Nightshift 32: F21-F30 hallway

May 30, 2008 12:15

Shion had slept the remainder of dinner, the effects of the tranquilization slowly wearing off as she slipped deeper into unconsciousness. Over all, being tranquilized was much more pleasant than having your nails ripped off as a punishment, the teenager decided as she awoke to find all the lights off in her room.

Ah, so this was night.

Turning her head, she was surprised to find something hard against her head, and she instantly reached underneath the pillow and grabbed at the item that had caught her attention - a flashlight. “Lucky!”

Moving to stand, Shion reached out and opened the door, staring out at the dark hallway for a second before remembering the comments the sniveling blonde had told her. Monsters wandered around at night, take caution.


Shion’s head turned to the side quickly, eyes catching on the chair that just so happened to be on her side of the room.

It would work.

Moving quickly, the teenager grabbed at the chair with one hand, testing to see how heavy it was. Perhaps some dragging was in order, but for now … she could carry it. She was a strong girl, after all! Hadn't she been able to carry all of those disgusting corpses all on her own? That was right! She could!

Hoisting it up, Shion cautiously moved out the door and down the hallway, chair in one hand, flashlight in the other.

[ to here ]

diva, seiya, anya, angel, bella, hokuto, hinamori momo, falis, skuld, yukari, shion, ken amada, toph, willow, usagi

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