Day 37: Intercom, Morning

Nov 24, 2008 05:26

The intercom clicked on with its cheerful jingle and the Head Doctor cleared his throat ( Read more... )

evangeline, levi, chidori, yukari yakumo, intercom, masaru, usagi

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Comments 7

mind_the_sukima November 24 2008, 18:34:38 UTC
[Continued from here]The border between sleeping and wakefulness once again thinned and wavered, and not without reason. A sharp, rapping noise was disturbing Yukari from her sleep ( ... )


mind_the_sukima November 24 2008, 18:35:27 UTC
"Yes. Ms. Cloud, you are a patient here at Landel's Institute, a mental hospital. Your family brought you here."

None of that made sense. Besides the fact that she was perfectly sane and would never need to be institutionalized, Ran would never do this to her. Did Ran even really know about how mental hospitals worked? Or for that matter, rather than that, wouldn't she just get Reimu to check out the problem if there was one? And no shikigami would do something like this without the permission of her master. How did she end up here, why were her powers not working, and why was that woman calling her, what was it now? Violet, Cloud, Violet Cloud. Oh.

Yukari giggled a little.

"Is something funny?" her nurse asked, smiling.

"No, nothing. Well, let's go see what this is all about," said Yukari. "The Sun Room, you said?"

"Yes, you'll be able to meet other patients and mingle there," said the nurse, her smile now genuine in her gratefulness to be given one of the cooperative patients. "Well, let's be going ( ... )


burningdigisoul November 24 2008, 18:50:26 UTC
As usual, it was easy for Masaru to fall asleep when night finally came, even if the ground was cold and Agumon was a sleep-talker. He started the night off leaning against his follower's back, but before long he was snoring away and sprawled out in an awkward position that was sure to bring stiffness in the morning ( ... )


jesuslandicious November 24 2008, 19:29:47 UTC
"Mr. Clapton?"

Something about clapping...Lev wasn't fully awake yet, so all he could hear was the word 'clap.' It wasn't all that surprising, considering what he'd attempted a few weeks ago.

What was surprising was realizing that he was laid on a mattress horizontally, with his arms laid out as though he'd been asleep. That wasn't right...his arms should have been held up in mid-air and his legs should have been stuck together in a cast. He should have been a human crucifix, suspended in mid-air!

When he opened his eyes, Lev gasped quietly, shocked by the new surroundings. His eyes darted from corner to corner of the room until they finally settled on the woman standing at his bedside. He stared at her, unable to form words for the moment. What happened to the holding cell? Why aren't I in the cast? What's going on here?When he finally composed himself, he slowly pulled himself out of bed, carefully making sure to keep each limb from touching each other or moving too quickly ( ... )


SPOILERS FOR PERSONA 3 fear_attachment November 25 2008, 03:43:48 UTC
The blackness made sense. That there was nothing after death did not surprise Chidori. That she retained some vague sense of self was a little more unusual, but maybe it was because of the piece of her that now resided in Junpei. She couldn't feel him from here, which was sad, but it still comforted her to know that he lived. Death was quiet, and it was peaceful, and indeed it was nothing to fear, after all. But then the darkness went away, and Chidori... woke up.

That wasn't supposed to happen. Chidori sat up, breath seizing in her throat as she recognised the feel of the institutional walls around her, the harsh lighting and bland paint that screamed hospital. It wasn't white, it wasn't that cold place again, but it was bad enough. It was a hospital, and she could not feel Junpei.

Looking around in growing panic, Chidori wondered if she had been terribly wrong and this was hell. But she breathed, and her heart beat, fast and unsteady like a frightened rabbit's in her chest. Not dead? But then what of Junpei? It had been a fair ( ... )


bullygeneraleva November 25 2008, 08:06:13 UTC
If you'd asked Evangeline what she liked, and by some miracle gotten a straight answer out of her, her bed and her house would not have appeared on the list. She was used to having a great many things, both creature comforts and purposeful tools, but despite the time and energy spent acquiring and maintaining her possessions she rarely became sentimental about them; they were transient things that were easily lost or left behind. And in the case of her present bed and home at Mahora, she very much intended to leave them behind at first opportunity ( ... )


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