Night 42: Wicker Street

Jul 19, 2009 14:23

[from here]Junpei burst out of the Twin Pines, dragging his chair along with him. Wide eyed, with sweat dripping down his face (he was so not crying), the teen stared at the hordes of zombies in the street. What was he going to do? He could still feel Chidori's presence, so she had to be alright. She had to be - right? RIGHT ( Read more... )

s.t., klavier, endrance, kagura, kenshin, batman, dias, kaito, kamiya kaoru, impulse, junpei, suzaku, kristoph, taura, hokuto, roland, shinichi, aya, the flash, celes, albedo, argilla, tsukasa, heiji, nigredo, stahn, porky, matt, adachi, lelouch, callisto, ayumu, otacon, hitsugaya, beatrix, kratos, rangiku, bridget, rubedo

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Comments 137

lady_general July 19 2009, 21:27:32 UTC
She didn't have a sword, but it didn't mean that Celes was completely defenseless. When the first townsperson became a zombie, her first thought was to cast a Holy-class spell on it. Cure would have done nicely, if Celes hadn't been reminded she got three shots with it, and three alone. She threw off her coat, ridding herself of the cumbersome fabric and drove her fist into the first rotting face that came at her.

The sound of bone breaking, and the feel of fluids on her hands was disgusting, but she didn't balk, and instead drove her knee into the zombie's gut. As the creature came down she snapped his neck like a chicken bone and let the body drop. There were more of them, attracted by the noise of the boy running down the street with a chair, and the next one that came at Celes stumbled at her wildly. It's mouth was wide and hungry, and she threw it to the ground. Her boot heel crushed its head with a sickening crunch and Celes paused.

How many more could she take before she tired out?


quickdrawbkiddo July 19 2009, 21:42:16 UTC
[from here]When the Bride left the restaurant, she immediately looked around for either assassin. Neither were in this particular street, just more zombies. Clearly, Martin Landel had played too many of those survival horror video games where people are trying to escape a city overrun by zombies. This lead her to wonder why she hadn't seen any large explosions yet. Surely, this place had a gas station ( ... )


lady_general July 19 2009, 21:56:49 UTC
Was that Arlene? Celes felt her guts squeeze tight when she realized that the woman had thrown a knife at her, only to hear it land in a zombie's face. She couldn't help but call, "I had it, Arlene! But, thank you." Even if she still felt guilt from fighting the woman during her brainwashing, Celes had enjoyed it, and respected the older woman greatly.

Celes pulled the knife from the zombie's face and slashed the throat of another attacking one.


quickdrawbkiddo July 19 2009, 22:03:41 UTC
"Of course, you did," the Bride replied across the street with a bit of a chuckle as she wrapped one arm around a zombie's neck, holding it at bay as she disemboweled another.

"It was simply the most efficient method to deliver that to you." Snap! "Have you seen a man with a sword made out of ice anywhere around here?"


fooledintuition July 20 2009, 02:23:27 UTC
[From here]

Adachi slammed the door shut behind him and pressed his back up against it, trying to catch his breath. There were still zombies everywhere. He had to find somewhere to barricade himself, but where? Electronics store? He could grab that damn TV from earlier and at least make it useful by beating the shit out of zombie skulls with it. No, there had to be something better.

That train of thought was interrupted by an incoming zombie. Adachi straightened and threw a punch at it, hearing teeth crack and the zombie groan as it fell over. The smell of rotting flesh was absolutely awful, enough to make him want to vomit, but it looked like he wouldn't get the chance just yet; the zombie was still alive and grabbing at his ankle, and Adachi kicked it, trying to make it let go. Once he finally got his ankle free, he slammed his foot down as hard as possible on top of the zombie's skull. There was no way he was letting that thing live to try and bite him.

Okay, now he really needed to find somewhere to go. Adachi stepped away from ( ... )


roger_hug July 20 2009, 16:48:55 UTC
(From here.)

Bridget still had a hold of Kagura's hand when they finally ran out into the street. The sounds ... they were everywhere. "Stay close Miss Sohma," he said, moving closer to her side. "We're safer as a group."


kagurazuki July 20 2009, 17:16:31 UTC
Once they'd made it outside, it was already dark and foggy. But it had been light out not so long ago! What was going on? And through the fog there were the shadowy figures of even more zombies. Was the whole town like this?! How were they supposed to leave if the institute could reach even this far? Even more frightening, how were they even supposed to survive the night?

It was all she could do not to fall down and cry. They'd been faced with monsters before, but it was always something they could just run away from. Here, there was nowhere to run away to. They could try to hole up somewhere, try to ride it out until day, but who knew if they would be gone?

"I'm scared," she said quietly, holding tightly on to Bridget's hand. She didn't want to die.

"What do we do?"


roger_hug July 20 2009, 18:17:33 UTC
Bridget swallowed,determined to be brave. "It will be okay," he swore. "I'm here and I won't leave you." He eyed the approching figures in the fog and then glanced behind them. He was torn between trying to find a place to hide and trying to find something he could use to defend them with.

"Let's try the houses," he finally said, turing to run in what he hoped was the right direction.


kagurazuki July 21 2009, 04:23:17 UTC
Kagura tried not to shake as the figures approached them. She was supposed to be brave. And maybe if it'd been one or two skeletons or that church full of dead bodies, she might've been okay. But these ones were moving. Right toward them! She took slow, shaky breaths and nodded, holding tightly to Bridget's hand.

"I'll do my best," she promised.


whohitreset July 20 2009, 20:34:11 UTC
Matt and Sen had just been leaving the toy store when everything turned into Doyleton of the Dead. Matt had a grip on Sen's hand and it tightened automatically, the palm sweating up. This couldn't be real. "Shit..." his voice was shaky. "Shit shit shit..."

They could run back into the building, but the employees had become zombies too, from the looks of it, and there was another group of patients in there still. They couldn't stand out on the curb very long either. He at least couldn't fight well enough to take these things out, and he still didn't know the extent of Sen's skills. If he panicked, they'd be screwed as well. He had to keep a clear head. There had to be some way out of...

There. On the side of the road not too far down was a car. As long as it had gas, he could get that thing going. It wouldn't be that much safer, but at least it would afford them some protection as they tried to find somewhere that was. "This way." He moved quickly, testing the doors once he got there and of course finding them locked. ( ... )


tostepforward July 20 2009, 23:16:08 UTC
Though she wasn't quite sure what had alerted her -- a breath of cold air, the first whiff of rot and decay, or rust creeping up what had just been bright metal -- Ayumu had never been one to ignore her instincts when they warned of danger. This was no longer time for pretense, even if Robin had been paying that much attention to her and not the walking corpses suddenly infesting the streets, and she shifted her posture to a mix of relaxed tension that meant she was ready to move at any time.

The two of them were entirely unarmed, and he likely wouldn't be of much help against the creatures, but Robin at least seemed to have an idea. Ayumu followed readily enough, dodging reaching hands as they ran by a pair of the once-human, but then found herself backed against one of the metal carriages as more of them approached.

There were far too many of them to even consider fighting, even if she and Robin had been well-armed. What they needed was shelter of some kind, and this didn't seem like much, especially given how easily Robin had ( ... )


whohitreset July 21 2009, 04:47:37 UTC
"Out-race them? Definitely. But they're everywhere!" They were, in fact, being knocked over the hood of the car and run over as they spoke. Matt winced every time he heard the sickening crunch of bone beneath the wheels. "I have no clue where we're going, to be honest. It's probably not going to be any safer outside town, and I don't even want to think about what might happen to us if we try to take that road through the woods on a night like this. At least here we have some time to look around and get rid of some of these nasties in the process."

Thud. Crunch. Squelch. Shudder.

"If you, ah... If you have any better ideas, I'm all ears." There would be patients mixed in with the zombies, no doubt. If they were smart, they'd see him coming and move out of the way. It wasn't as though he could go terribly fast through this mess.


tostepforward July 21 2009, 05:15:21 UTC
Ayumu wasn't entirely certain just what was normal for a conveyance of this sort, but she was still fairly certain the noises it made upon striking the creatures weren't. How long could they keep moving, and fast enough that the apparently-undwindling hordes didn't overwhelm them? If they stopped the broken window on Robin's side was already proven to be a liability, and if they didn't stop then where would they go?

This was somewhat (all right, quite a bit) outside of the possibilities she'd been trained to deal with. The oversized monstrous bats the other night had been one thing, but things that had once been human? And rather dead humans, from the look and smell of them. "We'd need weapons of some kind," she replied, staring out the windows with a frown of concentration. Something had to give her a clue or an idea. "And somewhere defensible. A building sturdy enough that we would only need to block the entrances so they couldn't get inside, perhaps ( ... )


dasgift July 20 2009, 23:21:39 UTC

Small American town. A horde of the undead.

Whoever heard of such an uncanny combination?

Sarcasm aside, Kristoph supposed the series of events were worth meriting. A rotting sack of meat aiming to taste human flesh required attention, and despite the wonderful hum of polished nails and clean hands through his veins, the man couldn't afford to let himself be taken in completely by his mood. Therefore, he grabbed a lawn ornament (a pink flamingo, how fun) in close proximity and brought its lovely beak upon the skull of an unsuspecting body. The head exploded upon impact, leaving cranial fluid to splash against the man's hand-me-down clothes ( ... )


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