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Re: M96 udo_retrovirus October 8 2009, 15:45:27 UTC
Apologies left their place at the tip of the redhead's tongue, not forgotten but simply pushed aside in favor of disbelief for now. Klavier didn't sound convinced, but Junior certainly trusted his younger brother's intuition. What's more, Nigredo had known it before he did. Then again, things were severed on his end, so of course Nigredo would find out first.

"What!?" he demanded, the disbelief on his face dissolving to anger, though Junior tried not to sound so outraged that he'd frighten his brother. "What do you mean!? How do you--" know for sure, was what he had planned on finishing it with, but he already knew that answer, so the question died in this throat.

With Nigredo, of all people, in such a state, he should have attempted to better school his attitude, to at least make it seem like he had things under control and that everything would be okay. But maturity and stoicism were Nigredo's thing in just about every other situation they'd encountered in life ( ... )


Re: M96 rocksthecourt October 13 2009, 01:25:52 UTC
Neither seemed particularly committed to their response, and that was somewhat worrisome. He supposed, as Rubedo had said, he could only wait and see. Hopefully, this wouldn't result in disaster. And if it did, he supposed he would have to resolve himself to do what he could in the given situation to help.

Despite where they were headed off to and the gravity of their conversation, Klavier couldn't help the small, amused smile that came across his face. Was Rubedo... ordering him around? Hahahaha~! My, my this was turning into an interesting night. Klavier couldn't say he was used to children barking orders out to him like some kind of military strategist. Oh, he was fully aware of the prospect of child geniuses in the professional world (as certain countries accepted), but he'd personally never had the honor of working under one. And Rubedo, well, he was a bright kid, yes, but he came across as more pushy than professional in any sense of the word ( ... )


Re: M96 falseblack October 13 2009, 03:10:24 UTC
There existed no better proof than a scene witnessed through one's eyes. Or something of the sort. Nigredo did not feel particularly willing to consider the possibilities. "Okay," he affirmed, noting without amusement that his brother had just addressed the older man no differently than a fellow U.R.T.V. How bold of him.

Nigredo watched Klavier step toward the threshold, before reaching down to a nearby drawer. He pulled out his flashlight and--expression downcast--examined its contours. A little more light wouldn't hurt to have, but it lacked the definitive trait of a certain item of equal weight. They should have let Rubedo keep that Beretta.

Finally satisfied, he started to follow after Klavier.


Re: M96 udo_retrovirus October 13 2009, 03:30:23 UTC
Junior, on the other hand, hung back for a moment as Klavier left, sticking close to the door and trying to make a decision on when to handle that other little matter. When Nigredo started towards it, though, he reached out and grabbed his brother's arm. "Hey, hold up a sec." It was a rougher move than he'd planned, though his voice conveyed none of the urgency that his expression showed.

He'd learned from past mistakes that it was best not to leave anything unsaid. Now couldn't hurt, where they'd be away from prying ears, and it should only take a sec. Klavier would live. "I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today," the redhead continued, releasing his brother's arm and lowering his own. "I...shouldn't have done that. Any of it. I know I can't really take it back, but if there's any way to make it up to you...."


Re: M96 falseblack October 13 2009, 03:49:34 UTC
Surprise etched across the other boy's eyes as Nigredo realized Rubedo was holding him back. For what, he wasn't entirely certain. It must be important, what with that look. "Yes?"

The truth ended up more biting than he cared to admit. It touched on things partially forgotten, thrown into the proverbial closet like most everything Nigredo couldn't entertain. For a long minute, he simply looked at Rubedo and considered the million and one responses he could say.

He chose the expected. "It's okay. Don't worry about it."


Re: M96 udo_retrovirus October 13 2009, 04:15:04 UTC
Nigredo had always had that amazing tendency to let things slide, or maybe he just dealt with them in his own way. Normally, it didn't bother Junior, but right now he almost wished his brother would get mad at him for it. On the flip side, it meant Nigredo was far more forgiving than Albedo in that regard.

He stared at his brother for a long moment, uncertain if that was really all he wanted to say, then shrugged. "If you're sure," was all he said. Nigredo was showing him a kindness, so he wasn't going to press the issue. A half-smile was easily pushed back into place. "Come on, Klavier's probably wondering where we went."

[Back to here]


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