Day 42: Bus 1

Jun 23, 2009 13:47

After the way night had ended (Miku wasn't sure if they'd ever get the smell of charnel out of her clothes), and morning had returned with its clockwork weirdness. She was hurried onto the bus in her dark red long coat and the dark, knee-length, slightly full dress beneath it. It was surprisingly warm, Miku noted, but that could've just been her ( Read more... )

ronixis, endrance, kenshin, kaiji, xigbar, anise, dahlia, kamiya kaoru, leonard, jade, randal, jason, miku, demyx, junpei, kristoph, hokuto, kinomoto sakura, peter parker, luxord, edgeworth, artemis, joshua, harley, celes, tim drake, hk-47, von karma, albedo, alfred, kvothe, heiji, mitsuru, depth charge, ritsuka, soubi, faize, sync, matt, mori, ayumu, valyn, ryuk, yomi, fai, yue, daphne, juri, hitsugaya, haku, ururu, falis, touya, yukari, lockdown, nataku, rangiku, scar (tlk), subaru

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Comments 414

ruthless_hunter June 23 2009, 20:05:17 UTC
Well, that had certainly been a strange way to end the night. Right before his memories went fuzzy, he distinctly remembered the strange fog and nasty blood that had gotten all over his feet. The last thing he'd thought before losing coherency was, This is gonna take at least an hour to clean off.When he'd woken up, he was back in his human body, and no memory of how he'd gotten back here, back in this body ( ... )


bored_todeath June 23 2009, 22:08:51 UTC
Ryuk was in a foul mood. He'd tried to rip his Death Note up, but had to use his teeth and his one working hand and....well, it didn't work. So he threw it. He stomped on it. And then he picked it up and straightened it out. It was a stroke of damn good luck that he still had it, after all. And as soon as it started working again, there was gonna be a lot of sudden deaths ( ... )


ruthless_hunter June 23 2009, 22:19:27 UTC
Lockdown had started looking through the bag the nurse had given him, noticing it was full of food. He wasn't that hungry right now, but maybe he'd try some of it sooner or later.

The bounty hunter looked up at the familiar voice, seeing that it was his new ally, Bob. Since their meeting in the shower, Bob now sported some sort of brace around his neck. Lockdown could only fantom as to what it was for.

Still smiling, Lockdown answered, "I had the best night of my life since I've been in this pithole." His optics looked Bob up and down, noting his left arm and right leg. "What about you? What happened to you?"


bored_todeath June 23 2009, 22:26:27 UTC
Ryuk picked his bag up with his good hand and tried to hold it open in front of his face, hoping to find an apple. Among the crap, there was a banana... He threw it in a rage, his angry sound becoming a pathetic whimper as he did.

"Worst night of my damn life in all the years I've existed," he grumbled. "What did you do? You getta beat the face offa someone or something?" he asked, wishing he could do the same.


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rope_victim June 23 2009, 22:12:39 UTC
Miku looked up from picking apart her muffin, and smiled warmly. "Certainly!" She and Sousuke rarely sat together during these trips, as she continued to try to get him to make new friends. His roommate had seemed like a good candidate, she hoped they could become good friends, though the other young man seemed to stay inside himself.

"I'm Hinasaki Miku, but I don't think I've seen you before."


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rope_victim June 24 2009, 00:09:07 UTC
"Nineteen days, I think. It feels like I've been here forever." It really did, too, but that hadn't stopped her from trying to have as normal a conversation and bearing as she could. Day was Day and Night was Night and never the twain would meet.

Unless things started getting really shifty.

"But, that's alright, I suppose. It means I can direct new people to safe places."


arc_wrench June 23 2009, 21:59:21 UTC
HK was in a good mood, and back to tormenting his nurse as soon as he woke up. He'd gotten a new knife, gotten to test it, gotten to pin meatbags to the walls with scalpels, make one meatbag explode, and got to see his roommate as a giant, malevolent droid-like being! Oh. And watch another former inorganic lose a kidney. That had been fun too, although he had enough sense of how that would go over to already put that on the list of topics he would not mention if he saw Blitzwing again.

His good mood was soured slightly by the clothing he was given today. The worn, black "jeans" were fine, as was the black jacket, but the shirt... He suspected his nurse might be retaliating for what he'd been doing, because it... had a lot of naked meatbags on the front. He was definitely keeping his jacket closed today. And giving his nurse a double-helping of pestering as she led him out to the bus, putting him in a seat by himself and giving him a sack-full of meatbag fuel ( ... )


fencing_captain June 24 2009, 13:47:55 UTC
Juri awakened confused and cross with herself. She remembered the tall, improbable creature advancing upon them. She all-too-clearly-remembered how Takaya had jumped in front, but it was the other boy, the healer, who'd been hurt. Juri knew the sound of a broken bone when she heard one. As if that hadn't been enough, blood oozed across the floor and the most awful stench had permeated the air before the increasingly familiar curtain of black enveloped her mind as she lost consciousness.

And she woke up in bed, in her Landel's uniform, and irritated. So that was one of the fabled monsters? She had to learn more right away. She hadn't quite believed they existed until now, but she still wasn't sure to trust all the information on the board. It still seemed too fantastic.

The nurse entered, speaking rapidly of the trip into town and left Juri a small pile of clothes. Juri didn't do skirts. She glared at the knee-length denim monstrosity. There was also a t-shirt that suited her mood and a matching denim jacket. She heard the nurse ( ... )


arc_wrench June 24 2009, 13:55:16 UTC
HK was poking at the uninspiring items in his food sack (No chocolate. Again.) when a meatbag sat down next to him. First target of the morning!

"Greeting: Hello, meatbag!" And thus the irritation begins.


fencing_captain June 24 2009, 20:34:32 UTC
Juri's jaw dropped at the greeting, then she glared. "What did you just call me?" When he actually looked at her, she noticed his eyes looked strange. Were they orange? For just a moment, she reconsidered her anger. No, he was the one who had insulted her. Even if he wasn't something normal.


remedying June 24 2009, 00:01:19 UTC
[free like a free thing; limit is idk whatever.]

All things considered, the previous night had been going fairly well; they bumped into a few faces along the way, got what they needed, and even had some time to relax for a little bit in the room. It was the end of it, however, that made Yukari awake with a jerk after blacking out, eyes darting back and forth before she realized the end of the night had saved them once again. An ironic thought, to think anything in this place would work in their favor, but it wouldn't have been the first time she was thankful the night ended when it did.

What was that? So much fog would have made sense outside (considering how much there was of it out there anyway), but indoors? Yukari decided she wasn't going to spend too much time thinking on it; it wouldn't have given her any answer that she wanted ( ... )


bewarethecute June 24 2009, 04:46:59 UTC
[Have a cute thing?]

Ururu was not at all happy when she woke up and discovered that a nap she'd only meant to last for a shift had gone on through the whole night. It meant she'd missed Ken-kun's test! The girl jumped out of bed quickly, finding Ken's spear in the closet where she'd hidden it, and worrying all the more. Hadn't he come to get it last night?

There was little the child could do, however, but fret until the nurse came in. And what was worse, she couldn't remember what name they called Ken, so she couldn't ask about him. The best Ururu could do was quickly change into her clothes for the day (a white ruffled skirt and pink shirt featuring a purple bear and the words "unbearably cute), then run to the bus, hoping to see Ken when she got there.

But she didn't, and Ururu sighed as she was led to a seat where an older girl was. Grasping the hem of her skirt, Ururu gave the older girl a little curtsy. "Um, excuse me. Do you mind if I sit with you?"


remedying June 24 2009, 07:56:09 UTC
[yay, cute thing :3]

The small voice grabbed her attention from idly gazing out the window, and Yukari turned her attention towards the little girl who called her out. A little kid, she saw, and while she looked pretty adorable (and what kid curtsied these days?), Yukari was also surprised; just how old was she to wind up here?

An internal sigh later, Yukari decided not to dwell on it; no need to sit on the bad aspects of things when she was trying to focus on the good.

"Sure, go ahead," Yukari told her reassuringly, patting a hand on the empty space beside her. "I'm not waiting on anyone."


bewarethecute June 24 2009, 08:12:31 UTC
"Thank you." Ururu slid into the seat easily, making sure to smooth her skirt as she settled in. She liked Saturdays when she got to wear something other than the uniform, especially a skirt. Even if it felt a little weird after it'd been so long since she'd worn one.

The girl had been looking out the window pretty intently, and Ururu wondered if she was looking for someone too. Even if she was though, Ururu could only search so much from the aisle. Still, she knew what it was like to worry about someone, and she wanted to help this person. She'd shared her seat, after all.

"My name's Ururu. If you're trying to find someone, I can help you look. If that's okay."


itstaichoutoyou June 24 2009, 00:55:17 UTC
Dressed in a black jacket and matching slacks, Hitsugaya laid back in his seat. His body felt so tired that he didn't have the strength to button up his dress shirt, exposing a dark blue t-shirt underneath. He was careful about his back, but he hadn't needed to worry. It seemed as if that electrical attack was meant to stun not kill, which was surprising considering the level of damage done to the shed. Wincing, Hitsugaya felt a stinging pain on his back, but nothing that would affect his performance. Kira or Hanatarou would probably be able to give him a better opinion, since one had been and the other was currently a member of the 4th Division.

Speaking of last night, it was a total waste, having accomplished nothing, unless taking a nap and sniffing grass counted. As a captain, Hitsugaya felt embarrassed at his own lack of foresight by not making any plans. A mistake that he could learn from. His pride wouldn't allow him to waste another night.

[Reserved for Matsumoto!]


fuyunohanabi June 24 2009, 18:30:47 UTC
Despite the ah, somewhat strenuous activities of the previous night, Rangiku actually felt refreshed the next morning. She had plans for once, searching with Gin, and maybe she'd even have time to get a manicure in town. She deserved a little pampering after everything that had happened. She didn't see anyone until the nurse ushered her onto a bus where a very familiar head of white hair met her gaze. She slipped into the seat next to her captain, sliding an arm around him affectionately. "How is my favourite captain todaY?" she asked with a grin.


itstaichoutoyou June 25 2009, 01:43:24 UTC
"Tired. Before I knew it, I just suddenly woke up back in my room," he answered, not bothering to hide his depression, but he stiffened a little as Matsumoto's arm brushed his wound. He remained silent, not wanting to worry her. "You're in an awfully good mood..." But then again, when wasn't his vice captain? Most of the time she seemed like a boundless spring of energy ( ... )


fuyunohanabi June 25 2009, 21:39:21 UTC
"That happens every night," Rangiku said with a wan smile. It faded when Hitsugaya flinched, concern flaring. Had he been hurt? Well, it wasn't a surprise. He wasn't armed after all, and it took a while to get used to the power limitations. "I can manage good moods even here," she said with a soft laugh. What was the point of moping?

She leaned back in the seat, shrugging. "You just arrived. It takes some time to adjust. I wouldn't call it neglecting your duties." That was her captain though, always concerned about duty and work. He really needed to lighten up sometimes. "It's a little more difficult than that though. The teams change day by day depending on who is around and willing to work for the night. They're all volunteers, not people who obey orders because of their rank." This wasn't Soul Society after all.


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