Nightshift 42: Central Street

Jul 29, 2009 23:19

[from here]Punching zombies was almost mechanical now, though Wally wasn't sure if that was from having hit so many or from blood loss kicking in. Maybe it was even both? He'd been punching so many, following Bats as he led the way down the street running down the centre of Doyleton, that they'd all started to blur together into a rhythm of 'punch ( Read more... )

impulse, batman, the flash

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Comments 18

gothamnight July 30 2009, 06:37:59 UTC
Under normal circumstances, Bruce was sure-someplace where rules of physics worked and time-space could not be bent-the Batman would either be trailing behind the Flash (and reminding himself that there was nothing inferior about being a normal human) or running beside him, shooting a glare at the man after yet another crack about dead people and wishing to himself that the years with Dick hadn't made Bruce so quick to sense when an inappropriate pun was coming.

Under normal circumstances. But real-life "zombie apocalypses" weren't normal, and neither was the steady, red stream dripping down Wally's arm and shoulder. A wound that Bruce didn't understand the reason for, a wound that shouldn't have been there because sometimes, being a normal human does make you inferior because metas alone can take advantage of their powers to dodge or fend off attacks when a normal human being would just have to deal with being ( ... )


justanimpulse July 30 2009, 17:14:40 UTC
After his little meltdown earlier in the fast food place, Bart was feeling kind of...drained. Numb. Like nothing else could touch him. After all, getting half-convinced that everything you'd ever trusted to be real was actually part of a program written specifically to mess with your head had to be the worst of the worst, right? So...he just needed to find some way to cope with it, and maybe figure out a way to confirm whether or not it was true. He didn't really need to worry about anything else, because there was no way anything worse than what had already been done to him could happen, right?

That was when the ground started sprouting zombies.

"Oh, come on!" Bart said, slapping his own forehead. "Is this the best you can come up with now? What, is someone in Programming bored? Or did you all just run out of good ideas ( ... )


scarletspeedstr July 30 2009, 23:46:34 UTC
While earlier Wally hadn't really seen the point in walking all around town just to note where everything and everyone was, right now he was suddenly glad that Bats had done that, since it meant he did have an idea of where to go to get some cover. Whereas Wally was just... tagging along, punching zombies, and trying to see if you could stop bleeding through sheer force of will.

Too bad the answer seemed to be a 'no' on that one. It would have made things a lot easier.

"I- yeah. I can make it," he answered. It might have been more convincing if he hadn't sounded so tired, but he was determined to make it true, even if he had to ( ... )


gothamnight July 31 2009, 05:26:19 UTC
"I- yeah. I can make it."

The same way you still have some of your powers? Batman thought sardonically before he could stop himself. He sent one more corpse flying with more force than strictly necessary, and the splatter from the blow drenched his upper right arm almost completely.

Whatever had made these corpses the way they were...Batman had to hope weren't spread from skin-to-skin contact. Or maybe, he didn't need hope to guess that the zombies' "illness" couldn't be spread so easily. He remembered the look on the doctor's face from last night-the clean, calculating precision that defined the lines of his silhouette and his weapons. The doctor bore the look of a man too focused to approve of indiscriminate, large-scale slaughter; the zombies were likely here not to destroy them, but test them. Either that, or weed some of them outBatman looked at Wally. His shoulder was still bleeding ( ... )


oftemptation August 7 2009, 16:48:06 UTC
[from here.]

Endrance looked around the side street. His prediction had been right so far - less people meant less things to fight. That was a relief in and of itself. "We shouldn't stay here too long...but we can at least take a moment to breathe." And check everyone's status, and change positions around if need be, though he didn't say that last part.

It was useless to ask how everyone was, anyway. They were all the same way: drained physically and emotionally and afraid of what would happen before morning came.


cannotlogout August 8 2009, 22:47:49 UTC
Tsukasa clenched his jaw and forced himself to shut up and stop babbling when Haseo ordered it. He felt like a fool, a true idiot, for messing up the spell, not considering the consequences, and for nearly losing it. He was supposed to be smarter than that, but at the moment he was just terrified.

He had absolutely no problem with running though and he followed after Endrance, glancing back every couple of moments to make sure that the others were following. The zombies were getting further away at least, although he didn't know how long that would last.

He doubled over, hands on his knees and breathing heavily when Endrance called a halt. At least a t-shirt and jeans were much easier to run in than Wavemaster robes and he wasn't about to trip over a staff. "Is Leon okay?" he asked when he'd caught his breath, turning to look at the younger boy.


bitpartgod August 9 2009, 09:23:50 UTC
Kibitoshin skidded to a halt next to the other two, just about stopping himself from toppling over in his haste. It wasn't just for lack of breath that he didn't speak; frankly, he knew that nothing he could say would be worth the oxygen. It was a crushing thought and one that he couldn't help but dwell on, even just for a moment. Why could he never do anything? On Kaioshinkai he'd been rescued not once but twice, and at the expense of others too, and now ( ... )


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