Nightshift 44: Men's Bathrooms (M01-M40)

Oct 12, 2009 19:32

[from here]Bursting through the door with Piper in tow, Bart couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, even though they weren't technically out of the woods just yet. At least there were sinks in here, so they could clean up any...uh, messes that might be accidentally created ( Read more... )

scourge, impulse, pied piper

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Comments 44

hamelinschild October 13 2009, 00:01:57 UTC
Into the bathroom Bart went, with Hart flailing behind him, pushing forward and into a stall with just enough time to hit his knees again before loosing his dinner.

It was a good number of minutes past the dry-heaving stage that he finally shifted, slumping back against a divider wall. He frowned and wiped his mouth off on his sleeve. No necking for him tonight. The man needed some heavy duty mouthwash.

"I-I'm fine."

Rather than cat back to something that wasn't there, Hart rolled his eyes, biting his words back.

"Sorry I broke on you like that. Call you--" Barely upright ahead, he stepped back out, still undone by the sight of the younger Allen before him. "--a sight for sore eyes?" He offered up a weary smile, arms crossed around his middle again, like a poor attempt to keep him from doubling and slumping back to the ground.


justanimpulse October 13 2009, 00:17:00 UTC
Listening to someone be violently sick hadn't exactly done much to restore Bart's equilibrium, and he was still feeling jittery when Piper finally left the stall.

"Don't worry about it," he said with an off-kilter grin, keeping his distance for the moment in case Piper decided to be sick again. "Um...are you feeling better now?" Bart hoped so, and not just because that? Had been seriously gross.

He had a feeling he and Piper had a lot of things to talk about.


hamelinschild October 13 2009, 00:32:50 UTC
"Better...isn't the word I'd use, but it's less as bad as before." he gave a dry chuckle, raking a hand back through his hair before he returned to his cross-armed stance. The settled awkwardness was stifling.

Do I have to do this myself? C'mon, Pipey. Break the ice. You're the social butterfly, here.

Hart swallowed, attempting to down the lump in his throat (it really doesn't help with that horrible taste in his mouth). "Thank you though. I...suppose this warrants a proper introduction though."

Giving his hands a once-over (they're clean. clean enough, anyway.), he offers one Bart's way. "I know you. Or at least I think I do. Or did." Time travel is confusing. Damn you Booster Gold! --you make it look so easy!


justanimpulse October 13 2009, 00:38:49 UTC
"If you say so." This, at least, put Bart on somewhat more solid footing. He grinned and took Piper's hand, giving it a firm, but not too fast or too slow shake, just like Max had taught him. So those bizarre etiquette lessons had a use after all!

"I know you too," he said, though Piper's hesitance made him a little thoughtful. "We met last year, when Grandma Iris brought me back from the future to meet Wally." He frowned slightly in distaste; it was obvious that the bad feelings caused by that first meeting still lingered.


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