Dayshift 22: Chapel

Feb 18, 2007 01:58

Claire woke up in her room just like before, with little idea of how she actually got there. This time, though, she noticed something different about the room. There was another young woman, a blond, sleeping in a bed across from her. Before questioning that, though, she made sure to hide the items she'd gotten that night in her closet, shutting ( Read more... )

naruto, carnage, qui-gon jinn, obi-wan kenobi, lust, dias, adelheid, goku, snake, naoe, heiderich, soujirou, scar, eric draven, azel, ashton, reinforce, naminé, ari, renamon, ginji, hakkai, claire bennet, edgeworth, hojo, dean winchester, aya, alucard, phoenix, kenren, gaara, yohji, chase, elena (ffvii), fox, lyta, otacon, aerith, the corinthian, schuldig, sasuke, haku, eddie brock, hisoka, nowe, rubedo, renji, muraki, kurama, sanzo

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Comments 365

repolarization February 18 2007, 07:39:33 UTC
Ginji had woken up in... not his room... He frowned at the other bed, confused by it but not wanting to wake up the person who would be sleeping there. He looked up at the sound of the intercom and sighed. He didn't want to deal with the 'surprises' of this place, but he also didn't want to leave his friends in potential danger if they did want to go there.

He looked around as he entered the room. He couldn't help but being very, very, very impressed. It was so pretty. Unable to stay unmoved by the beauty Ginji moved to a pew and sat down, staring mouth-open at all the grandeur around him.


perfect_meld February 18 2007, 09:14:43 UTC
Kasady had spent the nightshift alternatively sleeping and sulking, planning all kinds of alternate ways to kill the other pair off. The more fucked up, the better.

He didn't like fucking Harry Potter! It was just that that was all there was to read after they'd finished Lord of the Flies (which both of them liked. Nothing like reading about kids kicking the shit out of each other in some nice, homebrewed anarchy). Venom'd been in prison too, so that fuck would've known that there wasn't that much choice in reading! It was either Harry Potter or The Old Man and the Sea.

And who wanted to read about some crotchety old guy fishing? Kasady liked to think that at least he'd dodged a bullet there, but Pops seemed to think otherwise.


...And Harry Potter wasn't that bad.

Kasady wasn't a religious man - although there'd be something delightfully blasphemous about combining that with his "hobbies - but he opted for the chapel.

He just wanted to watch.


repolarization February 18 2007, 21:27:50 UTC
Ginji glanced around when he heard a man get closer to him. He didn't like the feel of this man. He felt creeped out by him. He only looked at the guy for a moment, gave him a weak smile to not be rude, and then returned his gaze to the room that they were in.

It was much better to look around at the pretty room than to think about the way that the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end when he was thought about that man. It remembered him of Akabane, and Ginji did not like to be reminded of Akabane.


clockworkblond February 18 2007, 07:44:01 UTC
Alfons Heiderich? He remembered nothing of the previous night. Absolutely nothing at all. So far as he knew, he'd gone to bed after finishing his dinner, and that had been that. It was a little odd, he could have sworn that he'd gone into a room with just himself as the sole occupant... but perhaps he'd just been too tired to noticed. And if the red-head had been sleeping so soundly then as he was in the morning, then Alfons could understand why he hadn't noticed.

Regardless, he was feeling okay. A lot more tired than he thought he would be, after a full night's rest, but it was probably the stress of being in an institute. A remarkably friendly one- the nurse had been gracious and explained everything thoroughly and patiently- but an Institute nevertheless.

As for explanations? It was Sunday. And he was curious about how the Chapel's service would be conducted. The boy was a Lutheran, through-and-through, and even if he wasn't going to get a sermon at least he could pray. There was something nice about the stained glass windows ( ... )


desertification February 18 2007, 08:13:47 UTC
With his back determined to bleed through the makeshift bandage of his shirt, Gaara had retreated back to his bat, ready to move on with Naruto. He had next woken up to the aching that throbbed down his back, to the voice on the intercom that sounded about as pleasant as he felt. Gaara grimaced, shifting through the disorientation of having slept and of having actual, continuing pain. The wrappings had changed; he could feel the fabric different from the cotton uniform. He was no longer bleeding ( ... )


clockworkblond February 18 2007, 08:36:15 UTC
"Good morning," Alfons politely said to the newcomer, smiling a little as he looked up from his prayer. The boy was a vibrant red-head, something vastly different from what he was used to in Germany, but that wasn't bad. People weren't bad because of their outsides; it was what they were like inside that counted. Perhaps not too many others thought about it that way, but so it went.

He kept his voice low out of reverence and long habit. Though the other teenager seemed to be quite upset or worried about something. Why would that be? "My name is Alfons Heiderich. Ah... I hope that you slept well?"


desertification February 18 2007, 08:54:27 UTC
Gaara looked up, not replying to the greeting. It was false. The morning was not good. It might have been for the blond, but it was not for Gaara, and to say as much would have been false. He kept his arms together as the boy went on, understanding the introduction as requiring him to reply in same.

"Gaara," he said in simple monotone, low out of his own habit. "No." Sleep had never been a good thing in his life, and he did not see why it should start now. His inexperience with common courtesy, common conversations, left him uninclined to ask the same of Alfons.

However, he was curious about one thing: "Why should you hope that?" Might as well humor inquiry while waiting for that surprise.


faithful_dog February 18 2007, 07:47:42 UTC
Naoe took note of his surroundings when he woke up, but didn't care more than filing the information away. He mostly cared if they things he had gathered during the Nightshift were still with him, searching his pockets he found that they were all there. Both sets. For himself and for Kagetora. He hid them quickly, so that his new roommate and the nurses wouldn't find them.

Sighing, he sat on the bed and considered the words of the doctor. In all seriousness, a Chapel sounded lovely. Calming. But that might not be the case in this place. Either way, he figured there was no way Takaya would go to the Chapel, even if the Head Doctor was taunting his 'patients' over the place. It was better that they be in as many places as possible...

When his nurse came in, Naoe asked her to lead him to the Chapel and when he entered he took a seat in the back and to the side, wanting to watch but not participate. At least the room was lovely, but the lack of figures and symbols did not escape him.


sasuke_of_sound February 18 2007, 15:18:31 UTC
A glance around revealed quite a few people he wanted to speak with, but there were priorities. Gaara looked decidedly unhealthy, but Sasuke could find out about that later.

Striding over to the man from last night, Sasuke sat and glared at his nurse until she left, pasted-on smile never escaping her face.

"Did you get to keep what you found, too?" He asked, skipping pleasantries for business, as usual.


faithful_dog February 18 2007, 20:52:28 UTC
Naoe nodded as he looked at the child. His face carried a small smile. "I kept everything," he said. "Both sets," he added as an after thought, though he wasn't sure the boy would understand what he meant by that. "I gathered one for a..." A pause. "Friend..." The word was strained as he spoke it.

Kagetora was not a friend but saying 'for the man that I've been obsessed with for a few centuries and who loves to torture me and who is currently in the body of a high school boy not much older than yourself who hates me because I nearly attempted to rape him in a hotel room last summer and who doesn't remember the centuries we've spent together because of something horrible I did to him thirty years ago causing him to lock his memories of his real existence' just seemed a little too complicated. Plus it was giving away too much. Naoe had grown to respect the boy last night, but that didn't mean that he trusted him ( ... )


sasuke_of_sound February 19 2007, 03:05:40 UTC
Sasuke paused when Yoskiaki mentioned a friend. It sounded a bit like there was more to it -- actually, it sounded like 'friend' the way Naruto probably said 'teammate' when referring to Sasuke -- but Sasuke wasn't one to probe into matters that didn't concern him.

"I also thought it was strange," he said, pitching his voice low despite the surrounding murmur. "They're moving us somehow, but they're not taking anything away. It's like they want us armed."

The thought was troubling. It could mean a lot of things, none of them good. Sasuke was forcibly reminded of Orochimaru's experiments, locked away in underground cages and forced to fight to the death in order to live.

Shrugging off the eerily apt comparison, he turned to scrutinize the man again.

"Last night, you used something," he said, trying to explain it with a vague hand gesture reminiscent of the one Yoskiaki had used when he'd glowed blue. "That light. What was it?"


damned_ivy February 18 2007, 08:02:58 UTC
Hakkai blinked as he sat up, momentarily confused by the change in location both from where he last remembered being, in the kitchen, and where he should theoretically have woken up, in a single room that was not here. He growled a soft curse when he noticed the roommate that went along with the second bed. The knives were still in his pockets so he hid them quickly, just in time for the nurse to quietly open the door ( ... )


31st_of_china February 18 2007, 09:00:48 UTC
Chapel or Sun Room.

A rare moment of curiosity finally got the better of the priest: there wasn't much leeway for anything during the day, and he hadn't seen the chapel so far. A chance for some peace and quiet, possibly some meditation... although Sanzo didn't like this mention of a "surprise" that the Head Doctor had mentioned.

The only consolation was that at least it wouldn't be as completely inane and mind-numbing as something like the Arts & Crafts room. Sanzo's mood lifted at the thought ( ... )


damned_ivy February 18 2007, 09:30:56 UTC
Well, it seemed they'd both let curiosity get the better of them this time.

Hakkai was far from religious. Really, as far from religion as one could get while still acknowledging the existance of gods. Gods, plural, that he had neither desire nor reason to interact with on a normal basis and even less desire to praise. They were only slightly less incompetent, it seemed, than the Christian god he'd been raised to believe in.

Belief. Ha. There was an amusing idea. Hakkai didn't believe in anything.

In the relative peace of the chapel, it didn't take Hakkai long to note that someone had joined him. He opened his eyes enough to glance in Sanzo's direction, giving a small nod of recognition. "Sanzo."


31st_of_china February 18 2007, 09:56:01 UTC
Sanzo only nodded reply at first. He glanced around. More patients were trickling in. The ones that entered were looking around at the ornate interior, while several were already knelt and deep in prayer. The monk didn't know what good prayer would do here. The Gods had a way of letting things just play out when their help was needed most, thanks to a mix of twisted, divine humor and whim - and meddling when it wasn't.

Sanzo knew better than to expect the hag to come down from heaven and set things back on track. He was pretty damn sure she/he was actually enjoying watching all of this.

"Did you find anything useful?" Sanzo finally asked, his voice low. He honestly didn't think that Hakkai could've found any sign of Goku or the sutra, but it couldn't hurt to ask. He hated to admit it, but he was starting to get worried about the monkey.


1imited_edition February 18 2007, 09:37:56 UTC
Reinforce was only getting used to these sudden translocations in the sense that her annoyance had grown to match her surprise. Ed had been fighting that cyborg, losing... she had lashed out, felt her tibia break ( ... )


1imited_edition February 19 2007, 00:18:16 UTC
[[Heads up the aisle to talk to Dean.]]


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