Day 22, Waiting Room 2, Evening Shift

Mar 04, 2007 01:07

Sanzo couldn't think of anyone who would want to visit him. He knew that he wasn't exactly the most pleasant person around - not that he gave a shit - so it wasn't like he made any friends. That was more for the others: Gojyo had called him a "self-absorbed prick" more than once, and Sanzo didn't care to change it. Fuck the roach ( Read more... )

visitors, haku, zell, soujirou, eric draven, azel, sanzo

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brilliant_azel March 4 2007, 13:22:05 UTC
Azel could barely contain his excitement; his heart was thudding frantically in his chest -- it had started when his "real" name was announced saying that he had a visitor. There was a very short list of people it could be and he was hoping it was the name first on that list ( ... )


brilliant_azel March 8 2007, 12:09:58 UTC
"I love you." Azel said, in an almost meek way as he remained there, encompassed in those arms that felt like he imagined Calintz's might feel, if his captain ever embraced him. He never hard, not in their years together. A pat on the shoulder or a ruffle of his hair was the fullest extent of the other man's ability to convey affection.

Even when he lay near death, in that inn after shielding the others from that blast...

Or maybe... that wasn't real at all. Maybe he had just played the self-sacrificing person to make his own opinion of himself a better one.


damned_visitors March 9 2007, 06:25:20 UTC
He doubted he could ever give voice to the same sentiments, to say something so frivolous. They were brothers. It didn't need to be said for it to be so. He gave a quiet "Nn" in acknowledgement as he pulled away, though still on the ground near his brother.

"Come on Aaron, I know you don't want to sit here like this all day. We've still got some time left, was there anything you wanted to talk about? Maybe we could play a game or something." Aaron had always been more of a follower than a leader. It was usually up to Calvin to make the decisions. Hopefully a game or maybe some stories from back home would help lighten the mood.


brilliant_azel March 10 2007, 08:12:26 UTC
"Tell me about what's going on in your life." Azel said, still being a trifle clingy. He beamed up at his brother, more cheerful at this moment than he ever had been since coming here. His heart was light and he was beginning to think it was for the best, just giving in, just believing and maybe trying to get better.

Maybe then, he'd be worthy of being loved.


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