Night 43: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Aug 29, 2009 16:26

[from here]The halls were empty so far, which was probably a good sign. Suzaku was hoping to get a move-on quickly, so they could hurry up and get Yuffie's sword made. The first night he'd been here, he'd been pulled back to his bed the instant he made it outside, so they'd have to move fast if they wanted to make any decent progress. And right ( Read more... )

kirk, kitty pryde, endrance, dias, badou, gale, hanatarou, rude, teisel, sora, doumeki, jason, indiana jones, raz, luffy, asch, lockon (neil), euphemia, suzaku, rey, franziska, luxord, dist, lunge, teresa, cissnei, kanji, von karma, albedo, venom, kio, abe sapien, tsukasa, peter petrelli, depth charge, porky, two-face, soubi, edgar, tenpou, matt, sylar, rolo, manny, howl, tyki, spock, nathan petrelli, l, haseo, rubedo, sokka

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Comments 125

scintillatingly August 30 2009, 09:10:25 UTC
[From here.]

There were some other patients! Sora glanced them over (not because he was nosy, just curious!) -- there was an older man with a boy who was probably a little younger than Sora, and then one other guy who looked like he was by himself. He shouldn't be doing that! But maybe he was just on his way somewhere, and he was already moving further away from Sora.

The boy sighed, knowing that he couldn't worry over each new face he saw. This was always how it was on the night that a new batch came in, and he needed to stay focused on his own task. It wasn't like there were any monsters out yet.

He was pretty sure he knew which hallway Hitsugaya had meant, and he was going to cross his fingers that he hadn't screwed that up. If he was correct, then he just needed to turn right and keep going...


scintillatingly August 30 2009, 09:19:03 UTC
[To here.]


spiritrepellent August 30 2009, 12:00:57 UTC
[from here]

Another hallway, featureless as the last two. There were doors at either end, and after exiting the previous hallway, he paused here, his back pressed against the wall to avoid being snuck up on - because the situation had, in fact, gained some kind of urgency in its strangeness - he looked both ways, considering his options. To his left there was a long hallway and an open door. Despite the poor vision in his right eye, if he squinted, he got the feeling that it lead outside, or to some large open space. To his right, the hallway seemed to continue.

For the moment, Doumeki felt a little safer indoors, and so he opted to take the indoor route. Pushing away from the wall, he padded in his hospital slippers down the hallway, golden eyes on alert.


whohitreset August 31 2009, 06:46:11 UTC
[from here]

These hallways were always crowded. That was nothing new and nothing Matt shouldn't have expected. He turned off his own flashlight in order to save batteries, relying instead on the light from others'. It also helped to keep himself hidden. Even if he didn't plan on attacking anyone in this hallway, he had to look at least somewhat demented - mostly because he was somewhat demented. After last night, and what with things as they were now (Would this ever go away? Would he be stuck as some sort of half-zombie every time night came around, now? What a sick joke.) no one could say his sanity was a hundred percent intact.

He froze as someone came just a little too close, their scent just a little too strong, and had to slap a hand over his mouth again with a short choking noise. Not here. He was too out in the open here...


spiritrepellent August 31 2009, 07:26:40 UTC
Another sharp movement out of the corner of his eye. Doumeki turned his head towards it, expecting it to be gone like some kind of phantasm, like the other ones he'd been seeing all night, but it didn't end up being like that.

It was a boy, who slapped a hand over his mouth, looking ill and like he was injured. Doumeki's brows furrowed for a moment, and he took a step just a bit closer.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice low. Partially because he didn't want to startle the young man again, as he seemed to have been already. He really looked worse for the wear, and Doumeki started glancing down over the clothing he wore to see if there was something that could be used to help.


whohitreset August 31 2009, 08:08:14 UTC
"I'm fine." Matt answered quickly, too quickly, and jerked away from the other boy until he was backed against the wall. This patient, like so many others, wasn't dolled up like Edgeworth had been. His arms were bare and far too easy a target for his teeth.

It was sickening, thinking that way. Matt was close to having a fit, so torn between wanting to follow the hunger and wanting to stab himself to put others out of danger. But he just wasn't strong enough for the latter, and a helpful person would easily put his or herself at risk. He would be easier to pull away into a darkened room. Easier to get alone.

If he was smart, he'd keep walking.


yourtravelagent August 30 2009, 13:45:50 UTC
[from here]

As he walked, the lesser details of that last announcement began to sink in. Who or what was IRIS? Either Martin didn't work weekends and someone else was trying to guess his password, or he'd just locked himself out of the network.

What network? Manny thought, a little frustrated. Why would someone care enough to set up something so elaborate when the end of the line was right in front of them?


yourtravelagent August 30 2009, 14:44:08 UTC
[to here]


euphemise August 30 2009, 18:44:43 UTC
[from here]

"Hm. The map says it should be that first block. Though...should I knock first? It feels a little rude to just walk in like that." Euphy frowned at the door, as if it would somehow answer for her.


number1smiley August 30 2009, 20:17:22 UTC
Teresa chose not to comment on Euphy's lack of direction. The girl wasn't a warrior and far more optimistic than she thought was healthy. Then again, she had a feeling that some of that optimism may be a desperate attempt to assure herself, not Teresa. She idly wondered if the girl realized that if Teresa believed Euphy was going to do something terribly stupid, she'd simply pick the girl up and remove her from the danger her choice was putting her in.

"This door leads to a hallway, not a room. Knocking will only draw unwanted attention to us," Teresa said just before she pushed the door open.

[to here]


number1smiley August 31 2009, 05:04:53 UTC
[from here]

Now back in the hallway, Teresa needed to decide what direction she wished to go. She had a vague recollection of the map that had been posted, having watched Euphy copy it down, so she was aware that there was a large open area to the north of her current location. Assuming they were accurate.

One way to find out.

[to here]


mitase August 30 2009, 22:32:05 UTC
[from here]

The hallways around the patient rooms were rather depressingly familiar by now, and Hanatarou was mostly running the path he'd followed many times without really paying attention to anything other than the noises around him. He knew where he was going and mostly just wanted to make certain that nothing unpleasant found him while he was going there.

As he went, though, for half a second he thought he saw something...different, from the corner of his eye, and paused. When he turned his light that direction, though, all he saw was bare wall. Must have been his imagination.

Though, didn't his light seem a little dimmer than usual tonight...?


mitase August 30 2009, 22:33:25 UTC
[to here]


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