Day 43: Sun Room

Aug 09, 2009 15:29

Why does this place always have to spoil my fun? was the first thing HK thought when he realized he was back in his cell in the Institute. Oh well. This meant his nurse would be coming soon to lead him off to whatever boring place he was supposed to go to now ( Read more... )

raine, s.t., tony stark, kenshin, tsubaki, dahlia, kamiya kaoru, hanatarou, skuld, beelzemon, ken amada, sora, utena, asch, rey, franziska, shikamaru, kanji, tim drake, hk-47, von karma, grell, kenren, alfred, ken, depth charge, allelujah, sync, wesker, lelouch, jun, okita, sasuke, schuldig, tyki, spock, kratos, l, loz

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Comments 399

scalyfishman August 9 2009, 19:41:43 UTC
That, as they say, was that. The fat femme-bot had finished her number and Depth Charge's world was markedly free of zombies ( ... )


[I know I said third/fourth shift, but you're still free, soooooo~ *STEALS(] hailmegatron August 11 2009, 04:03:28 UTC
[from here]

Lugnut marched right out of the cafeteria, Scourge trailing behind him, and scanned the room for Blitzwing.

Still nothing, slagitall. But there was Depth Charge, who was relaxing, and was... not safe, but he wouldn't sprain Lugnut's wrist.

Lugnut lumbered over and sat on the couch opposite Depth Charge, staring blankly at the Auto-- Maximal, ice pack still pressed to his wrist.


Re: [I know I said third/fourth shift, but you're still free, soooooo~ *STEALS(] haplesstracker August 11 2009, 04:19:49 UTC
Scourge kept to heel, still playing the role of the obedient subordinate with a world-weary expression on his face. He made a personal note to try and spend the rest of the day in better company, ideally with people who didn't know who he was.

And DC again, lovely. At least Scourge had something to wave in his face, if it wasn't for him the Maximal would be zombie food right now.

"Hi." He perched himself on the couch arm and waved with all the cheer he could muster.


o hai decepticon invasion how r u scalyfishman August 11 2009, 11:20:42 UTC
... hold on. Something wasn't right. Underneath their lids Depth Charge's eyes twitched slightly. Felt like someone was watching him. Hmm. The Maximal slowly opened one eye and-


Holy--! Latent reflexes from the previous night kicked in with a jerk, and it was only by slamming one hand on the floor that he stopped himself from falling clean out of the armchair in shock. Lugnut and Scourge were sitting across from him as though they'd been there all along. Well, slag.

"Primus!" The words came out as a snarl, more from the embarrassment of being caught so royally off guard than from aggression. "Don't do that!" Pushing himself back up into the chair in a vague attempt to regain some of his dignity, he eyeballed his visitors sulkily. "What the Pit do you two want?"


whohitreset August 9 2009, 20:04:42 UTC
Matt had woken up and immediately bitten the arm of the nurse standing over his bed. It wasn't a deep bite, hardly enough to leave a mark, because he realized the moment he did it that the hunger had left him. He pulled away almost as quickly, leaving the nurse to stare at him bemusedly ( ... )


quarter_english August 10 2009, 03:39:19 UTC
[from here.]

L made the decision to approach Matt solely because there was an element of familiarity about him.

Most of these people do not appear to be sick, or injured enough to be hospital inpatients, he thought, so it seems possible that this is a facility for psychiatric treatment, or maybe for the treatment of addictions...? No, there would be supporting materials suggesting that as the goal. The other possibility is that they are not patients at all.

He popped up in front of Matt, all unkempt black hair and staring dark eyes.

"You are familiar to me. Why?"


whohitreset August 10 2009, 03:59:46 UTC
If there was one thing Matt didn't expect to happen that morning, it was having L right up in his face. (Perhaps whoever had cleaned up the zombie mess from the night before had left one behind...) He instinctively sat back a bit, blinking behind the hideous glasses they made him wear. L, and he'd disappeared before, which meant he wouldn't remember anything that had happened during the time he'd spent there previously. Though Matt had heard of this happening, he'd yet to experience it with someone first hand.

"Because we grew up in the same place," he answered, watching the man warily. "You just got here." A statement. "I have some answers, if you want them." Would things go better with him now, he wondered, than they had when he was there before? They yet to get anywhere, and he wasn't feeling incredibly optimistic after almost becoming a zombie the night before.


quarter_english August 10 2009, 04:09:57 UTC
L paused, then shook his head. "No, I did not grow up there -- but I understand your meaning." One of the children from Wammy's House, then; and yes, he could now place the face, though it should be half a decade younger. A familiar face, to lull me into a sense of normalcy? But if that is the case, why didn't they choose someone more familiar? Was this the most familiar person they could find to cooperate with them?

He realized that he had begun to think in terms of a nebulous "they" and "them," and wondered when he would have something more concrete to place behind what would ordinarily sound to him like a half-baked conspiracy theory.

His eyebrows twitched a bit, as a thoughtful expression passed across his face, and his gaze slipped to the side before it returned to focus on Matt.

"I would appreciate answers -- although I believe you will understand that I cannot yet take them at face value."


rope_victim August 9 2009, 21:03:14 UTC
”Good morning, Alice, I’m afraid I have some very exciting and disappointing news. I’m sorry, but Akihiro…” Miku had stopped listening past that statement. So, he was gone. Maybe it was shock, but Miku couldn’t get herself to feel anything but cheated and empty. Like an automaton, she’d eaten like her nurse had asked, and now sat in the Sun Room, staring into space from her seat on a couch. When she finally started crying, the noise was quiet, despite her soft gasps for air between waves. Her tears left messy trails down her cheeks, and the box of tissues a nurse had put beside her were soon empty ( ... )


mizuhomaiden August 10 2009, 00:27:55 UTC
Sheena woke up in a lot of pain and a lot of bandages. Her wounds had all been expertly bandaged. She could feel stitches in her side and on the back of her shoulder where the zombie had bitten her, but overall she felt significantly better. At least she wasn't seeing black spots and seemed to have evened out to having a normal temperature. She was still bone tired, but she managed to haul herself out of bed.

It was then that she realized the morning announcement had been different. Odd. Still, she needed to go make sure Soubi, Ritsuka and Miku knew she hadn't ended up as zombie food since she hadn't made it back to them. Her first place to stop was the Sun Room to check the board if she didn't see any of them.

She did spot Miku and the other young woman crying her eyes out made the ninja completely forget about her own injuries and the pain she was in. She sat down next to Miku and reached out to gently tug her into the ninja's embrace. "Miku..."


rope_victim August 10 2009, 01:19:52 UTC
Miku followed Sheena's lead loosely, though her sobs punctuated every other breath and sounded nearly as hysterical with grief as they had been with fear the night before. She murmured something quietly, almost too quiet to hear. "Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry..."


mizuhomaiden August 10 2009, 01:26:56 UTC
Sheena wrapped her arms around Miku and let the girl sob into her ample chest. It hurt like hell to move her one arm that much, but she didn't care.

"What are you sorry about?" She'd seen the board, so she knew Sousuke was gone, but she hoped Miku wasn't blaming herself.


tyki_pon August 9 2009, 21:15:22 UTC
When Tyki awoke with a start, he half-expected for Rhode to still cling to him as if her non-life depended on it. He was surprised the other members of the Zombie Crowd hadn't started munching on him already. It was kind of ironic that something he easily could've taken care of were his powers still in tact gave him so much trouble last night. He was a Noah. Not even human. But right now he really wasn't much stronger than one ( ... )


deadlyjuliet August 10 2009, 12:44:38 UTC
Grell awoke leisurely for once. Unlike most of the other people in this place, he had rather enjoyed the night. Not only had he gotten a present out of the deal, but he'd found a most lovely gift to himself and spent the evening bringing suffering upon people he really couldn't care less about. Now, he usually wasn't one to go for the sadistic route, but he couldn't deny the pleasure he took in making the patients' lives just a little harder. He needed to draw the Higher Ups' attentions and to do that, he had to break rules. Unfortunately, it seemed that yet another night passed without him having accomplished that goal ( ... )


tyki_pon August 10 2009, 14:58:44 UTC
Tyki glanced up at the sound of someone clearing his throat. A familiar face, eh? Even though he couldn't really recall the other's name. He chuckled at the comment, though.

"You got that right!" Tyki greeted with a grin, adjusting his own glasses. Which wasn't all that much of a lie, he guessed. At least, when he wasn't looking around for either foor or money, or cheating someone's pants off. "All I need now is a smoke and I'm set."

But the way it looked like, it would seem he would have to wait until evening. Jeez...

"I don't think I ever caught yer name."


deadlyjuliet August 11 2009, 01:31:40 UTC
Again that strange headache. There was something off about this man, but Grell still couldn't put his finger on it. He seemed human enough, but the haziness his presence brought was undeniable. It was possible he was like Donna, somehow connected to someone who was off, but how? Grell sighed mentally and wished his feminine instincts were just a little stronger. He was certain he could figure it out then. Again, thwarted by God.

"A cigarette? I'm afraid I can't help you there, love - none up my sleeves today." Or ever. He wasn't one to smoke, but if it meant getting in with someone who could help him survive, he'd be more than happy to steal a few from someone less needy. Holding out his hand, palm down, Grell smiled wide for once. "Since we never finished our game, I'll give you a freebie. My name is Grell Sutcliff. And yours was... Tyki Mikk, was it not?"


thatdamnedninja August 9 2009, 21:20:34 UTC
Zombies with familiar faces -- or where they even zombies at all now? Yuffie couldn't tell, didn't have time to check; all she could do was keep on living, keep on killing them. Or may that was -- She looked around, found herself in the Sun Room, shuriken in hand, moogle cloak -- Being used all over again, but she couldn't stop; it was them who had to, had to turn around and go back. The snap of bones was drumming out a symphony in the back of her mind, trickling through her like blood -- The smell and sight of explosions now, the rush of air as she dropped into battle; it was almost desperate, this plan, but they had to punch through, had to win, they just had to -- Mako, she'd never get used to the smell of it, but Weiss was right there and now was their chance, her and Vince's -- No, too late, there was the darkness; it caught her, and she hung helpless until ( ... )


thatdamnedninja August 9 2009, 21:21:02 UTC
She gave Plucky the slip as soon as they'd reached the Sun Room, and immediately made a beeline for the bulletin. It looked like it was gonna be a busy day already; the board was saturated with concerned notes, and peppered with other tidbits of information. She scanned through it all, tacking up her own message and a reply here and there. There… that'd have to do for now. And if people didn't reply, she'd just have to follow through on her promise-threat to hunt 'em down.

Shaking her head, Yuffie moved a few feet to the left so that she could sit with her back comfortably against the wall. She brought her knees up to her chest, rested her journal on them, and started translating her notes from Wutaian to something that Lelouch'd be able to understand. Short of jumping up onto a table and belting out a drinking song she'd learned from Cid, work was the only distraction she could think of.

[Closed to Lulu.]


(The comment has been removed)

thatdamnedninja August 9 2009, 23:54:46 UTC
Translating this crap was too easy.

That's what it was -- crap. If she'd tried to get by handing this sort of thing to Reeve… Ugh, he'd have given her a look, she just knew it. She'd had all this time, and she'd barely been able to scratch the surface! Everything she knew, everything she'd been able to scrape together so far, asked way more questions than it answered! Yuffie scratched her cheek, brushed the pen through her bangs, tapped her feet in an off-beat rhythm. Sighed. And then scowled at the piece of paper, as if to say: I want very badly to dip you in three kinds of acid, follow up with petrol, and then light you on fire. With a bomb.

And then I'll -- Wait, is that Lelouch?

Yuffie blinked, observing him silently as he shambled over to his girlfriend, the bulletin board. He didn't look too good. Not injured, just. Kinda zombie like. Which, after a night like that, wasn't too nice a thought ( ... )


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