Day 37: Arts and Crafts Room

Nov 24, 2008 14:12

Honey was relieved when breakfast was over.  Even though there'd been plenty of sticky-sweet french toast to be had, the company left him feeling a little inadequate.  Usually girls fawned all over him, but Callisto had been downright mean.  Had he done something wrong?  What kind of girl wanted to fight rather than play?  It'd only been a few days ( Read more... )

sakura, dib, kagura, tsubaki, kaito, danny phantom, ken amada, momo (xenosaga), sora, usagi, evangeline, honey, tamaki, clark kent, leon magnus, joshua, kaoru, shinichi, michiru, zim, hikaru, brainiac 5, toph

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Comments 174

whiteychan November 25 2008, 00:12:07 UTC
[for Toph]

As the day progressed, Hitsu's mood remained as sour and morose as when he'd woken. Being forced by the nurses to go to the arts and crafts room did not improve his mood in the slightest. "Here, Tommy," one of the nurses said. "Why don't you draw a pretty picture? You'll like that, won't you?"

The captain didn't even dignify her with a response. As she prattled on, suggesting activities he might enjoy, he entirely tuned her out and focused on his own thoughts instead. Rangiku was right, they should do something for Renji's departure...but what? He was never good at the emotional side of things...maybe he should just leave it to her.

In either case, he wasn't about to play nice with the nurses. Not today. Not likely ever again.


neutral_jing November 25 2008, 02:00:18 UTC
Ugh. That was a depressing conversation. Of course, hearing about anyone dying was bound to put a damper on things, but somehow, this place made the news worse. Probably because everyone was so far from home.

Regardless of the case, Toph was frustrated. She literally stomped into the Arts and Crafts Room, teeth bared and fists clenched. The girl was technically readying herself for this shift's activities, but her nurse took it as a sign of aggression and nudged her over toward a more vacant area of the room. An area that happened to contain a patient and their nurse. This Toph knew by the fact that only one of them was talking her mouth off.

"So." Her eyes focused on the silent individual, as if she could see them. "Come here often?"


whiteychan November 25 2008, 19:56:44 UTC
"Not by choice," was his immediate, gruff response. He loathed the shifts when they split the children with the adults. Every single time some obnoxious little brat would come and sit next to him and try to make conversation...and every single time it seemed they decided to chat with him at the most inopportune moments.

Still, there was no reason to be rude. "Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro," he said as a means of introduction.


neutral_jing November 26 2008, 19:50:36 UTC
The happiness was awesome in this room. She could already tell it was overflowing with this one.

Toph stomped her foot once in an effort to get a clearer profile of the guy. Anyone might have seen it as a strange response to an introduction; the earthbender didn't exactly care. "Toph Beifong," she returned after a brief pause.

Her head bobbed up and down then, continuing that facade of observing Hitsugaya. "Aren't you a little too short to be captain?"


tranquil_seas November 25 2008, 02:28:46 UTC
[For Usagi!]

Michiru's mood was marginally better once breakfast had ended. Luffy had been a delightful conversation partner, and not too hard on the eyes, either. There was a childish sort of cuteness in him that was refreshing. Maybe she would see about talking to him more often.

But for the moment, that was over, and now she needed to concentrate on her present situation. Usagi was still missing, and there was the relation with Seiya to consider. Did she really want to continue her cooperation with the foreign senshi? Greater numbers were useful, but if she needed a 'partner', Ami was far more trustworthy.

Preoccupied with her thoughts, Michiru took a box of crayons, some markers, and a few sheets of paper to a table. Painting would have provided more suitable relaxation, but if finger paints were the only option for that medium, she would rather pass.


tranquil_seas November 28 2008, 19:53:52 UTC
[To here.]


scintillatingly November 25 2008, 02:43:32 UTC
Knowing how Renji had died really didn't make Sora feel too much better about it, though he guessed that was understandable. He did feel more inclined to track down Artemis at some point, though. He hadn't spoken with the other boy in a long while, so it would be good to catch up and maybe discuss what had happened, if Artemis was up to it ( ... )


gottabetactile November 25 2008, 05:52:48 UTC
Feeling a lot more cheerful now that he knew his TTK wasn't gone completely - even if Tokito had freaked on him for no real reason - Kon was happy enough to follow the nurse who came to lead him out of the cafeteria. It was a different one to before, this one was older and impatient to get rid of him, leading him quickly to where the 'other children' were and vanishing before he could protest being dumped with a bunch of kids ( ... )


scintillatingly November 25 2008, 07:54:57 UTC
When Sora was faced with someone he'd never seen before who was so obviously chipper, he couldn't help but feel like he needed to follow suit. He didn't want to be bad company now that he had someone to talk to, and so he shifted up in his seat and mustered up a smile for the stranger.

Who had an interesting name, to say the least. "Superboy?" Sora parroted before he could stop himself. He supposed there could be weirder (maybe), and a name wasn't the most important thing about a person.

After all, this Superboy was pretty optimistic for being stuck in this place, and since Sora had never seen him before, that meant he had to be new. If he could stay happy even when he was tossed into this disorienting situation, then he must be a pretty strong person!

"Uhh, I'm Sora," he returned, holding his smile and realizing that it was somewhat more genuine now. "Nice to meet you!"


gottabetactile November 25 2008, 11:32:34 UTC
"The one and only," Kon replied proudly. Finally, someone who knew what his name meant. Sora had cheered up fast when he came over too, not that that was surprising ( ... )


for_marian November 25 2008, 02:58:15 UTC
Normally Leon wouldn't consider 'Arts and Crafts' a valid way of spending his time, but today he actually had something useful he could do with the art supplies.

Most of the writing instruments seemed to lack the fine points he wanted for the detail work, so Leon settled on using one of the 'pens' given to all the patients. He chose a neutral colour of the thick, rough paper and set to sketching Chaltier from memory.

It wasn't hard. Leon remembered every inch of Chaltier's form perfectly.

[free! and just so you know, he's sketching his sword.]


4lulzngiggles November 25 2008, 05:14:16 UTC
((Hopefully you don't mind a creepy blond?))

Joshua was given to the artistic side of life, if he was allowed to say so. He spent a fair amount of time with them, and while the Shibuya aesthetic was a bit different from what 'normal' society went for, it was still artistic in its own right. Of course, the problem was that every artist needed tools, and what he found in this 'arts and crafts' room was rather... disappointing. Ah well; if all else failed, even if he didn't get to make anything himself, he could at least learn about who were those to talk about for such art.

There were a few, which Joshua found promising. But most of them were speaking to each other, and he did so dearly hate a crowd. Instead, he found someone off on his own, then walked up to the man, peering over his shoulder. A sword? Mm, a rough sketch right now, but better than nothing. He didn't say anything, of course, not yet, but that could come later. For now, he wanted to watch someone work.


for_marian November 25 2008, 16:26:29 UTC
Leon noticed everyone who passed by him within arm's reach, but ignored those who kept going without pausing. The boy who stopped and started looking over his shoulder obnoxiously and crowding Leon's space, on the other hand, quickly got his full attention. "Hey, back off."


4lulzngiggles November 25 2008, 23:57:52 UTC
Well that was a rapid, if not unexpected, response. Joshua grinned as he took a half-step back, hooking his hands in the waistband of his pants as he gazed at the artist. Not... much to look at, but who cared about external appearances?

However, in his current mood, Joshua couldn't help but answer in his usual teasing manner. "Is this far enough?"


emotionl4arobot November 25 2008, 11:57:59 UTC
Brainiac 5 stared blankly at the nurse when she initially came to lead him away from Xelloss, but rose wordlessly and followed her. She talked cheerfully as she walked about taking him to Arts and Crafts with the other children - his eyes narrowed at the idea of being considered a 'child', but he said nothing - where, she assured him, he would make friends with others his own age ( ... )


kagurazuki November 25 2008, 16:29:22 UTC
Kagura was actually looking forward to arts and crafts. She'd finished her project for Hatori and now she wanted to start on making some nice things for her new friends here, like Bridget and Leon and Javert. She picked up a needle and thread, some scraps of fabric, and the safety scissors that would make cutting out patterns a royal pain. Still, it was worth the effort.

Supplies in hand, she looked for a fairly empty table, one devoid of paint, hopefully, and found a boy sitting on his own. "Is it alright if I sit with you?" she asked shyly, waiting for his response before she set her supplies down.


emotionl4arobot November 26 2008, 00:23:46 UTC
Brainiac 5 glanced up, looking over the girl quickly before returning his attention to his notes. She seemed roughly his age and height, and was carrying a selection of arts and crafts supplies. Otherwise he didn't notice anything of interest about her, but he knew that wasn't much of an indication.

"I see no reason why you can't," he said calmly, finishing up the line of notes before looking back up to her. He supposed Superman would have encouraged him to make an effort to be nicer to her, so he managed a small smile and indicated a seat opposite. It would allow them both optimal room to work after all.

"I... apologise," he said after a moment. "I've had several difficult experiences since my arrival here last night, so I've been somewhat preoccupied. I should introduce myself. I am Brainiac 5, member of the Legion of Super Heroes. You are?"


kagurazuki November 26 2008, 02:33:54 UTC
So much for ordinary conversation. Kagura tried to take it all in stride, after all, he was smiling politely, he couldn't be that bad. She set her things down, giving him a shy smile in return, then took a seat ( ... )


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