Nightshift 35: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Sep 20, 2008 14:39

[Coming from here]

So they still had to deal with one of the brainwashed patients tonight; the rest were being carted off for experimentation. Something had changed in the routine. There'd been a pattern earlier, one night to those "trials", the others for the brain-washed patients. But tonight was different for some reason.

So what made it ( Read more... )

sanji, tony stark, shito, kenshin, senna, lucivar, kaiji, xigbar, siegfried, adelheid, badou, gumshoe, hanatarou, rude, yuuri, sora, wolfram, matsuda, claude, kristoph, itachi, hikaru, hughes, the flash, von karma, ren, guy, usopp, elena (ffvii), yuffie, roy, valyn, tokito, jamie, okita, fai, sasuke, sanosuke, aidou, beatrix, kaoru, hohenheim, gin, shadow, tanaka, sanzo

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Comments 187

31st_of_china September 20 2008, 22:36:08 UTC
[to here]


notmyfather September 20 2008, 23:55:28 UTC
( from here)

Moving into the larger hallway, Valyn paused to make sure the coast was clear. The dim mage light hovering over his shoulder cast enough light to easily see by - he had a cat's excellent night vision - and so far it looked as though the hall was nearly empty....


wildunderstress September 27 2008, 19:09:57 UTC
[from here]

The light caught Jamie's eye - it appeared to be more or less hovering mid-air, coming from no visible source as it highlighted the contours of a human shape just below and in front of it. Jamie was intrigued, but curiosity would have to take a backseat in their current situation; he and Tokito needed to find someone to help them find a way out of here, and everyone else in the hallway seemed intent on one activity or another. Cautiously, Jamie approached the man.

"...hello?" he called, a little tentatively.


wild_right_hand September 27 2008, 19:24:50 UTC
Okay, now that was kinda freaky. Was that light attached to anything? How was it floating like that? The whole thing made Tokito nervous and wary--more so than usual even--so he stayed back a bit as Jamie approached the other man. Not far enough back that he couldn't hear their conversation, but far enough to see an attack coming. Geez, the kid was so incautious, Tokito wondered if he'd ever been in danger before.


notmyfather September 27 2008, 20:10:06 UTC
Valyn turned his head, looking towards the person who had approached him. Unfamiliar, as was the man hanging back. Either they were new, or Valyn really hadn't been paying much attention to the people around him lately. Both were valid.

"Hello?" he asked, polite and friendly, though slightly reserved as was his nature. "Can I help you?"


full_score September 21 2008, 00:37:21 UTC
((From here.))

So far, it looked like the hallway was more empty than it normally was. Maybe he was just making really awesome time tonight? Claude sure hoped so. It wouldn't do for the night to suddenly end, right when he was in the middle of something important. Even if they were still technically trapped here, now was one of the few times everyone got wander freely. It was best to make good use of the time allotted to them, wasn't it?

The Earthling let his flashlight illuminate the path ahead as he kept his pace brisk and steady. He wouldn't be running any races tonight, but he knew when not to mess around.

((To here.))


scintillatingly September 21 2008, 02:06:08 UTC
[From here.]

Leaving the patient block, Sora spotted another patient who was sharing the hall with him, and his eyes widened when he realized that the man had a small light hanging over his shoulder. What was that? It looked cool! Sora figured it must have been some sort of magic, and while he would have loved to learn more about it, he knew he didn't have the time for that.

He turned off his own flashlight for the moment, squinting through the darkness and using the other patient's small light to move down the hall and past the nurse's station. He spotted the stairs that he so often liked to use as a meeting spot and turned right past them.


scintillatingly September 21 2008, 02:15:38 UTC
[To here.]


showtime_matsu September 21 2008, 05:56:26 UTC
[From here]

There hadn't been any sign of Demyx, so Matsuda had turned to go down the way they had been walking the night before. The next hall wasn't all that different from the one before it, just sort of a long stretch that looked kinda creepy at night. Oh well, he had to get through it to go take a better look around. Still, Matsuda glanced around nervously as he continued on down the hall, making sure to keep up his pace.

[To here]


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