Night 46: Staff-Only Outdoor Patio Lounging/Eating Area

Jan 13, 2010 04:27

[From here.]Cautious, L pushed open the door, peeking around it, scanning the patio and sweeping the beam of his flashlight across it, even glancing above his head ( Read more... )

howl, yukari yakumo, l, sheena

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Comments 52

slipperymagic January 13 2010, 20:52:07 UTC
"Hm?" Howl voiced in response, and then gave a noncommittal shrug as he surveyed the area. There was a brief feeling of relief to be outside, in the open air beneath the stars. However, it was quickly lost. The lightness crumbled under the persistent eerie atmosphere that seemed to be following them like a predator, and his own memories weren't helping much. The stars only served to remind him of a lost friend.

Howl didn't look at Ryuuzaki as he recalled the details that Daniel had shared with him. There honestly weren't many. Daniel had said that as him, presumably as Ryuuzaki, he believed that he was a detective of some skill. That, at least, seemed to fit Ryuuzaki well enough, though it was so plain and unimpressive. Daniel cited parental disappointment as the reasoning for his commitment to Landel's, which was nothing compared to the severity of believing you were a world-hopping wizard who had given their heart to a demon ( ... )


quarter_english January 14 2010, 04:10:31 UTC
L moved from one door to the other as quickly as he could, keeping his back to the wall. As he closed in on the next door, Howell's question brought him to a point of minor intellectual crisis ( ... )


mizuhomaiden January 14 2010, 05:24:53 UTC
[from here]

The patio was just as Sheena remembered it with the white plastic furniture and the open air. A glance at both doors showed the opposite one closed (and probably still locked with one of the irritating locks) while the other one that lead toward the kitchen was mostly closed. It seems they just missed whoever had come here before them.

So far, the ninja didn't see any monsters but craned her head back to look up past the third floor to the roof above. She could barely see dark shapes up there - large dark shapes - but none seemed to be moving toward them.


mind_the_sukima January 14 2010, 05:52:39 UTC
The way Sheena noted the presence of others was vaguely menacing, as if it was lucky they had missed whoever had been here. Yukari suppressed a shiver, though not because of that. Simply, it was cold outside.

Sure, her arms were mostly covered by her gloves and her dress was in no way short, but it was a dress, for goodness sake, with an open neck. It could hardly be considered thermal wear.

"So? What's the plan?" she asked, crossing her arms and holding them to cover the little bit that was exposed between her gloves and her sleeves. She wouldn't mind going back inside.


mizuhomaiden January 14 2010, 05:57:49 UTC
The ninja moved to the edge of the patio, overlooking the recreational field. With a wave of her hand, she beckoned Yukari to join her at the edge.

"Hey, come take a look. You have a good vantage point from here," she said, watching the scene below as one of the birds was attacking someone below. "They do exist."


mind_the_sukima January 14 2010, 06:10:03 UTC
The air gradually went from chill to pleasantly cool as she adjusted to it, and Yukari followed Sheena over to the edge. Glancing down, she did indeed see the shape of a large flying something attacking what was presumably another patient.

"Oh, it is a good view from here," she agreed. "I'm surprised you can say that, like a spectator. I would've though you'd be trying to save whatever poor virgin is down there getting chomped on."

Not that there was much they could do from here. Perhaps throw some plastic furniture, but that seemed unlikely to go the distance and just as likely to hit man as beast.


stillandstrike January 17 2010, 17:24:14 UTC
[From here.]

Prowl shone his torch over the room and made for the patio doors, out of curiosity. He couldn't see much and turned back, looking at Lockdown for a split second before heading towards the next door.

He stopped halfway across the room.

"Lockdown..." No, he couldn't ask. Something else instead. "How do I find this supposed student that wishes to speak to me?"


ruthless_hunter January 17 2010, 17:48:20 UTC
Lockdown stopped when Prowl did and looked down at the cyberninja. Slag, he hadn't even gotten the kid's name. "I'll point 'im out to you tommorrow."

He went over to the patio doors and looked outside, noting the position of the moon. It was already very late in the night and they'd already wasted enough time. "C'mon, we don't have all night. Sun's gonna rise in a few hours," He said, tone laced with impatience. The bounty hunter started to move towards the door to the next room.


stillandstrike January 17 2010, 17:58:23 UTC
"I'd rather an alias or description. It's best we are not seen together during the day." The Decepticons would get curious. Perhaps Ratchet too.

Besides. Lockdown might not be there in the morning. Or might be less than pleased if he was. Prowl was only a door or two from weapons...

Prowl followed Lockdown, buzzing with excitement and worry.


ruthless_hunter January 17 2010, 18:16:02 UTC
"Never said his name," Lockdown replied. "He's got messy black hair, bags under his eyes, and sits with his knee up. Think you can remember that?"

He reached for the knob, turning to look back over his shoulder, and said jokingly, "What, you think HK'll come up and stab ya' if he thinks you're standin' too close to me?"


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