Nightshift 39: Recreational Field

Mar 05, 2009 15:22

[ from here ]

Spider came charging outside and, remembering the mist from last night, stopped talking for long enough to get through the only other door he could see. It felt wrong, this ... being cautious.

[to here ]

spider, starscream, allen, ronixis, senna, yue, armand, aidou, mele, touya, clayface, alec, sora

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scintillatingly March 6 2009, 08:51:03 UTC
[From here.]

Finding an empty hallway was one thing, but the field being completely deserted was a whole different shade of creepy. Sora didn't scare easily, and he was sure that he could handle himself if a monster showed up, but being completely alone was unnerving. Usually he had at least two friends at his side.

That hadn't been the case for a while now, though. He could deal with waiting around in the dark, cold field on his own! No problem.

He stayed near the wall, though -- it wouldn't be the smartest idea to go wandering out into the middle of the area and begging to be attacked. He was sure Allen would be here soon, since the other boy hadn't made him wait long last time. Sora clutched at his extension cord with one hand and scanned the area in front of him with his flashlight, keeping an eye out for any shadows in the darkness.


broken_exorcist March 17 2009, 02:11:13 UTC
[Ack! Sorry for failing!]

It was hard to fight for the first time with someone who's abilities he didn't know, but once he saw the weapon and how Sora used it, he had a pretty good idea. A giant key wasn't all that strange when compared to giant hammers or magic boots or guns or tombstones or any number of other forms Innocence took.

While he was hesitant to jump in, especially now that Sora was able to use his weapon, he still wanted to help. Unfortunately, with how close-range his own combat skills were, it was kind of difficult to do so without getting in the way. But when the dog backed off for a few moments, Allen scooped up a clod of dirt and aimed it at the beast's face. Even if it didn't slow it, hopefully that would be enough to stun it or even just throw it off for a few precious seconds.


scintillatingly March 17 2009, 02:20:19 UTC
This dog wasn't giving up too easy! Luckily, Sora was used to that sort of thing. The Heartless would just keep on attacking until he disposed of them, too. He knew that this wasn't going to be over just because he got a few hits in.

He was ready for when the dog started toward him again, and the clump of dirt that was suddenly flung toward the thing's face put a smile on Sora's lips. He wasn't one to refuse help, and if that dirt landed where it was meant to, it would give him a perfect opening.

So, instead of just waiting, Sora charged, Keyblade held slightly above him. Once he thought he was close enough, he made a side-slash with the weapon, intending to hit the side of the dog's head.


damned_monsters March 17 2009, 03:01:07 UTC
Even as the dog made its three-legged charge toward the boy the thrown clod abruptly struck it on the muzzle, not only startling it and disrupting its awkward run, but also spraying dirt into its eyes. Because of this it couldn't see the attack coming at it, nor would it have been able to adequately dodge even if it had.

Sora's strike hit true to its aim, ripping through already-rotting flesh and crushing its skull. The dog flew to the side and collapsed to the ground, and this time did not rise again.


broken_exorcist March 17 2009, 03:15:03 UTC
The dirt hit its mark and Allen breathed a sigh of relief when Sora went in to finish it. The rotting flesh and gore hardly bothered him; it was something he'd seen more than enough of, though he might prefer not to. Most important was to make sure his friend was still doing alright.

"That was a little close," Allen said as he trotted over, "are you okay?" He still had some scraps of bandage hanging around his exposed left arm, or the shirts could be torn up easily to make something to wrap the wounds.


scintillatingly March 17 2009, 04:11:28 UTC
It looked like Sora still had what it took! He had managed to take that dog down with a few well-placed smacks of his Keyblade, and now that the monster was lifeless on the ground, his weapon promptly disappeared in a dimmer flash of golden light.

He turned to Allen as the other boy approached him, doing his best to smile despite the stinging of his wounds. He was putting most of his weight on his good leg now, which probably made it pretty obvious that he was hardly one-hundred percent anymore. Still, it could have been worse.

"I'll be fine," he assured Allen. "Though I should probably stop this bleeding..." He glanced from his upper arm down to his leg and let out a sigh. Well, at least Allen hadn't been hurt. Sora wasn't too keen on ripping his shirt up, seeing how cold it already was -- but what other option did he have?


broken_exorcist March 17 2009, 04:58:22 UTC
As Allen got closer it was easy to see that Sora's injuries might make it hard to continue. He pulled what was left of his bandages from his arm, all still clean since they were there simply to cover up his Innocence and not for any real purpose aside from simple vanity. It might be enough for the leg, but he wasn't sure he could get both out of it.

He pulled them away, crouching down next to Sora so he could take a look at the injury, "You can lean on my shoulder if you need to, I think I can wrap up this much."

"Are you sure you want to keep going? We can go back and get it cleaned out properly at the clinic. The quarry is pretty far to go on a bad leg."


scintillatingly March 17 2009, 05:17:29 UTC
It was going to be a lot easier and faster if Allen just bandaged his leg for him, and so Sora took the other boy's offer and leaned his good arm down against his shoulder. He let out a small sigh of relief as he was able to lift his injured leg up off the ground slightly and take most of the strain off of it.

"Thanks," he said, trying to keep his tone upbeat so that Allen wouldn't worry. "And no, we should keep going. I mean, we didn't make it last night, so we've got to this night, right?" Part of him knew that Momo would understand if they told her they had failed a second time, but he didn't want to have to do that.

"Just wrap it tight and I'll be fine!" he finished. It was going to be a little rough, but he was sure he could handle it, and hopefully they wouldn't have any more monsters after them. That might be a problem, though maybe not if Allen could whip out that huge arm of his again!


broken_exorcist March 17 2009, 15:16:05 UTC
Allen rolled the pant leg up and started winding the bandage over the worst of it. It looked kind of painful, but not too deep, so hopefully it wouldn't cause Sora much trouble. He tied off the ends and surveyed the work for a second before pushing himself to his feet, careful to give Sora enough time to regain his balance.

"Alright, I think that should do it for your leg," he dusted himself off. "We should probably get your arm too." He didn't have anything else on him though, so he tore at the hem of his shirt, trying to get an even strip of fabric he could use to at least stop the bleeding.


scintillatingly March 17 2009, 21:24:53 UTC
Sora remained as still as he could while Allen wrapped the wound. While the extra pressure was uncomfortable, he also knew that the added support was going to be a lifesaver in the long run. There was still a wall to climb and a lot of distance to cover.

As Allen stood up, Sora slowly eased his foot back onto the ground, biting the inside of his mouth from the pain. At least it didn't show too much on his face.

Though then Allen started ripping away at his shirt without a second thought, and Sora almost protested. It was cold, after all - what if Allen got sick or something like that? That might not even be possible, but Sora still worried. But the damage was already being done, so there was no point in making a fuss now.

Instead, Sora just gave the other boy a small smile. "Thanks again. Too bad I wasn't a little more on my game back there."


broken_exorcist March 18 2009, 03:29:19 UTC
It was easier to wrap the arm and Sora still seemed to be in a pretty good mood despite his injuries, so maybe they weren't so bad off after all. He returned the smile, though he was not really sure how to reply to the other boy.

"I ah- it's no problem. Sorry you were hurt," Allen would have to be a little faster too, just in case. He started over toward the wall once more.

"You wanna go up first?" it was a sort of subtle way of offering, since Sora's leg was injured. He knew it would be a lot harder for Sora to put weight on his leg than it would be for himself.


scintillatingly March 18 2009, 06:29:03 UTC
"It's not your fault!" Sora quickly said, even though Allen's arm had been a pretty huge distraction. Still, Sora should have known better, especially in a place like this where he wasn't nearly as strong as normal.

The wounds still hurt, and he knew that putting the wrong amount of pressure on either muscle would just lead to more blood loss, but he was going to do his best to be careful.

He started limping toward the wall, nodding in response to Allen's question. "Yeah, sure. Uhh, would you mind giving me a boost again?" Though that's when he stopped and realized that he had totally forgotten about both his flashlight and the extension cord in the course of the fight.

"Ahaha, hold on," he said with a sheepish grin as he hobbled back over and grabbed his flashlight which he then used to search out the cord. It would have been impossible to find without a light source, with the way it blended into the grass. He picked it up and looped it over his right shoulder before turning back to the other boy.


broken_exorcist March 19 2009, 00:56:04 UTC
Allen was glad Sora wasn't put off by his offers of help and waited for Sora to get his things before heading over to the wall together. Allen's cord was still over his right shoulder and hadn't been disrupted all that much during the fight, for which he was glad. Trying to find things in the dark was never fun.

When Sora was ready, Allen bent down and cupped his hands together, "Ready when you are." It was still pretty chilly, especially without his exorcist uniform, but they'd just have to endure it. He could put up with some cold if Sora could stand the injuries.


scintillatingly March 19 2009, 05:37:47 UTC
This wasn't going to be nearly as easy as it had been last time, but Sora chucked his flashlight over the wall, hoping that the impact of it hitting the ground on the other side didn't harm it too much. It was pretty sturdy, so he wasn't too worried.

Now came the hard part. Sora really hoped he didn't lose his balance while he tried to do this, since then he and Allen would just end up in a tangled mass on the wet grass, and they'd already been set back enough as it was.

He was just going to have to push through the pain. Nodding to himself, he moved toward Allen and started with his good leg, pressing down against the other boy's hands as he reached up for the top of the wall. Scrambling up to the top took him a little longer than it would have usually, and he had to deal with shooting pain in both his arm and leg, but he made it.

"Phew," he said with a wince as he glanced back down at Allen. "Want me to help you up from here?"


broken_exorcist March 19 2009, 19:26:59 UTC
Allen did what he could to boost Sora up, but it seemed to take more effort than it had the other night. He was tempted to scale the wall himself, but he was too short to really reach high enough without help. Not that he was going to admit that aloud.

"Ah- sure," he consented, hoping it wouldn't cause Sora too much trouble. He reached up to grab the other boy's hand. Really, it would help hurry things in the long run, wouldn't it?


scintillatingly March 19 2009, 19:53:55 UTC
Sora didn't notice any embarrassment from Allen, and he didn't really think there was anything wrong with helping the other boy up, seeing how Allen had just done the same for him. Using mainly his right arm (it was a good thing it was the non-dominant one that had been hurt), Sora yanked Allen up until they were crouched next to each other on the top of the wall.

"All right," he said as he exhaled, feeling a lot more tired out than he would have if he hadn't already lost some blood. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and then glanced at his friend. "How about you go first this time?" It seemed to make more sense to have the injured one take up the rear, as much as Sora hated to admit it.


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