Day 42, Noon: The Twin Pine Restaurant

Jul 03, 2009 01:21

Yuffie took the long way around, practically making it a tour of the entire town. She collared--not literally, since the nurses would've thrown fits--a few random citizens along the way, asked as many inconspicuous sounding questions as possible, and then moved on. Wash, rinse, repeat. Sneaking a few covert glimpses into stores and windows ( Read more... )

kagura, homura, batman, daredevil, anise, hanatarou, chidori, michael westen, jade, tk-622, asch, junpei, claude, belphegor, franziska, luxord, edgeworth, peter parker, joshua, javert, roland, the flash, celes, grell, hanekoma, kenren, argilla, guy, alfred, armand, peter petrelli, porky, yuffie, frey, okita, takaya, aidou, nathan petrelli, bridget

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piggy_king July 4 2009, 00:36:13 UTC
Good Lord, Porky was hungry. As Porky walked to the Twin Pine Restaurant, his stomach grumbled and gurgled, begging to be fed. Those idiotic nurses had actually packed something palatable for breakfast, but no. They had decided to pack orange slices and yogurt. That may have been all well and good for someone like Okita, but for Porky, they might as well have packed garbage. At least they had given him two coupons for meals. Porky would have to hit up the "Tasty Burger" later, but right now, Porky was in the mood for some...well, Porky couldn't necessarily say quality food, but at least it would be edible ( ... )


piggy_king July 4 2009, 02:49:03 UTC
After waiting for Belphegor to shake his hand for a few moments, which obviously wasn't going to happen, Porky raised his head back up and put his hand back at his side. Porky sighed for what seemed like a full minute before finally speaking.

"Well, what can I say?" Porky said, managing to smile weakly, "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. And besides, it's not like I'm always this...verbose. Normally I'm a lot more secretive about things."

Suddenly, Porky lit up.

"Hey!" Porky said, grinning, "Wait a minute, if I thought that you were just like me, then that means..."


knived_grin July 4 2009, 02:52:37 UTC
"I'm sure you are." He mutters sarcastically, the dark smirk still tainting his features and making him look downright nasty. Another pause, as Porky seemed to get an idea, and Belphegor sighed inwardly before tilting his head in an expression of mock curiosity. "Mm, by all means, continue."


piggy_king July 4 2009, 13:49:11 UTC
"Well, I thought that you were me, right?" Porky began, a small grin, creeping onto his face, "And while the main reason I thought you were me was the way you looked, the way you acted was another important part of it. Namely, that you were rude, vain, and somewhat childish. I now know, however, that, unlike me, you lack tact, which is arguably my only social grace. All of these factors combined lead to one obvious conclusion."

Porky suddenly pointed right at Belphegor.

"No one here likes you!" Porky stated triumphantly, "And around here, if you don't have at least one person that trusts you, you may as well be dead. Do you see what I'm driving at here? Ah, thank you."

After he had finished talking to Belphegor, the waitress returned with Porky's meal, visibly shaken by his behavior earlier. Without waiting for her to leave, Porky took his fork and knife and began shoveling the pork chops into his mouth.


knived_grin July 4 2009, 15:48:44 UTC
Belphegor had to stop again after that, eyes narrowing dangerously behind his hair. He reached down for his fork, as if ready to take another bite of his pasta, before hesitating and glancing down at the silver utensil, his eyes traveling back up to Porky himself.

His wrist flicked and the fork embedded itself into the soft padding of the booth next to Porky, and Bel scoffed. "I'm the prince. Everyone likes me, idiot."


piggy_king July 4 2009, 15:57:02 UTC
"Oh, shit!" Porky yelped as he ducked as soon as Belphegor threw his fork, "What the fuck was that for?!"

When Porky realized that Belphegor wasn't aiming for him, he straightened up and pointed at Belphegor again.

"See? See?!" Porky said excitedly, "If you act like that here, you're as good as dead! Even the bad guys that got sent here won't hang out with you if you're..."

Porky briefly considered saying "an arrogant prick," but then settled on a more tactful answer. After all, Porky couldn't go around saying he had tact if he never used it.

"If you're so rash!" Porky finally said, "You need to learn to be humble! I know that it seems impossible now, but trust me, it's a necessity here."

"But fine," Porky said with a devious grin on his face, "If you're so popular, then I'm sure you have plans for tonight, right? I mean, everyone likes you, right?"


knived_grin July 4 2009, 16:05:45 UTC
Belphegor simply raised an eyebrow at the over energetic man gesturing wildly in front of him. Vaguely, he wondered if Porky was some sort of clown before he'd been brought here- this certainly was almost entertaining. At the question, he tilted his head with an unwavering smile.

True enough, he hadn't many plans. He hardly knew anyone here (save for his roommate and his disgusting little friend), and making friends wasn't exactly the first thing to do on Belphegor's list. Nevertheless, it wasn't like he was just going to admit that to the fool, so he simply shrugged and gave a little hum.

"I refuse to spend time with paupers," he murmurs, taking a sip of his milk, "now hand me my fork back."


piggy_king July 4 2009, 21:51:24 UTC
"Oh, a tough guy, eh?" Porky said snidely, "Well, we'll see how tough you are after your first night alone at the institute. I wonder...How long do you think you'd last? Besides, sometimes even princes have to spend time with paupers if they want to survive. I used to be a king, remember? I don't like hanging around these idiots, but I've accepted the fact that I have to if I want to live."

"Besides..." Porky said, this time a little more slyly, "It's not like you wouldn't get anything out of the deal if you decided to hang out with me. I may not be much in the fighting department, but when it comes to information, I'm top notch. I know where you could maybe get...a knife or two. Would that interest you?"

Porky took the fork out of the seat next to him and held it out in front of Belphegor.

"So what do you say, Prince Belphegor?" Porky said.


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