Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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beloved_less October 1 2009, 12:29:07 UTC
Soubi had barely made it out the cafeteria when he was pulled away and whisked to a far corner of the sun room. He knew Sheena wanted to see him, but she hadn't seemed this desperate. Of course, once they stopped...she just stared.

Soubi had been in situations like this before, but it...he was almost certain Sheena wasn't about to confess feelings for him. If she was? Well, he could do with the laugh.

He frowned and flicked her hands away from the bell. "Somebody afraid of losing track of you?" he asked. He'd have liked to have referred to her as a cow, but she looked more like a kitten so he decided to leave it at that. For now.

"Something's different about you," he said, looking at her with an artists eye. Sure he picked up details, but he generally ignored things that weren't Ritsuka, so it was hard to work out what it was.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 16:49:26 UTC
Soubi held Sheena back for a moment while he got down on the floor beside her.

"It's different for everyone. We all like different things, after all. Of course.... I've never disappointed," he smirked. "I'm sure you'll soon find what's right for both of you. of course... if you're really worried...." Soubi faked a yawn and stretched his arms upwards before lowering one around her shoulder, smiling.


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 17:01:19 UTC
Sheena looked from the arm about her shoulder to the smile on Soubi's face. Did he just offer to... And why was she considering it?

She didn't like Soubi like that, but she was really worried that she wasn't any good. And Soubi just said he was, so he'd tell her if she was doing it wrong, right? There'd be no harm in this since it was for educational purposes. She was aware that it was okay for friends to kiss. She just never had much of a reason to.

"I am. This is just... awkward." Sheena bit her bottom lip in thought.

Could she do this? Maybe she should just let things be and hope Yukari would have a moment of compassion if the ninja sucked at kissing and only tell her when it was just the two of them. Maybe she could go on not knowing and be content with that. Except she knew she absolutely could not do that. She wanted to know.

"I just want an assessment," she said, shifting a bit toward Soubi and putting a hesitant hand to his cheek. "And if you tease me about this later, I will hurt you. Got that?"


haha ICON. Nice. beloved_less October 1 2009, 17:19:03 UTC
Soubi wasn't really one to swear but...Holy Crap she was going to go for it?! Not that he wasn't serious about the offer, he just....he really didn't think she'd go for it. Oh well. It'd be fun.

"How much later are we talking?" he asked. Before she could answer, he continued. "Close you're eyes," he whispered, moving in. She had to be relaxed or it was no good. Fine for the first kiss, understandable, but after that... no.

Soubi pressed his lips to Sheena's and kissed her. Just a gentle kiss for now, no tongues, simply exploring and sucking her lips. Purely sweet and innoc- well, not innocent, you wouldn't kiss your sister like that.... It was... a disney kiss.


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 17:26:35 UTC
Soubi didn't have to tell Sheena to close her eyes. It was an automatic response as he moved in. His lips were soft and after a brief moment, she plied his lips with her own in return. Still...

It felt weird. This was Soubi. Yet, she wasn't going to back down now that it had started. She needed to know. Once she got used to the fact that she was kissing Soubi, the ninja decided to just go with the kiss despite the weirdness. It's not like it was a bad sensation.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 17:32:30 UTC
Sheena was relaxing, so Soubi upped the game. The arm that had been around her, closed in a little more, holding her shoulder, his other hand moved to the back of her neck, stroking gently. His lips opened and his tongue ran across her lips, parting them. He was assuming Yukari had gone at least this far, but Sheena was welcome to stop him. The nurses would soo anyway. But first he wanted her response...


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 17:46:06 UTC
This was the same thing Yukari had done, except this time, Sheena was a little more aware of what was going on and expecting it. There was no little surprised gasp from the ninja this time.

If this was Yukari, what would you do? she asked herself.

Lips separated and the ninja invited Soubi to move the kiss along, brushing his tongue with her own as it passed by. Her hand slid along his cheek until the tips of her fingers rest against his neck, just above the ever-present bandages, just behind his ear, while her thumb brushed along his jaw.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 17:54:20 UTC
Soubi let his mind wander and then promptly pulled it back. All the people he wanted to kiss....were wrong. Some way or another.

He deepened the kiss when Sheena had given in to it and then slowly, gently, pulled away, leaving her with a few last pecks and tugs on the lip. With that, he pulled his arm from her and... stuck the tip of his tongue out, picking at it confused, as though it had some fluff on it. Unable to keep up the teasing, he smiled and elbowed her. "You're good. You just need to get to know each other."


[The youkai may enter at any point now] mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 18:07:19 UTC
This... wasn't right. There was something missing, something extremelly important missing from this kiss. Fundamentally, Soubi was doing a lot of the same things the youkai did, and was nice, but it just wasn't...

Something was missing.

Her eyes opened when the kiss ended and she realized what it was when she found herself looking into a pair of normal eyes behind glasses.

Yukari. She was what was missing.

"Huh. That was..." She then noticed what Soubi was doing. "H-Hey! Stop that!" She put both hands on Soubi's chest and shoved him indignantly.

"Good to know that when I said I had no interest in you, I really meant it," she replied, still feeling kind of weird. But then she smiled; he said she was good. "Despite the weirdness of it being, you know, you - thanks." She felt a little more confident now.


Re: [The youkai may enter at any point now] beloved_less October 1 2009, 18:11:46 UTC
"No interest?" he asked, mock offended. He grabbed Sheena and rolled her over, onto the floor. Leaning on top of her, he moved in closer, one hand crawling up her side, under her shirt. "Maybe I was going too easy on you..."


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 18:25:32 UTC
Sheena had just been pinned. It took her a moment to realize this fact, having been taken completely by surprise. It was the contact of Soubi's hand on her skin that snapped her into motion. How dare he!

Grabbing the wrist of the offending hand, the ninja yanked it out from under her shirt and used her skill to easily slip out from underneath Soubi and turn the tables on him. Ending up with his arm twisted behind his back and the ninja's knee pressing solidly into his lower back, Sheena leaned down and growled, "You don't have permission to put your hands there. That privilege does not belong to you, Soubi."

After a moment, she let go, not wanting to break his arm. "You're lucky I like you," she said with an irritated sigh before flopping down on top of his back.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 18:29:53 UTC
Sheena got him back far too quickly for his pride's comfort.

"I dread to think what you'd have done to somebody you don't like," Soubi tried to laugh. He made himself comfortable, head resting on his arms. "Hmm, maybe you like me more than you let on. Anyway, who told you I like it rough?"


mind_the_sukima October 1 2009, 23:55:34 UTC
Lunch had been a splendid affair and it was a while before the youkai finally pried herself away from her company and exited out towards the Sun Room. She was thinking of seeing what sort of creative types were in the Arts & Crafts room when she spotted a familiar ninja across the room. Though she'd teased her, she hadn't actually talked with Sheena since the previous night. Still, it looked like she was busy talking with someone; Soubi, wasn't it? Yukari could leave her to that and just hunt her down after the lights went out. She was just about to continue with the original plan when their faces started coming together...

Yukari did what any sensible person would and hid behind a couch, peeping over the top at the pair, a smirk on her face. She would have killed to know what led to this surprise turn of events, but for now was content to just spy and giggle madly. Eventually they pulled away and it seemed whatever it had been was over, but then Soubi was pushing the ninja down... now, now, she was going to actually get jealous at ( ... )


mizuhomaiden October 2 2009, 01:34:43 UTC
Sheena snorted. "As if I'm capable of being anything but rough." So said the scratch she'd left on the youkai's back. "But that doesn't mean I like you."

She shifted a bit on Soubi's back to get more comfortable when a very familiar giggle reached her ears. No. No. Nooooooo! Nonono! This was not how she wanted to encounter Yukari after... after... the whole thing the previous night. And with what the youkai actually said, she might have seen...


Hopefully it was only the little wrestling match that lasted a total of two seconds. Regardless, the ninja flushed and sat up so fast she overbalanced and flopped quite un-ninja-like onto her back. Putting an arm over her eyes, she said, "You know, I'm going to count to ten and when I look again, there's not going to be a sneaky youkai teasing me."


beloved_less October 2 2009, 08:06:13 UTC
"Sheena, please. I've already had one shower today..." he teased.

While Soubi knew of Yukari, he didn't know her. And, it wasn't that he was shy, but he felt a little closed up around new people. Still, this was a way to get at Sheena who'd just fallen off his back.

He stayed where he was and smiled up pleasantly.

"Well, trying to."

He looked over his shoulder at Sheena. "You want me all for yourself?"


mind_the_sukima October 2 2009, 21:13:33 UTC
Yukari laughed again as the ninja fell off Soubi and started making irrational claims.

"I don't think you'd make a very good prophet," she replied pleasantly to the implied threat. "Because that's one prediction that's not coming true."

She seated herself on the floor besides them and returned Soubi's smile with a little wave in greeting.

"Persistence," she advised him. "It takes a while to get through those ninja defenses of hers."


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