Gotta watch out for those."

He allowed her to fix the trinket back up on her own (as he knew better than to ask if she needed help with that) and stood back up. "Everything okay now?"


mizuhomaiden January 29 2010, 07:37:14 UTC
[Not if you measure from the ground to the top of his spikes :P]

Sheena sighed in relief, rubbing her neck a bit before stowing the round bell once again inside her shirt.

"Oh thanks, I thought it was going to start strangling me." Imagine that, a great Mizuho ninja like her being done in by a cat's curiosity. She made a mental note not to mention this to either Yukari or Yuffie. Both of them would tease her merciless for it.

After a moment of rest, Sheena slowly got to her feet and smile at the blonde man. "How's your finger? I'm pretty sure the cats are disease-free during the day."


notthistrain January 30 2010, 02:30:40 UTC
Cloud gave a light 'heh' and held the injury up for her inspection. It wasn't even bleeding. "Might take me out of action for a while, but I think I've had worse."

He held out his other hand, the one not recently chewed on. Any reason not to dwell on his current problems was a good one. "Cloud Strife. You look like you ran into something nastier than a rogue kitten. Anything I can do?" She looked capable enough, so the question was really more for the sake of politeness than anything else. Though knowing a little more about what enemies they were up against at night never hurt. Yuffie had gathered a lot of information, but other perspectives were always welcome.


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