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fencing_captain May 12 2009, 01:01:01 UTC
Apparently, she'd slept through the night. Juri woke up feeling rested but filthy. Weren't they ever going to be allowed to bathe in this stupid place? She noticed her roommate's side of the room seemed particularly clean and tidy. What's with that? she wondered as she stretched and ran her fingers through her hair.

By the time the nurse came, she'd looked through the other girl's desk. Empty. A set, sour expression on her face, Juri followed the nurse. She did not ask about her roommate. She didn't even know the girl's official name here. Since she didn't ask the woman questions, Juri learned she was going to get to shower today. Right after breakfast, in fact. Despite the nurse wanting her to eat more, she choose fruit and milk for breakfast and looked for a free seat. There was a grim and unhappy looking young man, looking to be close to her age, or at least like he might have gone to Ohtori if she pretended hard ( ... )


fencing_captain May 13 2009, 20:21:44 UTC
"It's not that I don't believe you, but I have to see for myself. I've tried to get to the walls more than once on my own, and I just don't get anywhere." Juri could swear she was going to have nightmares about the entrance hall for years. "Are you doing anything tonight?"


forgot_my_life May 13 2009, 20:27:46 UTC
"Don't use the entrance hall," he said. "There's walls all around this place. Climb one."

Was he-What? Did she think he was just going to offer to take her along? Even if he WAS in control at the time, which he doubted... Takaya was getting too calm here there was no way in hell he'd take her along. But manners won out.

"Not that I know of. I would have to speak with my roommate."


fencing_captain May 13 2009, 20:55:52 UTC
Juri's eyes went toward the back of the building to where she knew there was a large sports field. "I can climb anything," she said confidently. She polished off the last few pieces of her fruit and drank her juice. In the back of her mind, she wondered why he's suddenly stopped cursing every other word. Maybe she'd impressed him.

"Would you mind checking and... I guess leaving me a note on the bulletin board? I can't stand another night alone." If all she'd heard was true, and there was still doubt about that, she was surprised she was unhurt so far. Going it alone was supposed to be dangerous.


forgot_my_life May 13 2009, 22:05:15 UTC
Kagetora shrugged. "Sure." He would do no such thing.

But Takaya would.... Damn. That little pain would ruin his night. Fine, if he was damned and determined to be a pest, he was welcome to the woman. Sliding back, Takaya took a moment to blink, then go back to eating. Frey would probably say no anyway, or he would say yes, and decide that he liked her company better than his... Either way, it didn't matter to him.



fencing_captain May 14 2009, 03:14:26 UTC
"Thank you. I'll try to do something nice for you in return." She glanced warily around the room as if she expected someone was listening to them. "That is, if I can figure out what is nice around here."


forgot_my_life May 14 2009, 03:37:29 UTC
Takaya looked up, slightly confused for a moment, then shrugged. "Nah. Don't worry about. Haven't fucking done anything yet."

He didn't want to be thanked or even offered payment for something that was acertain thing. Made him uncomfortable.


fencing_captain May 14 2009, 03:41:13 UTC
"I like to plan these things," Juri said. She frowned at Takaya. "Haven't you ever had the gratitude of a woman?"


forgot_my_life May 14 2009, 03:45:45 UTC
Takaya blinked, then a corner of his mouth twitched. "Are you fucking kidding me? All the girls I know showed their 'gratitude' by either smacking me in the head, calling me names, or just being an all around pai nin the ass."

Though technically Haruie wasn't a GIRL girl. Still, he insisted he WAS, so Takaya included him in that group.


fencing_captain May 14 2009, 14:58:33 UTC
"I'd only smack you in the head if I didn't like what you'd done," Juri said, her voice almost flat. "If I really didn't like you I'd get my fencing sword and stab you, too." Her tone didn't change, but then she smiled, tight and cold.

"I know they must have my things somewhere because I was giving my student council uniform back the second night. There are several things of my own I may want back, but seeing what's outside is more important. You wouldn't want me to get myself hurt, would you?"


forgot_my_life May 14 2009, 18:10:55 UTC
Takaya frowned and glanced over the room, catching sight of Frey and sighing slightly before looking back to Juri. "Whatever," he said. "I'll figure something out for you."

He didn't want to just leave this girl to the shit that hunted at night.


fencing_captain May 15 2009, 13:03:37 UTC
Juri rolled her eyes. "You're so helpful. Just let me know what you find out." She wished she still had some food to poke at, even though she wasn't hungry. "You're out of school aren't you?" she asked, which was about as polite she was prepared to be.


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