Nightshift 39: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Mar 05, 2009 13:19

[From here]

Yukari peered up and down the hallway, deciding against shining her flashlight this way and that; she didn't particularly want to attract any monstrous attention. Mentally going over the maps, she tried to remember where she was going. Ritsuka had said M35, right? So that was the next block over... she'd have to go through the West Hall, but hopefully could get through without getting attacked her first night.

M35... why did that ring a bell?

Giving a shrug, the youkai headed on her way.

argilla, glados, armand, anise, nigredo, skuld, teisel, bourne, sync, chise, naoto shirogane, seiya, miku, zex, leon magnus, haruno sakura, superboy, daphne, juri, aidou, harry osborn, shikamaru, kira, harley, alec, yukari yakumo, rangiku, brook

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