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remedying October 28 2008, 23:10:21 UTC
[from here. knock knock adel |D]


As soon as Yukari reached the appropriate door, she was quick to set her things down, if only to give her arms a break from the trip. Oh, jeez, she was never going to pull something like that off on her own again.

After a breath, she lifted a hand to knock on the door of M22. "Adelheid-san? I'm here!"


rope_victim November 10 2008, 05:03:42 UTC
"Good night, Bernstein-san." Miku said politely and let Sousuke lead her away.

[To here]


grosse_sklaven November 11 2008, 23:52:31 UTC
And just like that, they were gone. Adelheid took a deep breath to steady himself, rubbing at his prosthetic eye now that they were gone. It hurt like anything, and he knew that it would be impossible to hide the mark from anyone who was walking around. So, what to do? Wait here, idle, or go out and risk humiliation?

In the end, he decided to check what Edward was doing. He walked over to the other boy's room... then frowned as he found the note addressed to him. Ed had gone on. Brilliant. It seemed like the only options were to do nothing, or to trudge a few halls over. He didn't like it, but in the end, Adelheid couldn't bare the thought of another night with absolutely nothing done. Besides, he needed to find some string for Yukari. So, taking his usual equipment with him, he started walking out, heading to the room in question.

((To here.))


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