Nightshift 36: M111-120 Hallway

Oct 28, 2008 16:01

"But I suppose they'll be plenty of nights after this, yes? Yes..."

There was a loud crackle of static, and then silence.

Akihiko sat upright in bed, awakened by what he had thought was just a tree branch hitting his window, but wasn't. There weren't any windows in the room he was currently in, and that meant it couldn't possibly be his own.

"...where the hell am I?"

No one answered. It was too dark to see much of anything, and the silence in the room was more than a bit unnerving. The fact that this couldn't be the work of a Shadow, unless they were breaking their pattern of only appearing on full moons, only added to that feeling. It wasn't that he was scared - concerned, yes, on edge, yes, but not scared - it was that he was honestly perplexed. This couldn't be Strega's doing, either. They wouldn't try kidnapping any of SEES' members a second time, not after the first time had led to them losing one of their own. They also weren't stupid; they wouldn't come anywhere near the dormitory, not after what had happened the night before last. They knew better than to do that.

There was only one thing to do, and that was to figure out what had happened. Akihiko threw off the covers, bracing one hand against the pillow and swinging his legs off the side of the bed - and that was when he realized that not only was the setting unfamiliar, the clothes he was wearing were unfamiliar. That didn't matter, though; as long as they didn't hinder his ability to fight if he needed to, and they wouldn't, that was fine. There was something else that struck him - the hard object underneath the pillow. A...flashlight? Why would there be a flashlight under his pillow? It certainly couldn't hurt to take it with him, he thought, then paused. If this was the Dark Hour, it wouldn't work, but more importantly, it would keep him from fighting effectively. He decided to leave it there, thinking that if he needed it, he could always come back for it.

He nodded. This was just like any other challenge, and he hadn't met one yet that he didn't think he could face. If anything, he was more resolved to face them head-on now. It's what you would want me to do, isn't that right, Miki and Shinji?

With that, he stood and walked to the door, turning the handle. There didn't seem to be anyone outside when he stepped out. He took a few steps forward, looking in both directions. The end of the hallway wasn't too far away, it seemed. He nodded to himself and then walked in that direction.

[to here]

grell, s.t., dib, batman, kio, superboy, akihiko, dean winchester, dr. horrible, brainiac 5, phoenix

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