Night 40: F01-F10 Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 21:54

[ From here. Outside F3]Because she needed to get to Orihime and Shiki's room before either of them left, Ururu had practically run the short distance down the halls. Normally she might not, since she knew better than to run inside. Tessai-san didn't like it when Jinta-kun did that at the shop especially, since something usually ended up broken ( Read more... )

ayumu, chise, seiya, miku, yomi, reno, haruno sakura, ururu, mele, elena (ffvii), ophelia, ken amada

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Comments 127

rectifies April 18 2009, 03:13:49 UTC
[From here.]

Ken slowed his pace to a jog, especially upon noting a tiny figure up ahead. Darkness made it difficult to tell exactly who the owner was, but the boy was confident. Not many children existed in Landel's, and given the surroundings, only one little person could be standing in front of F3. He hastened enough to catch up to the girl's side, only to come to a complete stop short of the threshold.

He set down one end of the spear with a clunk. "Any luck?" asked Ken in a slightly worried tone.


F3 16hitmagnum April 18 2009, 05:22:17 UTC
Kagura rolled out of bed when she heard someone knocking. Who knocks at the middle of the night, anyway? But she was planning to get out to catch some animals for whatever dubious reasons this WW person had for them. All in exchange for candy, how could she resist? Granted, the woman who was guarding the kitchen might be there again, but it's not like Kagura couldn't fight. She did lose a lot of what made her different from humans, that much she could make out of from all the replies to her bulletin post. But candy was on the line here. Candy.

It's important.

She grabbed her flashlight and opened the door. "Who is it?" she asked. "If you're planning to sell us someting, we're not buying."


Re: F3 bewarethecute April 18 2009, 05:26:29 UTC
Ururu shook her head, about to reply to Ken when someone she didn't know opened the door. The little girl paused for a moment, looking up at this stranger who wasn't Orihime or Shiki, and suddenly getting a very bad feeling.

"We don't want to sell anything." Ururu bowed politely, not wanting to make this person upset. She to find out for sure. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe they had just gotten moved again. It'd happened before. "But this is supposed to be my friends' room. Or it used to be."

All Ururu could do was force out the words, and hope the bad feeling wasn't true.

"Could you tell me if Orihime-san or Shiki-san is here? Is one of them your roommate?"


Re: F3 rectifies April 18 2009, 05:39:14 UTC
The boy fell silent, not wanting to interrupt the line of questioning between the two girls. It appeared neither Shiki or Orihime was in this room, which meant one of two things. And Ken was pretty sure Ururu would remember her friends' room number. She was probably thinking along the very same lines, actually, given the expression on her face.

Suddenly, he really, really hoped she wouldn't start to cry.


F2 offduty April 18 2009, 04:39:55 UTC
[from here]

Reno rounded the corner into the hallway. No voices before he approached though, so Rude probably wasn't here yet. Was Rude coming tonight? Or was he off getting more supplies for blowing things up?

Shit. He'd lost track of his partner. That never happened. Well, almost never and he couldn't even call the guy and this was. Annoying. At least it wasn't that freaky experimental night thing tonight so Rude probably wasn't missing because of that. Rude was probably fine, right?

Christ, he needed to check on Elena first. Why the hell did he have to do everything around here?

Reno rolled his eyes at nothing in particular and didn't bother knocking. He pushed the door open, not hesitant, but still cautiously alert.

"You're gonna at least warn me if you feel like kicking my shin again, yeah? 'Cause that totally bruised." He swung the door shut behind him. "Evening."


Re: F2 brightlyshine April 18 2009, 04:52:02 UTC
Elena wasn't quite asleep she heard the door open, but she wasn't exactly all that awake, either. Sheena had told her something about... someone? No, it was too confusing. She couldn't remember or figure it out with the way her head was threatening to take over again, to lose control...

She sat up on the mattress, pulling off the covers as she gave Reno a slightly glazed over look. Was she...?

"Did I? Sorry, don't remember." She frowned. "It's... trying to take over again, though. Reno, I'm working on fighting it off..."

She patted the empty spot next to her as an invitation to join her. "But I might need some help."


offduty April 18 2009, 05:16:37 UTC
Aw, hell. She was already fried.

Reno flopped down on the bed beside her, partly because of the invitation, but mostly because he always would've sat down there, anyway.

Man. This was so whacked. They couldn't be doing this every night; he needed to fix this as soon as possible. At least she wasn't freaking out on him this time.

He cocked an eyebrow. Way out of his league here. "Okay...?"


brightlyshine April 18 2009, 05:34:30 UTC
There was a pause while Elena took in the words, blinking a few times. It wasn't as bad as last night in terms of it trying to take over her thought process, but it wasn't helping, either. And she was still a bit worn out, and it would be so tempting to just...

With a split second decision, Elena shifted herself closer, leaning her head onto Reno's shoulder as one hand snaked it's way just to the edge of his jacket. She stayed away from the knife in his hand as she whispered lightly into his ear.

"Distract me. Help me so it doesn't win..."


F9 madeinthehrl April 18 2009, 06:13:44 UTC
Soma was finishing the last of her strawberry gelato when the doors unlocked. Setting the small cup down with some reluctance - it had been surprisingly good, despite its richness - she stood up, finding her flashlight, radio, and the wooden dowel. Her first mission with Arts and Crafts was tonight, and she wouldn't let anyone down.

"Good luck," she said briefly to Mele, offering a half-smile, and departed.


Re: F9 madeinthehrl April 18 2009, 06:16:16 UTC
[to here]


F9 mugenreppa April 18 2009, 08:54:59 UTC
So intercom man was talking about boxes now? Was that some sort of sign about the man's mental state?

After lifting her arm in a brief wave to Soma when her roommate left, Mele found her gaze drawn the desk.

...Ugh. Mele knew Soma was right, that she should try to eat something, but for some reason, Mele couldn't find the thought of eating appealing.

"..." Mele found herself taking a seat on the chair. Something about her life-she'd experienced this feeling before. When her family had died, little Mele had gone a while without an appetite. Must be a symptom of the weakness called "depression."

Well screw you, Long. She hadn't lost the will to live yet, and Mele had always thought it better to perish in battle than to wither away. Not that it had stopped her from developing a "run away rather then fight" style, but living was better than dying, in any case. Unless it was for-

The fork landed on the desk with a ting! sound. She'd missed the plate. The annoyed Mele glared at it before moving the fork over to stab the food. It'd ( ... )


Re: F9 mugenreppa April 18 2009, 09:15:09 UTC
[to here]


F1 see_my_back April 18 2009, 07:14:23 UTC
Well, she'd have to see if Miku was still her roommate tomorrow, but she didn't seem so bad, just a little strange. Sakura packed up the rest of her things, scalpels, razors, flashlight, and a pillowcase to carry the rest. She still had to hurry back to F6 and meet that person on the board with the lab samples. As long as he wasn't slow or something.

She said her goodbyes to Miku, figuring that if the girl was still alive after 18 days, she could do one more just fine.

[moving to thread below to wait for Javert]


Re: F1 rope_victim April 19 2009, 18:53:38 UTC
Miku waved at Sakura's back and breathed a sigh of relief. She liked Sakura, she seemed nice, if... a little strange about boys named Sousuke. The little photographer worried her lip, now that she had a moment to think about him. It was strange that Sousuke hadn't arrived yet, and Miku told herself that she wouldn't worry. She wrote a note in her journal and ripped it out for him to see later, if he came for her.

Miku gathered her bag and hurried out the door, as fast as she was able, heading for the men's blocks.


Re: F1 rope_victim April 19 2009, 19:21:19 UTC
[To here, sorry about the repost]


Waiting outside F6 see_my_back April 18 2009, 07:15:03 UTC
[from above]

She didn't go far, just down the hall. She stood outside F6, arms crossed as she leaned against the wall and waited for the guy to show up. Why'd they have to move her room again anyway?

Sakura gave a sigh, glancing around as she waited, making sure the shadows jumping in the darkness really were just other patients and not potential threats.


Re: Waiting outside F6 unmocked_lawr April 19 2009, 05:18:07 UTC
[from here]

There was a pink-haired young lady standing outside of F6. Perhaps she was Haruno Sakura, though it was difficult to tell. Her name had sounded Japanese, but she didn't look at all Japanese to his (admittedly inexperienced) eye.

Javert approached, keeping his flashlight slightly averted. He bowed slightly from the waist, one eyebrow quirking upward. "Mlle. Haruno, I presume?"


Re: Waiting outside F6 see_my_back April 19 2009, 22:03:13 UTC
Sakura wasn't sure what to expect with the guy from the bulletin, but this one knew her name at least, even if he said it was a really strange formality. Well, if the theory about different worlds was true, it shouldn't be all that surprising.

"Sakura is fine," she told him, offering a slight smile as she nodded in return. "They changed my room, so I thought I'd wait here. You have the samples?"


Re: Waiting outside F6 unmocked_lawr April 19 2009, 22:16:18 UTC
"I do." It was, to tell the truth, somewhat surprising that a young lady of her apparent age considered herself an expert at identifying materials such as this, but perhaps she was older than she seemed.

Javert produced the bin of needles from his greatcoat pocket, extricating one carefully and presenting it to her sideways. "As I said on the bulletin board, this was used on one of the patients who was taken for experimentation last night. I suppose I needn't tell you to be careful with it." A half-smile. "Feel free to contact me at any time if you discover what it is."


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