Dayshift 31: Game Room (Fourth Shift)

Apr 11, 2008 06:28

"Games are a perfect way to meet new friends, Akihiro!" Sousuke's nurse gushed after dragging him away from Hinasaki and into the Game Room. He didn't quite understand her fascination with making him do these ridiculous activities that seemingly had no point, but for now he'd follow her lead. He didn't want to be sedated again, not when he had a ( Read more... )

rhode, kenren, qui-gon jinn, bella, xigbar, peter petrelli, reid, vlad, heiderich, scar, zex, angel, sai, leon magnus, zelnick, peter parker, edward cullen, max, sousuke, nathan petrelli, rena, scar (tlk), captain jack

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Comments 217

damnrudecock April 11 2008, 14:31:20 UTC
Yeah, Pinky and the gang were all about making friends. At least she let Sano change first before she shoved him into the room, and practically at some stranger.

"See, how here's a nice young man, just about your age. And he already has some cards! You two can play all sorts of fun games."

The nurse was off in a flash, leaving Sanosuke to pick a lingering piece of cheese from his hair. He flicked it off, then looked down at the very confused guy in front of him with a grin.

"They tell you to get to know people too?" Sanosuke dropped down onto the couch next to him. "Name's Sagara Sanosuke."


uruz_vii April 11 2008, 14:47:44 UTC
This was an appropriate moment to use an internal expletive, wasn't it?

The very man that Sousuke had just been talking with on the board about his name was now in front of him. What was the appropriate course of action, he wondered? Nothing that immediately came to mind. All those things included a hasty retreat.

"Yes, my nurse told me to get to know people. She seems concerned that my demeanor is not welcoming enough, and is compromising my ability to make friends." He swallowed, "It's nice to meet you..."

He didn't give his name.


damnrudecock April 12 2008, 00:53:58 UTC
Sanosuke raised an eyebrow at the guy as he prattled off about his demeanor this and ability that. "Sounds like whoever she is, she's probably right." Though why the nurses were so concerned about the supposed crazy people getting along was beyond the fighter. Pinky hadn't given Sano any specifics when it came to reasons, but the man figured he was okay at getting a long with people. At least for the most part.

"You should relax if you want to make friends. Don't look so nervous." Always blunt, Sanosuke shook his head at the guy next to him. Looked about ready to leap up and run away, and that was hardly inviting. Unless he was looking for pity. "Also helps if you give your name to people, especially when they tell you theirs. It's polite."

Not that Sanosuke was a person to be talking about being polite. But it couldn't hurt to give the guy a tip or two, right?


uruz_vii April 12 2008, 02:20:42 UTC
"Uh... yes," Sousuke finally said, not sure how to respond to the rest of Sanosuke's talk. All he heard, as loud as any Savage's machine gun, was 'give your name to people, especially when they tell you theirs'. Chidori had said the same thing too, hadn't she? He was trapped, at this point. He had to say something...

"Apologies," Sousuke set down the cards, leaving his hands free... just in case. "We spoke earlier on the bulletin board. I am Sagara Sousuke."

His shoulders tensed, waiting for the reaction.


killing_suzie April 11 2008, 16:23:12 UTC
Captain Jack was in a good mood, as always, after lunch. He liked being around nice people that liked talking and had interesting things to share. Though he admittedly also liked grumpy bastards, because they were fun to tease. Really, he liked anyone as long as they weren't boring.

He thought about bugging Sousuke, he of the cute butt, but decided not to interrupt the conversation he was having with the other cutie quite yet. Smiling to himself, he acquired a deck of cards and started shuffling them. It never hurt to keep the fingers limber.


blurred_divide April 11 2008, 19:12:36 UTC
Angel would've preferred some time spent alone--he didn't think he'd ever gone a full twenty-four hours continuously interacting with various strangers before and he had so much on his mind right now on top of that--but his nurse seemed to have other ideas and steered him directly towards another patient.

Resigned, he sat down and gave the man a brief polite smile.


killing_suzie April 11 2008, 23:38:04 UTC
Jack would have preferred a willing conversation partner, but no need to be picky. And who knew, interesting things could start from such meetings if one played the cards right.

He flipped the deck over one hand and shuffled it again, hands moving smoothly as he spoke. "Guess she thought we were both lonely," he said, offering the man a shining smile. "So hopefully you play well with others? I'm guessing you're fairly new, since I don't remember seeing you around. I'm Captain Jack Harkness. What's your name?"


blurred_divide April 12 2008, 01:35:48 UTC
The man was overwhelmingly friendly compared to some of the others. It was admittedly a nice change, really, and hard not to respond to. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to see if he could find out more information.

"Angel," he replied, holding out his hand. He paused. "Captain. Can I ask what of?"


clockworkblond April 11 2008, 16:44:00 UTC
((Waiting for Miku))

Alfons was still worried about Miku. He knew that he shouldn't be, of course; that she was all right and she had someone to protect her now. But, at the same time... she'd looked so hurt, and Sousuke had reacted so badly...

The German frowned as he paced the length of the room, knowing that he should get something to prove that he belonged there, but at the same time, waiting for Miku to show up. And if that didn't happen, he'd search in the Sun Room. There were questions that definitely needed answers.


rope_victim April 12 2008, 05:57:15 UTC
Miku had tried to rest. She really had. But, even armed with a ball of fluff and some happy thoughts, sleep didn't come. She'd laid there with her eyes closed for a long while until it struck her that nothing was getting done. Sleep wasn't coming, nor were restful thoughts.

So, Miku tottered into the Game Room, her other choice of entertainment for the day, and came up behind Alfons. Sousuke, off in the corner with another man, looked fairly nervous. Miku hoped that the other person was bothering him, it would be annoying to deal with and work through later.

She touched her friend's shoulder and murmured. "Alfons-kun?"


clockworkblond April 12 2008, 20:10:35 UTC
Poor Miku looked exhausted to the German's eyes. Had she not gotten any sleep at all? The boy swallowed nervously and rested his own hand on her shoulder, concern evident in his blue eyes. "Miku... you don't look so well. Would you like to go to the sun room and take a nap there?"

Despite the questions he had, he felt like Miku had to be protected first. And after the rough night she'd had, she needed as much rest as she could get, right? Right! Of course! So his questions could wait for now!


captain_hunam April 11 2008, 16:52:22 UTC
[Free for the chatting~]

Zelnick let himself be led into the game room-- which, unlike the food, wasn't nearly as nice as what he was used to. It was still mostly empty, and while he supposed he could play solitaire or chess against himself he didn't really feel like it, so he sat on a couch and began drawing up the sketches he had promised for ZEX-- merely wasting time, he supposed, but he hadn't agreed to meet anyone after lunch. Or at least, he didn't think he had. So a drawing it was...

The Slylandro took form under his pen, notes forming around them as he remembered some detail or other.


tsunagari April 11 2008, 22:17:12 UTC
Sai had spent the afternoon meal in quiet contemplation, not a bad change from the throwing back and forth of ideas that had taken up the first two shifts of the day. He allowed a nurse to lead him quietly to the game room afterwards, as one room was as good as another to him at the moment. He had no plans.

This changed, however, when he spotted a somewhat familiar face off to himself. It was a good enough opportunity that the ninja decided not to pass it up, heading the Captain's way purposefully.

"You're from last night," he stated calmly once he was standing in front of the other man.


captain_hunam April 12 2008, 00:06:17 UTC
Zelnick started a bit when Sai spoke, having been fairly absorbed in what he was doing. When he looked up and saw who it was, though, he smiled friendlily and greeted him, "Sai. Have a seat, or something." He waved his journal at the length of unoccupied couch. "Did you want to talk?"

The kid had seemed pretty suspicious of him and ZEX the night before (and, well, today on the bulletin as well-- he'd have to be more careful of how he wrote stuff), but that didn't mean that they couldn't be perfectly good allies.


tsunagari April 12 2008, 01:47:44 UTC
"I did." The ninja seated himself as asked, turned slightly to better speak with Zelnick. "I need to know your full intentions. My friend was vulnerable yesterday. I don't want to think that anyone took advantage of him during this time." The Captain appeared to be a reasonable person and Sai didn't think there would be much to worry about, but he felt that checking up on him again was an important measure.

"I don't believe you did," Sai made sure to add out loud. "But a little information on your motives would help me come to a more solid conclusion."


fly_petrelli April 11 2008, 19:33:02 UTC
[Waiting of Pete and Max]

Thankfully, he'd been able to eat his lunch in peace. With the next shift looming before bedtime for all the crazies, Nathan thought it would be best to try and find his brother to hopefully develop some sort of plan for the evening. They hadn't gotten anywhere the previous night, and he'd be damned if he just rolled over and let this Landel jackass do whatever he wanted without a fight.

On the look out for Peter, Nathan decided to try to Game Room first. When he couldn't pick his brother out of the fairly small crowd gathered already, he took a seat without bothering to pick up a game or anything. With any lucky, Pete would be looking for him too. If he kept moving around, neither of them would be able to find each other.


human_sponge April 11 2008, 20:19:40 UTC
When it came to having to decide between two rooms for the shift, Peter found a hard time deciding where to go (mainly because he didn't know which one Nathan would pick). Figuring that he hadn't seen the "Game Room" yet, he opted to head there. He had already slept in the Sun Room earlier in the day, after all ( ... )


transgenix April 12 2008, 16:38:07 UTC
Max was happily full from lunch, and the interlude with Dean had put her in a good mood. Hands were tucked casually in her robe pockets as she sauntered into the game room after leaving the cafeteria.

Glancing around for a familiar face, she spotted the two males from the night before - Peter and his brother. The latter, luckily, was conscious once more, and after a moment of silent debate, she headed in their direction.

"Well, you two look like you're in better shape," she spoke in greeting, walking up behind Peter with a crooked smile.


fly_petrelli April 12 2008, 17:56:05 UTC
"Kinda weird is an understatement," Nathan remarked, probably not showing that he was actually pretty relieved Peter had found him so quickly. He leaned back, no longer finding a need to pay such close attention to who came and went. There was a lot to talk about, mostly in the realm of what they could do to actually make some real progress tonight, but Nathan also felt some sort of nagging concern in the back of his mind to ask how Pete was doing. Apparently, he'd taken one hell of a beating the night before, and, contrary to popular belief, the older brother did have a conscience, especially when it came to taking care of family ( ... )


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