Nightshift 33: M61 - M70 Hallway

Jul 09, 2008 06:31

The beginning of nightshift, mmm? What a strange and funny thing had happened. It wasn't like normal Landel's nights by any stroke of the imagination; indeed, the radios and the intercom were playing this time. How fancy! It was like three voices talking at once, once from the wall and twice from the two radios in Peony's and Siegfried's room.

The voices were lighter, brighter, as if many years had stood to pass between the first recording and Dr. Landel's subsequent cursing and damning what had happened. Peony could tell as much. And he wondered if, perhaps, there had been such a change between his and Jade's voices from so long ago and their voices now.

Funny how this place made him think about himself sometimes.

Yes, it was a rare and introspective moment for the emperor, and he was rather glad it was dark. Not for long, though; his flashlight flicked on in the darkness, and the tube of light passed over Siegfried for a moment before the emperor grabbed the few scalpels he'd harvested the other day. And - well, hell, why not. The radio, too. Which meant he'd need his coat. For the pockets.

"Bye," he said abruptly, excusing himself into the hallway.

Now all there was was to wait for Gailardia. He was actually quite curious on what the young man would say about such a strange thing. So he leaned against the hallway wall outside their rooms, waiting. They would get going quite quickly tonight! It would be glorious.

sanji, zex, guy, xigbar, siegfried, luxord, reid, kurogane, tyki, peony, mori

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