Aug 14, 2008 13:02


Before he was even entirely awake, Steve was aware that he wasn't in his own bed. The mattress and the pillows and the comforter and sheets weren't his. It only took him a split second to go from being asleep to being fully awake. He waited a few moments, pretending to be still asleep and listening for the sounds of anyone else in the room. He could barely hear the faint, rhythmic sounds of someone else breathing from across the room.

After a moment, Steve opened his eyes and stared across the room at the other bed. It was occupied with a large man in plain gray clothing, and the room itself wasn't particularly interesting.

Sitting up, Steve glanced down at himself. Gray hospital scrubs with a smiley face on the chest. This was a bit strange, even by his standards. Steve had been banged up by the Argonaut pretty badly, but his body could handle a lot more than most people. Most of his injuries had healed by the time he'd gone to bed, and as he stretched now he couldn't feel any lingering pain or soreness.

Steve got out of bed and wondered how long he'd been unconscious, there were no windows to give a time of day or night. He didn't remember having any dreams, so he couldn't have been asleep too long. And this wasn't at all like Steve's usual dreams, so he probably wasn't still asleep. With dreams mostly ruled out, Steve was at a loss for how he'd gotten here. It was extremely unlikely that he'd been abducted somehow from the Avengers tower; he would have woken up if someone had entered his room. And even if they had managed to get into his room and drug him without waking him up, there was still the fact that the rest of the security in the Avengers tower was tight.

Sneaking in and then sneaking out with him without anyone noticing would've been almost impossible. That left psychics and magic as potential causes, though he couldn't imagine why anyone would kidnap him just to put him in a room like this. Steve searched the room carefully, locating nothing more interesting than a flashlight and a radio. While it wasn't as old as the type he'd used during World War II, it certainly wasn't very modern looking, and the presence of the flashlight was odd as well.

There were a bunch of pens, and hwile those might've made good weapons for someone like Bullseye or Taskmaster, Steve didn't see much point in carrying them. Satisfied that he hadn't missed anything that might be useful or a clue to what was going on, Steve tried the door knob. Surprisingly, it was unlocked.

Whatever this was, so far it didn't make much sense, and was a bit more concerning than waking up in less than perfect condition in a cell somewhere. At least then, it was quite obvious what his captor's intentions were, and he could work on breaking out.

Steve paused and glanced at his room mate before deciding to let the man keep sleeping. The hallway outside his room was dark, and there was no sign of anyone in it. Steve grabbed the flashlight, eyed the radio for a moment before taking it, and cautiously edged out into the hall. He wasn't entirely sure what he would find out there, so he remained quiet and alert.

armand, teisel, allelujah, bourne, sync, forte, tk-622, albel, captain america, manny, brooklyn, harry osborn, joshua, alec, haseo, subaru

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