Night 44: Second Floor Kitchen

Oct 20, 2009 20:09

[from here]

The light from the flashlight held up over Lunge's shoulder gleamed whiteback at him in the darkness from the walls. Metal glinted silver from the corners of his vision and handles winked from the doors of cabinets and lips of drawers. Only when he was sure that the work surfaces and tiled floor were completely free of life did he ( Read more... )

lunge, sora, tsubaki, sheena, hokuto

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Comments 17

mizuhomaiden October 21 2009, 05:01:49 UTC
Given what Sheena was after was certainly not anything she had to worry about others seeking, she had no problem with Lunge stepping past her into the next room. If he wanted to be monster bait, so be it; it'd make it much easier for the ninja to counter should one appear. Which didn't happen ( ... )


herr_inspektor October 21 2009, 10:14:38 UTC
Sheena carried about her the loose confidence of one used to danger. Lunge watched as she crossed the floor and began to examine the contents of the drawers- cooking utensils, he noted. Not alcohol, then, food. But why...? Creature comforts can be a powerful motivator. Either it's for a trade of sorts or she's homesick.

Breaking away from the wall, he moved to the drawer she had emptied of knives and selected one- more designed for slicing processed lunch meat than severing flesh and gristle in combat, but it was sharp and sturdy and that was enough for him.

He looked up as she spoke, head cocked just a little to the side. She'd never heard the term 'inspector' before? Hmm. The clothing and ninja-esque abilities did suggest that the young woman had been taken from a time and place in which the police most likely operated very differently indeed ( ... )


mizuhomaiden October 21 2009, 15:13:16 UTC
"Oh." So, the police were like the Papal Knights then. Ugh. They were a stuffy lot.

Dipping her hand into the water, the golden blood washed off and she cupped a handful of water. Bringing it to her lips, she tasted the liquid. Furrowing her brow, she tried it again. It wasn't the greatest quality of water and had a funny taste, but it was drinkable and the taste would be covered up with the spices.

Taking a cloth from a small stack nearby, the ninja dampened it and gingerly began cleaning the blood off her own face, wincing a bit at the tenderness of the cuts. Stupid monster.

"So how high is your rank? Sorry, but I've made it a point to not get involved with the Papal Knights back home and Sylvarant doesn't have any big organizations like that," Sheena said.


herr_inspektor October 21 2009, 17:29:19 UTC
'Oh' indeed. Someone didn't sound happy to have a policeman in the room.

But just what were the Papal Knights? Presumably they were made up sort of law enforcement in whatever country Sheena was from, but 'Sylvarant' wasn't ringing any matches in his databanks. Nor did it match any linguistic patterns he was familiar with, not even Japanese. And if she wasn't Japanese, what was she?

"High enough to overrule any officer operating outside of the BKA and most of those within it," and to get away with murder, Lunge added silently, "but low enough to answer to a Chief." The answer was purely mechanical; his mind was elsewhere as he turned from the counter to fix her with a penetrating look. "Just where are you from?"


herr_inspektor November 3 2009, 10:55:12 UTC
[From here]

Back in the kitchen again, Lunge paused in the doorway to give the room a thorough sweep before slinking back in. The room was untouched, save by his and Sheena's hands. Eyes falling on the open drawers, a thought occurred to him suddenly and he started up a search again, this time for sandwich bags and napkins. At the same time as his hands rummaged through a nearby cupboard, his mind continued working on Sheena.

"'Heal'? You have some sort of powers?" Again, Lunge didn't sound nearly as cynical as he was. Good.


mizuhomaiden November 3 2009, 18:17:11 UTC
Sheena had paused just before leaving the pantry, having caught sight of a box she'd missed earlier. It was rice, which was good, but it wasn't the normal kind of rice she was used to. Reading the instructions on the back proved to explain it was a boil-in-bag kind. She didn't like it, but it would do for the curry. Box in hand, she exited the pantry and closed the door, so quietly it didn't make a sound.

When Lunge asked his question, Sheena just looked at him for a long moment. Hadn't she told him she was ninja - a guardian fighter even? They generally came with powers.

"Uh... yeah. I am ninja," she replied. "I have excellent control over my mana. And no, I'm not going to tell you everything I can do, but I can tell you it's not magic. I'm human - can't do common magic."


scintillatingly November 11 2009, 08:51:31 UTC
[From here. Going to assume a timeskip so that Sheena and Lunge are no longer present]

And so they had finally made it. The kitchen was empty (where had the people who'd broken in ahead of them gone?), but it did smell of food, which obviously made sense. Was this where some of their meals got made, or was this only for the nurses?

That didn't really matter so much, though. They were here for a reason, and Sora started to scan his flashlight over the sizable room as he looked for spots where useful stuff might be stored.

The drawers were the obvious place to start, and so he moved over to open a few. He was mainly finding cooking utensils and things like that, but there had to be something good hidden away here, right? It just wouldn't be fair otherwise!

He turned back toward his two companions for the night. "Just grab anything that looks like it might be useful!" he explained.


thecamellia November 13 2009, 07:07:36 UTC
Tsubaki hadn’t seen much (if any) of the second floor, herself, and she was careful to store away what information she could glean from the surroundings as they continued on. Being in the company of people who had flashlights was helpful in that way.

As they came nearer the kitchen door, she looked over the broken lock as she moved past. Sora probably had the right idea; it didn’t look like it’d been destroyed haphazardly or unintentionally, like from the result of a fight. The kitchen, too, seemed okay at first glance… A bit cluttered, though, which meant just about anything could be lying in wait.

She looked around. “What about raw materials weapons makers and others could use? Should we be looking at that stuff, too?”


akarusa November 14 2009, 03:47:48 UTC
"Aye, captain!" Hokuto replied, with something approximating a straight face. It proved to be a bad choice of words; she could totally picture Sora playing pirate, up to and including making people walk the plank. Say, for insubordination... which she was so going to be guilty of sooner or later. Especially since he was so little-kid cute she just wanted to squeeze him and ruffle his hair.

Somehow she managed to stifle any stray giggles and got to work; mainly, she was looking for anything sharp, but if Sora had any other suggestions she'd keep them in mind.


scintillatingly November 14 2009, 06:09:39 UTC
Sora grinned widely at Hokuto's response, certainly not minding the pirate reference. He and his friends had definitely played that game a few times, although it was usually Riku who got to be captain. It was nice to get that role for once, although he realized that this leadership position was way more important than any game.

He saluted at her just for the heck of it, but got back to business in regards to Tsubaki's question. "I think we should just grab anything that might be helpful, so yeah, raw materials would be good too." It would be nice if they could find some knives so the whole weapon-making process could be worked around, but he didn't know how likely that would be.

Until he opened a draw and saw a glint of metal. Lifting up his flashlight, he carefully grabbed out the knife and smiled to himself. It wasn't particularly large, but he doubted anyone would refuse this if they were offered it. "Well, that's a start!"


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