Day 32: Cafeteria, Breakfast

May 11, 2008 06:29

Sylar's gears were still turning as the nurse and a burly orderly escorted him down long halls and through a strange, sunlit room. He'd been forced to drop his pen when the orderly had seen it, and since then, he'd realized that this place had better security than he'd originally anticipated, as well as a large population of patients. It looked ( Read more... )

diva, raine, zelos, axel, anya, edward elric, xigbar, skuld, nia, danny phantom, ken amada, wolfram, mason, miku, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, zelnick, hiei, misa, leon kennedy, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, signum, mello, rena, hikaru, roxas, xellos, usopp, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, archer, zuko, farfarello, zoro, okita, takaya, sanosuke, kadaj, yukari, wolverine, esmeralda, kratos, alec, nathan petrelli, l, willow, haseo, kunzite, renji, sanji, rhode, shito, glados, homura, kenshin, dairine, bella, adelheid, siegfried, kaito, gumshoe, elle, sora, usagi, luffy, leon (so2), river, reno, albel, keman, amelia, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, zexion, harry osborn, roland, dean winchester, peony, brook, ren, argilla, kenren, yuber, ling, kimbley, heat, kairi, hinamori momo, reid, soubi, allelujah, roy, naomi, frey, valyn, sylar, sai, leon magnus, sasuke, aidou, falis, beatrix, edward cullen, ururu, brooklyn, kaoru, john connor, eddie brock, shadow, scar (tlk), omi, rangiku, subaru

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Comments 1096

killing_suzie May 11 2008, 16:05:44 UTC
Jack felt vaguely bad that he'd never made it to meet Gin, but it had been a good night, so he couldn't feel that bad about it. Still, he decided he'd best find the other half of Team Fabulous some time today so that they could get organized for this coming night. They hadn't gotten anything done in a while, and even if it didn't bother Jack, who had all the time in the world as far as he could tell, it might be starting to annoy Gin.

Humming a cheerful tune to himself (and he had a lovely singing voice) Jack grabbed some waffles and sat.


contentincloset May 11 2008, 16:35:39 UTC
[Plz to be annoying him? Unless Mr. Shiny-teeth was waiting for someone less frumpy...]

Kurogane did not pay much attention to what was for breakfast or for where he took a seat either. Again. It had happened again! Much as he should have been used to waking up as though the whole night had been nothing but a mere dream, it continued to irk him how suddenly it happened. And yet again he'd managed to get nothing at all done.

Now after four days, he was starting to wonder if the kids were even still alive. The basement could not be a pleasant place, and this place was clearly given to torture. He knew the Princess, strong as she could be wouldn't be able to handle anything for too long, either physically or mentally. The kid was stronger, but he was still just that, a kid. He'd break too. Three days had been enough for the Magician, so now, it was either three days or a week they'd been separated by the time differences.

He had to do something tonight.


killing_suzie May 11 2008, 21:07:00 UTC
Jack looked up at his new friend and favored him with a gleaming smile. "Morning," he said. "Isn't waffle day great?"


contentincloset May 11 2008, 21:21:40 UTC
At the voice, Kurogane came away from his thoughts to a very wide smile. Who was this? And what had he said? Wafusu? "Is that what these are?" he asked, then started poking the soggy bread thing with his fork. He'd never really questioned what food was so long as it tasted all right. This stuff looked kind of sweet though, like something the magician would have whipped up in Otou. He had a feeling he wouldn't enjoy it too much.


iamyourflower May 11 2008, 16:16:49 UTC
It would be an understatement to say that Anthy was at a loss as for her direction. Her confusion and general helplessness kept her in deep thought even as she smiled and gathered her breakfast like an obedient girl.

As strong as she had once felt... she couldn't face this horrible place alone. She was weak.

And yet, the thought of collecting pawns to protect her made her ache inside.


usoppsenchou May 12 2008, 02:49:27 UTC
[If you don't mind?]

Usopp had woken up slowly, still mulling over his conversation with Sai. They had gotten enough done for one night, considering that Captain Zelnick hadn't been able to show up and Mello had been off doing something--maybe even really working in the clinic, as he'd said. But there was still a lot to be done. More importantly, it had been a long time since he'd spoken with his crewmates, or it felt like a long time. He hoped Nami and Sanji weren't still sick...

The breakfast looked good, if a little heavy, and he took some fruit to balance it out. Then, to find a seatmate. In the crowd, he didn't see anyone from his crew, although that could have just been thanks to the business of the cafeteria in full-swing. Sai he spotted, but he already was talking to someone.

Meeting new people was always a good thing. There was a pretty girl with tan skin, a little darker than Usopp's, sitting by herself. He decided to come over, smiling a little. "Hi, I'm the great Captain Usopp. Mind if I sit here?"


iamyourflower May 13 2008, 17:04:11 UTC
Anthy looked up, taken aback by the rather... curious appearance of the man who had just introduced himself. But it would be rude to pay too much attention, so she simply smiled and tried to act cordial as she did with everyone; after all, it was just as difficult to talk with any old stranger.

"Not at all," She said, primly cutting her waffles. It wouldn't hurt to be a little social and yet... she rather feared forming attatchements, considering what might be needed to escape this place.


usoppsenchou May 13 2008, 19:35:30 UTC
"Thanks!" She wasn't very talkative, but at least she was friendly. Usopp thought he had seen her around, but tan skin with purple hair did tend to stick out. Of course, almost everybody here had something to stick out, and Usopp scratched his nose unselfconsciously.

After cutting into his own waffles, and taking a bite, Usopp realized something else. She was as hard to read as Sai. Usually, Usopp considered himself a good judge of people's moods, but she was very self-contained. "Do you like pirate stories?"


crimson_handed May 11 2008, 16:22:51 UTC
Kimbley wasn't in a terrifically good mood as he made his way into the cafeteria, pointedly ignoring the nurse at his side. He could have been; after all, he'd deflected (another) attack on his life with little trouble. But maybe in spite of (or because of?) that, he was irritated, fire ants pricking at his spine. He hadn't gotten anything done because of the attack last night. He'd gotten the gasoline and the fertilizer, sure, but those had been brought to him. If he didn't find anything himself soon, he was going to start getting a little ... edgyTonight, at least, would provide him with yet another opportunity. If he could wrench free some pipes from the bathroom walls, he'd have shells for the explosives. The only question was, how would he get them out of there in the first place? Alchemy could only provide so much, unfortunately ( ... )


jei May 12 2008, 00:08:21 UTC
The cafeteria was already starting to fill up enough that Farfarello quickly gave up on finding himself a quiet seat. In any case, this way he could choose who he sat with, and not end up with some perky dipshit.

Tray piled with, as usual, bacon and eggs and only token amounts of fruit, Farfarello headed for a cranky-looking bitch. Good. Cranky, he could work with. Perky made him want to hurt people.

Of course, linoleum made him want to hurt people.


crimson_handed May 12 2008, 00:40:24 UTC
The person who sat down across from Kimbley actually gave him a bit of a start. He gave the man a once-over from about the waist up (or as far as he could see from the table): short red hair, one eye, scars all over his face ... he'd seen some strange fuckers in his life, and this guy was crawling toward the top of the Strangest pile.

Still, he didn't look long; within moments he was focusing back on the world around him, fork clutched tight between his fingers. He wasn't about to initiate a conversation if he didn't have to.


jei May 12 2008, 01:28:03 UTC
It was always entertaining when they stared, even if it was only for a second. But he looked away fairly quickly. "Looking for someone specific, I take it. Try not to start any riots, I like to eat in peace."


son_ofkrypton May 11 2008, 16:39:03 UTC
Clark hadn't hurt anyone with his powers today. Okay, so he'd trespassed and stolen his file and a list of names from Dr. Burroughs' office, not to mention broken the locks on her filing cabinet drawers. He wasn't really proud of that, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do ( ... )


bored_narrator May 12 2008, 04:00:48 UTC
Kyon yawned as he picked up his light tray and made his way over to a table of some kind. He'd oddly enough, fallen asleep last night before even doing anything. He didn't exactly have plans so there really was no reason to leave. It seemed like he'd avoided the monsters somehow as well.

There was a bit of optimism in him today, thanks to his more or less pleasant night. He felt a familiar tug on his mind from his bloodthrist, but for now, it was going unnoticed. He'd worry about it later, no doubt when Aidou found him later in the day like the uppity vampire often did.

He sat his tray down without really looking at who else was at the table and started to prod at his waffles.


son_ofkrypton May 12 2008, 04:52:31 UTC
Clark automatically looked up to see who was eating breakfast with him. He froze for a second, mouth still full with scrambled eggs, and hurriedly swallowed.

"Oh, hey, Kyon!" he said.

Was the kid okay? Granted, he hadn't seen him much (okay, at all) since that first night that he'd carried him away from that red hall upstairs, but looking him over, he seemed more or less okay if you ignored the bruise on his head. Wondering how he'd gotten that, Clark was almost tempted to x-ray him to be doubly sure he was okay - but that was kind of an unnecessary invasion of privacy and besides, Kyon didn't look like he was in pain or anything, just distracted.


bored_narrator May 12 2008, 04:58:57 UTC
Kyon nearly jumped at having his name called so suddenly, and so close by. Wow, must have had some kind of psychic link with the cafeteria today. If he wasn't mistaken, this was ...

"...Clark?" Kyon asked. He never got a chance to really look at him in the dark, not to mention how out of it he was when Clark had saved him. He barely remembered the conversation, at all. He set his fork down, ignoring his food now.

" ...Ah! I'm sorry about not meeting up with you yesterday!" Kyon gave him an apologetic look. "I got a's appointment during the shift we were going to meet."


blacksustenance May 11 2008, 16:56:38 UTC
For the first time in a while, Eddie Brock woke up like a normal human being ( ... )


ellectriclights May 11 2008, 22:15:17 UTC
Elle allowed herself to be steered into the cafeteria, which was full of people dressed in the same icky grey clothes she was.

"God, this is pathetic," she grumbled to herself, shrugging her nurse off and wandering over to the waffles. This was all just organized chaos! Daddy would never let things deteriorate like this in the Hartsdale facility. Patients didn't even get to leave their rooms there. They were so much more fun when they were trapped.

Having taken a a couple of waffles and piled them up with fruit and whipped cream, Elle began looking around for somewhere to sit. She spotted a cute guy - all by himself, poor thing - and bounced over to him.

"Hey there," she greeted him cheerily, running a hand through his hair before installing herself in the seat next to him and taking a bite of waffle. It was actually pretty good.


blacksustenance May 12 2008, 01:54:23 UTC
Brock looked up, still chewing on a mouthful of waffle laced with syrup.

A young woman was sitting right next to him, taking a bite of her own breakfast and looking more chipper than anyone had any right being in the morning. She almost reminded him of Gwen in that she was young, blonde, and almost ridiculously pretty. He swallowed before returning a cautious smile back.

"Hey," he said. He didn't hold out his hand, but he tried to give out a "I'm a nice guy" vibe. "Eddie Brock. You new here?"

It was hard to tell with the number of patients here. But he figured that there weren't that many hot girls here, especially considering the whole steeped male to female ratio, that there was a good chance she was new. Although the fact she was apparently taking arriving at Landels in a stride was a bit worrying...


ellectriclights May 12 2008, 02:24:32 UTC
"I'm Elle," Elle introduced herself cheerily. This boy was just so cute. A tiny dollop of whipped cream had gotten on her finger, and she licked it off in a manner that wasn't intentionally sensual but still elegant.

"Yeah, I just woke up here this morning," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "But I'm sure it's some kind of mix-up. My Daddy runs a place like this; someone probably stuck me here by accident. But he'll get me out."

It could hardly hurt to ask a couple questions. If Eddie was an evolved human, and this was a Company facility, it wasn't like she'd be telling him he didn't already know. And if he was just a regular guy, he wouldn't understand what she was talking about. Still, she should probably be subtle.

She edged her chair closer to him, and reached out to wind a few strands of his short hair around her finger. "So why'd they put you in here, Eddie?" Elle bit her lip and gave him her widest blue-eyed stare.


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