Nightshift 32: Stairs by Waiting Room/Lobby 1

May 31, 2008 00:15

[from here]

Certain that these were the stairs Peter had meant, Brooklyn took up a position near the bottom where he could still see the main hall. Or the front hall. Or whatever he should call this hall that was definitely the largest in the building. (More than one? What?)

Sitting down might make it more difficult for the other two to see him, but since they should be coming in this direction anyway they weren't bound to miss him easily. Aside from that, he was going to get tired of holding the shovel. So sit down he did, laying his "weapon" across his lap and keeping an eye out for any familiar face.

ren, heat, bella, peter petrelli, goku, melissa, wolfram, seiya, leon (so2), clark kent, sai, leon magnus, rukia, claire bennet, brooklyn, tyki, john connor, alec, nathan petrelli, sanzo

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