Was it still nighshift? Orihime looked around the room - the one belonging to her and Tear - completely confused by what had just happened. One moment she was in Fai's room about to heal Keman and the next she was waking up here again in the middle of the night. It was worse than aliens. At least they tried to be consistent about abductions.
Worse than that, she hadn't been able to help Keman at all, and now it looked like she'd missed the chance to talk to him too. Orihime sat up and yawned widely despite herself. She felt sluggish and hungry but it was nigtshift and she had to do things now. She wasn't really that hungry anyway. She could eat a big breakfast in the morning and everything would be fine. Right now, she should probably look for...Keman or Fai or Ururu-chan or...someone.
She pawed around for her flashlight and flicked it on before ducking into the empty hallway.