Nightshift 34: M61-M70 Hallway

Aug 14, 2008 19:51

Both nightshift and his Noah kicked in after what seemed like forever. Tyki slicked his hair back and grabbed his things before stepping into the hallway. It seemed he was pretty early considering no one was around just yet, but that would mean no one would beat him to the kitchen, right ( Read more... )

tokito, subzero, jamie, claude, guy, okita, siegfried, reid, tyki, alexander conklin, peony, jade, hijikata

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M70 wild_right_hand August 15 2008, 05:04:11 UTC
The two announcements in a row, with such very, very different tones to them, pretty much drove home that this place was really just as weird as people had been hinting it was all day. Tokito still wasn't sure about "monsters" as such--maybe they were just regular animals that Bridget hadn't seen before, or something--but the Head Doctor definitely didn't have good things planned. That laughter was just creepy.

Tokito looked over at Jamie and raised an eyebrow, trying to look calmer than he really was. "Still believe this place is really about helping us get better?"


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 15 2008, 07:11:45 UTC
Tokito got the first screw loose enough that he could grab it with his fingers, and unscrewed it the rest of the way by hand. It was faster, and would probably preserve the spoon a little longer. Not that anything about this process was fast enough for Tokito. By the time he made it to the fourth and final screw, he was ready to just say fuck secrecy and yank the bar out with his hand.

But, no. He could do this. He could be patient for a few more minutes, a few more turns of the stupid fucking screw. He was almost there. Finally, the damn thing was loose enough for him to grab it, and he indulged himself just a little by taking it in his right hand and yanking it free. All the threads were stripped off the bottom half of the screw, once it was out, and the mushroom head of the thing looked more like a mangled crescent, but Tokito hid it quickly so that hopefully Jamie wouldn't see. "Got this side done."


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 15 2008, 16:56:42 UTC
"Okay..." Jamie bit his lip in concentration, trying to hurry as he finished unfastening the last screw without getting careless and breaking the flimsy spoon. He grimaced, hearing the utensil crack a little as he twisted it, but somehow it managed to hold. He exhaled in a relieved chuff once he was done and lifted his end of the bar out of its wall socket.


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 16 2008, 05:02:04 UTC
"I don't think we'll get the other one down with these." Tokito looked at his own spoon, which had snapped right in two at some point--he hadn't been paying attention and must have gripped it that little bit too hard. At least it was plastic and there was nothing really suspicious about his having broken a flimsy piece of plastic. "You take this one. I'm okay unarmed."


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 16 2008, 05:20:35 UTC
Jamie blinked at him in surprise. "Um - you sure?" he asked. "I mean, I don't - " He faltered a little. "I'm...not much of a fighter," he admitted. True that it didn't take a whole lot of skill to swing a blunt object at something - or someone - but just the thought of it unsettled him somehow, and he wasn't sure that he could trust himself to actually do so in a pinch.


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 16 2008, 05:24:24 UTC
No surprise there. Jamie didn't look like much of a fighter. Tokito knew very well that looks could be deceiving, but his gut feelings tended to be right about this kind of thing. "So you need a weapon more than I do. I know how to fight without one. This way, you can stay back a bit and, I dunno, try to trip the enemy or something." They'd figure something out.


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 16 2008, 05:31:43 UTC
The younger teen nodded uncertainly and removed the other end of the rod from its mooring in the closet. It was surprisingly heavy and a little unwieldy, which did nothing to reassure him, but he set it on the floor beside the bed and moved to empty the rest of the usable items out of his desk drawer. "So - what do we do next?" he asked as he worked.


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 16 2008, 05:52:22 UTC
Tokito grabbed up his flashlight and put one set of batteries in it--that there was a spare set was good, if they were going to end up having to do this more than once. Scary thought, that, and one that Tokito banished from his mind as quickly as possible. He also took a handful of pens, thinking that at least he could put someone (or something)'s eye out with them. "We open the door and see what's out there."


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 16 2008, 06:03:38 UTC
Jamie pocketed his spare set of batteries, a couple of pens, the keychain and the spoon - he had no idea whether they'd actually need it or not, and it wouldn't hold up much longer if they did, but it might come in handy again, anyway. He grimaced a little at Tokito's plan; by nature he disliked acting when he had so little information to go on, but he supposed that under the circumstances they didn't have much of a choice. He'd strategized more or less on the fly before, even though he hadn't liked it; he could do so again if he had to.

A bit resignedly, he nodded. "Guess it's as good a plan as any," he murmured. Stooping to pick up the closet rod, and gripping his flashlight, he looked back at Tokito, half-hoping he'd lead the way out.


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 16 2008, 06:29:31 UTC
As soon as he opened the door and looked out, Tokito realised that their room was at the very end of a hallway full of similar doors. He should have noticed that on the way from the sun room to the bedrooms, but he'd been so focused on the threatening presence of the nurses that he just plain forgot to keep track.

There didn't seem to be much point in exploring up the hall, if it was just more patient rooms, so Tokito turned right and headed down to the next hallway.

[ this way]


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