Day 44: Men's Showers, Second Shift

Sep 24, 2009 20:24

Okita had woken with a start, his breath coming back to him in a rush. Toward the end of the night, he had sworn he'd seen someone in the shadows - someone no taller than a boy of nine, a mask covering his face, blood running down his front. He'd seen him. There was no way of mistaking that outfit or that mask; and Okita didn't need to see the ( Read more... )

sechs, s.t., klavier, endrance, kenshin, haine, tenzen, gumshoe, snake, teisel, beelzemon, sam winchester, jade, asch, zex, claude, chihaya, edgeworth, kurogane, roland, lunge, dean winchester, pied piper, the flash, takasugi, hk-47, sho, von karma, grell, hanekoma, guy, alfred, venom, big boss, abe sapien, lord recluse, yohji, peter petrelli, depth charge, kibitoshin, apollo, two-face, lelouch, zoro, okita, fai, schuldig, aidou, touya, howl, wolverine, tyki, spock, l, scar (tlk)

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bprd_fishman September 24 2009, 14:00:29 UTC
Calm, staying calm, there's a good fish. Abe rushed out of breakfast as fast as he could, eager to be away from people trying to nose into his business. Some water running over his body would relax him even in this body, although a bath would be far better to properly get him hydrated ( ... )


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 01:06:50 UTC
A sad smile crossed Abe's face. That was common ground. So far Beelzemon wasn't yelling at him or patronizing him--ever so slightly he reminded Abe of Demyx.

He made sure to lean out of the water before speaking this time. "Yes. So far I've found little to like about it.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 01:15:31 UTC
"Yeah, me too. Made friends already, though, an' someone I know 's here." That was good at least, especially with meeting Loz and all, but it didn't change the fact that they were all stuck here.

"You got any friends here yet?" Beelzemon could help with something like that at least.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 01:53:25 UTC
"I...suppose I have," Abe replied, slightly unsure. Demyx counted, didn't he? They had at least talked in a friendly fashion.

How had he ever lived, cramped up in the gilded cage that was the BPRD? If he hadn't quit before he would do so the moment he returned and to hell with the consequences--he wanted to meet people, he wanted to find out what a friend who wasn't assigned to him was like.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 05:08:03 UTC
"Good. You ever need another one, I've got no problem with that. Seems like a good idea ta have friends here." Among other reasons, so he wouldn't totally lose it ever again. And if he had friends, he could help protect them.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 14:04:35 UTC
Very small and very shyly, Abe smiled. "I would like that, yes," he said quietly, touching his chest. "I'm very new at making friends, it's difficult for me. But I shall try to live up to expectations."

That was easy enough. Abe offered his hand, fingers up and palm out, planning to make it as clear as possible this time. "Would you mind if I did a small-scale psychic reading on you, or would you consider that an invasion of your privacy? I've found that a lot of people don't like it if I don't ask first."


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 14:32:31 UTC
"Alright!" Beelzemon said happily, "I'm new with this stuff too, so don' worry. I don' really have expectations or stuff like that."

"Oh, uh, sure. Go ahead." He didn't quite know what this was or what it meant, but it didn't sound like anything bad. He held out his hand, not quite sure if that was needed.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 14:45:56 UTC
Abe pressed his palm to Beelzemon's, spreading his fingers and putting the other hand to his temple for the inevitable headache.

Beelzemon. Digimon, as he said. And oh my.

"You've had quite a transformation too, haven't you?" he asked, blinking hard and pulling his hand away again.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 16:03:57 UTC
Well, that was weird. Kind of cool, though. "Yeah, I did. Bein' human ain't exactly something I got experience with." Unless Abe was talking about how he went from being an evil psycho to trying to help people. That was a whole nother matter entirely.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 18:54:27 UTC
"I've been having the same problem, thus the issue with the water." Abe waved behind him at the still-falling water. "I'm generally amphibious. I suppose it's a blessing that I figured this out before I actually tried swimming."

Death by drowning, that would be a massive irony.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 19:05:31 UTC
"Huh? ...Oh right, ya can't breathe underwater in the Real World. Good thing to remember." He was glad he hadn't spaced out on that yet, and he probably wouldn't, now that he'd seen what happened when you did.

"Most a the problem with me is bein' so weak. It's weird. An' it ain't all that fun either. That an' my guns 're gone. They used to just come with bein' me." He wasn't quite sure what humans did to get them or make them, when they couldn't Digivolve.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 20:40:35 UTC
The 'Real World' being Landel's? Abe wondered why they'd call it that. He tilted his head to the side, curious to know more about his new friend. "Are you strong because of your human body, or are you strong simply because you're here?"

Behind him his hand quested about for the soap, moving without needing to be guided by petty things like vision.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 21:01:12 UTC
"Nah, I wasn' human before. Not really, but I sorta looked like one." If you discounted the tail and the third eye and the claws and the kinda gray-blue skin, but yeah. "It was 'cause I was a Mega level. Strongest kind of Digimon. Here, bein' human? can't even bust down a wall." Walls just hurt now.


bprd_fishman September 25 2009, 21:05:18 UTC
Abe already knew what Beelzemon had looked like, wasn't he listening? "We've all been placed into human bodies, I'm not surprised our abilities are reduced to normal or near-normal levels. The whole thing seems like some sort of elaborate charade."

There was the soap. Abe rubbed it between the washcloth stretched over his fingers--like webbing--and worked up some useful bubbles.


brooklynisangry September 25 2009, 21:27:49 UTC
"Yeah. Wouldn' be able to do any of my real powerful stuff like this." Not even Darkness Claw. ...Because he didn't have claws, obviously. "'s worse than being a Rookie. At least then I could throw fireballs." Badda-boom was about as useful as calculator to a Datamon, but at least it set stuff on fire every so often.


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