Nightshift 32: Entry Room

May 30, 2008 13:48

[From here.]

The first thing the God-General noticed was the roughness that replaced the smooth tile beneath his feet, pressing the tip into the floor before sinking his sole into the carpet. The rest of his body followed soon after, fingertips pushing against the door until it slowly clicked shut. As calm as he may have appeared the outside his senses were on high alert, eying the room for any kind of movement.

His eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness, allowing him to see a majority of the obstacles that lined this new room. Sync stepped forward once, then twice, and then finally picked up his pace until he reached the set of doors that apparently led outside.

Sync knew well enough that the doors were locked, and these thoughts were only reinforced as he tried to open one to no avail.

elle, eddie brock, shion, sylar, sync, aidou

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