Day 43: Intercom, Dawn

Aug 09, 2009 07:15

Good morning, and welcome to your personalized tour of Landel's Institute! My name is I.R.I.S. and I will be your automated guide during your stay here. If you have any specific questions during our tour, please direct them to the personal console in your welcome bag. We will do our very best to address any concerns you may have ( Read more... )

raz, sherry, forte, jun, intercom, howl, cissnei, l, beelzemon, loz, doumeki

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Comments 20

oldestremnant August 11 2009, 18:16:23 UTC
That explosion had been a big one. Yazoo had guessed that such an attack might be suicidal, but they had done it anyway. Big Brother had taken Mother and Kadaj away from them, and he had to pay. Gathering the power of their Materia, they had tried to attack Big Brother with the full force of their magic; but that poisonous rain had started destroying the both of them, making their Materia unstable until it exploded, sending him into darkness ( ... )


damned_nurses August 12 2009, 21:47:50 UTC
The loud banging had the nurse rushing at the door within seconds, two large orderlies along with her. They didn't restrain him yet, but if he made one move towards her, they would be on him without hesitation. As troubling as it was, these incidents were unfortunately not uncommon and for the nurse, it was almost routine.

"Calm down, please," she said firmly. "We don't want any trouble here, now do we?"


oldestremnant August 12 2009, 21:53:06 UTC
Loz snarled at the woman, "Where's Yazoo? Where's my Duel Hound?"

The silver haired man ran at the two men, preparing to punch both of them. He'd take care of them real quickly, and then he'd find Yazoo and his weapon and break out of this place.


damned_nurses August 12 2009, 22:06:06 UTC
If she'd had the time, she would've shaken her head in disappointment. Those delusions were always as strong as ever. She'd read the file, so she knew what the patient was referring to, but now was not the time to go over it.

The orderlies moved quick, almost quicker than what should've been possible, holding the patient back while the nurse stepped in and swiftly sedated him. She'd been hoping that this wouldn't be necessary, but it couldn't be helped.

With the patient no longer struggling, the orderlies took him to the Sun Room where he could remain for now and, hopefully, feel more cooperative once he awoke.


brooklynisangry August 11 2009, 19:14:37 UTC
It was sad to have to leave Ai and Mako, but it was for the best. After all, everyone had helped defeat the D-Reaper, so both worlds would be safe. That was good, right? Now, if only making it back to the Digital World could feel less weird. The light made him close his eyes, putting an arm up to stop it from trying to drill its way into his skull.

Waitaminute… Why did he have arms? Yaamon didn’t have arms! But this didn't feel like being Impmon. Was he back to being Beelzemon already? He opened his eyes, but only two of them did anything. What the hell was wrong with his third eye? He put his hand to his forehead, finding no mask, no eye, nothing. "What th'?!" he yelped, trying to get up but getting caught in something and falling to the floor. He kicked off the blankets (Wha? A bed? Since when was I takin' a nap?!), standing up and looking around the small, white room he found himself in. That didn’t help, but there was a door. He reached first for his shotguns, then realized he didn’t have those either. Looking down as he tried to ( ... )


damned_nurses August 12 2009, 01:26:05 UTC
The nurse and the pair of orderlies went flying down the hall as soon as they heard the first thump. She wasn't carrying a syringe, but she had a number of them in her pocket and ready to go.

Once they'd arrived outside, she motioned for one of the orderlies to take point as they entered the door. "Derek! You need to calm down. You're here to get better. We're here to help you. So, please, calm down," she said, carefully making sure she was behind the lead orderly.


brooklynisangry August 12 2009, 01:54:26 UTC
If he hadn't already started charging at the first big thing that was coming through the door, he might have been confused enough to ask 'What's a Derek?!' But as it was, he was pissed off and looking more to pummel whatever'd stuck him in here in these weird clothes and-- aw hell, he'd already gone over all of that stuff already. It was confusing enough the first time he'd figured it out!

Anyway, back to getting out of here! Beelzemon used his running start to get momentum going, aiming for the face on whatever this big thing was coming through the door. Sure, punching things hadn't helped anything so far. But that didn't mean it wasn't worth trying again!


damned_nurses August 12 2009, 02:05:10 UTC
The nurse ran to the left, and the second orderly ran to the right, leaving the first to take the brunt of the punch. He braced and put a hand up to block it, while the second orderly grabbed onto Beelzemon's shoulders, holding him in place.

"Derek. You have one more chance to calm down. Otherwise, I'm going to have to take strict measures."

[derp since I failed before, this is Jen]


runner_up_robot August 11 2009, 20:08:23 UTC
The last thing Forte remembered was... well, it was fuzzy at any rate. He'd been in a human hospital, he'd been a human... it was all strange and confusing. He'd been trapped, he felt useless and weak, and he'd relied on other- well, he'd relied on humans for help. And just when he was starting to go on missions and act like himself again... he was bleeding, everything had been fading...

And then there was some kind of giant fish, spitting glitter.

It must have been a strange dream, that was all. The robot tried to sit up, but he felt his midsection was tightly bound, and there were jabs of pain. He must have tried to fight Rock Man again, and been nearly scrapped. He had just been repaired by Dr. Wily, who would berate him until Forte threatened to blow up his castle. In fact, there was some automated announcement coming on above him, though he couldn't make out the words just now. That was a reasonable explanation. He'd just been dreaming, and come online before repairs were complete. It made perfect sense ( ... )


slipperymagic August 12 2009, 02:48:51 UTC
The first thing Howl became aware of was a woman calling his name. It was muffled by sleep, and his immediate instinct was to block it out. Howl could not recall the last time he had slept as deeply and pleasantly, and he was not about to be dragged out of bed by the only woman in any position to enter his room and nag him about oversleeping, which was inevitably what this situation was going to turn into.

Howl didn't want to open his eyes, because that would be admitting he was by now quite well awake, which Sophie would take as a victory. So Howl had to proudly fumble blindly for the edge of his covers. He gave them a firm yank and threw the blankets gracefully over his head. He hoped that this would give Sophie all the information she could possibly need, but it also gave her a clear view of his bony feet, which had been uncovered when his face was hidden. He felt ridiculous, but stubbornly pretended he was still fast asleep and utterly unbothered by the breeze on his toes. In fact, it was completely pleasant and relaxing, his ( ... )


slipperymagic August 12 2009, 02:49:10 UTC
"Get better? I'm not ill-" Howl stopped himself, as the situation sunk in. "Wait, I'm at a mental institution ( ... )


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