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Comments 83

toadally4boobs April 18 2009, 03:02:53 UTC
[From here.]

By the time Jiraiya reached Naruto's door, he still hadn't seen the boy. The fact that Naruto hadn't emerged yet only made him more worried than before. All of this must have hit Naruto hard....

Jiraiya sighed, then knocked once before opening the door and walking inside, "Naruto?"


whirlingwinds April 18 2009, 04:22:17 UTC
Naruto had been lying around in bed, a little out of it, still. He had barely realised dinner had gone by, not terribly hungry and the wooziness from earlier not gone yet. He heard a knock and a familiar voice calling his name, stepping into the room. He let out a groan and turned on his stomach, not overly surprised to see Jiraiya. He was mostly feeling numb now, which was frustrating. He probably should go out to get the rest of the drugs out of his system but he didn't quite feel like it, even though Jiraiya, when seeing how little Naruto's expression changed, might force him to.

"What?" He asked, scratching at his chest distractedly.


[R-Rofl, forgot to say this is in M8! OTL.] toadally4boobs April 18 2009, 04:26:56 UTC
Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Naruto was in a bad way, if his reaction was barely anything. Although from what Kakashi told him, it wasn't as surprising as it should have been.

It still worried him, though.

Jiraiya closed the door behind him and walked over to Naruto's bed, sitting next to the boy. "Kakashi told me."

He didn't bother to explain anymore than that, knowing that he wouldn't need to, and he reached over to gently ruffle Naruto's hair.


whirlingwinds April 18 2009, 04:31:27 UTC
"Oh," Naruto said, looking up at Jiraiya when he sat next to him. "That's good, then." He wouldn't have to explain. He'd rather not, even if he didn't feel much from thinking about it. He knew as soon as he was more himself again he'd feel the blow of it all at once, but for now, he was fine with the odd, numbing distance there was between him and the facts he'd recently learnt.


M5 overdoingit April 18 2009, 03:45:20 UTC
Cross had laid down on his bed, and he didn't plan on getting up for the rest of the night. He could use another glass of water or two, but the nurse hadn't left him any others. Well, he'd be fine.

He rolled onto his side with a hiss of pain, feeling the tight, healing skin over his injuries. His wounds did seem to be closing up much faster than usual, but he was definitely in no condition to be wandering outside his room and possibly adding to them. Perhaps if he rested, they'd heal even faster. He had nothing to lose by giving this a chance. Tomorrow he wanted to be able to get around without any nurse assistance.


Re: M5 buteo_sapiens April 24 2009, 03:04:58 UTC
Tobias didn't remember falling asleep before dinner ( ... )


Re: M5 overdoingit April 24 2009, 03:55:25 UTC
All the movement and tearing of cloth had roused Cross somewhat, and he rolled over slowly, painfully, to see his roommate. Apparently the bird thing was going to be a nightly occurrence. That might get a bit annoying after a time. Or after one time.

"Evening," he greeted with a sleepy smile, the fact that the other boy wasn't human anymore not even bothering him in the slightest. "Are you all right?" He'd been fine before, but he couldn't know if the situation would change from one night to another.


Re: M5 buteo_sapiens April 24 2009, 04:17:45 UTC
< I'm good. > Which was actually pretty true; now that he knew what the deal was with the pain, it was... well, pretty bad, but he'd had worse. A lot worse. < You, on the other hand... > He hopped over to the edge of his bed, talons rending sheets and mattress alike, then fluttered awkwardly across in the dead inside air to the foot of Cross' bed. < Man. What tore you up, dude? >


dasgift April 18 2009, 03:53:20 UTC
How trite. The instant Kristoph thought fit to wake, that horrid rasp had jerked him out of sleep. He opened an eye to the surrounding shadows, pleased for the lack of roommate and irritated at the ringing in his head. At least they were obvious this round in presenting a puzzle; the last few starts had been...lukewarm at best. Now, the man actually felt some interest in the intercom's words, ebbing as that desire may be ( ... )


M7 scintillatingly April 18 2009, 13:08:53 UTC
[From dinner.]

Right as Sora was about to answer Hanatarou's question, the intercom came on (and was even creepier than usual) and the lights went off. Well, that was just inconvenient. It was going to be hard for Hanatarou to look at his wounds in the dark, but at least they had flashlights.

"Err," he started, figuring he should just go on as if they hadn't been interrupted. "I'm supposed to jump over the wall and head for this quarry that we found before." He wasn't sure if he'd told his roommate about it during previous dinners, but hopefully Hanatarou wouldn't wonder why he was still on the same assignment even after all this time.

"Anyway, I guess we'd better get our flashlights." Sora hobbled toward his desk in search of his.


Re: M7 mitase April 18 2009, 20:03:05 UTC
As if the arrival of night wasn't unnerving enough, the intercom announcement was worse (and even more cryptic) than usual. Hanatarou was rather grateful, then, that Sora didn't decide to try talking about it and thus potentially make him even more nervous. He was starting to accumulate quite a list of things that he was trying not to think about by now, though, and that...probably wasn't good.

"Over the wall? With a hurt leg?" he asked, concerned, as he went to fetch his own light. "Um. I should probably at least try to...to heal that, then, if you don't mind...?" Hanatarou remembered his own trip outside the walls, and didn't particularly want to let Sora go out there when it would have to be painful to walk.


Re: M7 scintillatingly April 19 2009, 02:02:44 UTC
Sora had made it over the wall last night even with his leg badly bandaged, but he had to admit that it wasn't something he wanted to repeat. Having Hanatarou heal one of the wounds seemed like a safe compromise. "No, I don't mind at all. That'd be great, thanks," he agreed as he grabbed for his flashlight and then limped over to his bed and took a seat.

Once he was sitting, he clicked his flashlight on and pointed it down at his left leg. He then used his free hand to put his pants up to his knee, revealing the part of his leg that was bandaged.

"Err, if you could help me get them off again..." Sora also glanced at his arm, realizing that he should probably get it wrapped up again before he left. Hopefully they would be able to get through all of this quickly.


Re: M7 mitase April 19 2009, 02:58:35 UTC
"Oh. Um, here. Let me..." Hanatarou settled almost gingerly next to Sora, reaching out toward the injured leg. His hands hovered just above the bandages, not quite touching, as he tried to focus on what he had to do. "I don't have to see it, and it'll be easier this way..."

A faint green glow wreathed his hands as he gathered what little reiatsu he had left, concentrating on healing the wound hidden from view. As with Artemis' injuries a couple nights before, Sora's leg had already been stitched up and only needed to be encouraged to close the rest of the way, so hopefully he could do that much. Even that little effort, though, made pain blossom at the base of the healer's skull and radiate out the longer he continued to work.

By the time he was done Hanatarou was out of breath, eyes half-closed against the throbbing pain in his head, but he forced a small smile as he drew his hands back again. Oh. Maybe he should have re-bandaged the arm before, he realized, blinking a little muzzily at Sora.


allroadslead April 20 2009, 05:03:26 UTC
[from here]

Sam rounded the corner, keeping a constant eye out for Dean or someone who looked like him to pass his way. There was nothing by the time he reached Dean's room and more nothing when he stepped inside.

Salt line by the door, though. How had Dean managed to explain that to his roommate?

He gave the room a quick scan for anything out of place before starting to rifle through it. Clothes were gone from the closet. Search under the mattress and pillow didn't turn up the Bowie, either, although he did inexplicably discover an empty milk jug. So Dean had evidently walked out of here of his own accord. It wasn't exactly good news, but it was better than the alternative.

Where the hell could he have gone, though? Upstairs to check out the ghost by himself? He couldn't be that keen on keeping Sam out of harm's way, could he? Besides, even if that was his intention, he'd be more likely to stick close to Sam, not run off by himself. The more he thought about this, the less it made sense ( ... )


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